OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
Starfire@Database:~$ ./EnterPersonalDatabase
Password: *******
root@Database:~$ ./Authorised
William Storgen, welcome to Nekhbet Internal Database. Input login and password for authorization:
Login: S T A R F I R E
Password: *******
(Administrative Access)
For recent years Order intelligence receives confirmation of increasing Nomad activity in Black zone as known as Quarantine Zone that includes 3 star systems: Omicron Major, Omicron Psi and Omicron Iota. Besides, there weren't enough combat units to maintain Omicron Minor protection and then, Order homeworld in Omicron Mu. In later 826th, The Order Overwatch decided to expand its war potential and started to build new "Osiris"-class warship.
Battleship Nekhbet is one of the latest Order developments that has been chosen to serve as defence hub within deep Omicrons.
With lack of external defence lines beyond Omicron Mu and Omicron Epsilon, new battleship has called to fulfill his main tasks:
Primary:- Providing safe passage for Order allies within Omicron Minor, well-known due to its dense and impenetrable nebula.
- Enhancing Order space borders over a neighbored area, including Quarantine Area.
Secondary: - An instant force replacement and emergency evacuation. Vessel requires something to move himself on large distance quickly and Jump Drive might be a solid decision. Useful in case of dire situations, when battleship can be surrounded by multiple hostiles. Nothing can be excluded, especially near functional Alien Jump Gate.
- Deep surveillance. Likewise OCV Mafdet, battleship equipped with effective Spyglass radar complex that able to exceed observation abilities and warn closest stations long before hostiles may breach defence line.
- Combat multi-task. Carthage engineers constructed very adaptive mount platforms allow to initiate quick weapon replacement and re-prepare vessel for rapidly changing situations.
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
1. Basic Information
Visual appearance:
Ship class: CV-1 "Osiris"-class Battleship
General Information:
Osiris-class Battleship entry Wrote:Osiris-class
Length:------ 800 meters
Weight:------ 300.000 tonnes
Propulsion:-- 1x Osiris drive
Deployment:-- Up to 6 years.
Complement:-- Up to 350 crewmember
Armament:---- 8 secondary turrets
------------- 5 primary turrets
------------- 2 artillery turret
Carrier cap:- 16 snubs
Auxiliary equipment:--- Wide-range Cloak Disruptor Mk III, Jump Drive Module 3rd modification, Docking Bay Extension
The first capital vessel ever to serve the Order, the Osiris-Class battleship is the most versatile vessel in the entire fleet. Called a "pocket battleship" due to it's size, the Osiris possesses impressive firepower on par with a Liberty Dreadnought, and in it's current life of service has already downed a few. Able to use it's size and frame to avoid incoming fire, the Osiris is only used when the heaviest of firepower is needed, or when a mobile base is required.
The original Osiris exists to this day, faithfully serving the primary fleet. The LNS (now OCV) Osiris was taken by Orillion and his men at the dawn of the Nomad war. The stealth capability of the original and its copies is to be never to be taken lightly.
Commander: William Edward Storgen.
Rank: Commodore, The Order High Command
File: "Personal Dossier"
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
2. Tactical Information
2.1. Nekhbet squadron
Every single large capital ship must have fighter squadron to organize its defence, interception, and patrols to extend battlegroup's visibility. Battleship Nekhbet has 4 echelons with different roles to resolve tasks:
- Echelon Alpha - battleship's guard
- Echelon Bravo - heavy fire support
- Echelon Charlie - patrols and surveillance
- Echelon Delta - battleship's guard
Alpha |
Bravo |
Charlie |
Delta |
2.2. Special equipment
Wide-range Cloak Disruptor Mk III
Document #3 Wrote:
This disruptor module works on a similar technology to the Cloaking Devices it has been designed to nullify. It emits a broad-spectrum electromagnetic which, while harmless to shielded vessels, overloads and collapses the masking field of a cloaked ship. The pulse is omni-directoral, and so should be used when the operator suspects a cloaked vessel is in close proximity. Modification III is large-sized module originally designed for largest vessels, especially Carriers, Battleships and Dreadnoughts.
When this is a similar technology to the known Cloaking Device, module require the same energy capacitors to be able to activate device when it's needed.
Necessity of device presense is Nomads or infected agents sneak attack preventation. Since most of them are equipped with organic or appropriate hybridized cloaking device, task to disrupt their actions becomes to be important. Cloak Disruptor has designed to complete this.
Jump Drive Module 3rd modification
Document #4 Wrote:
Hyperspace Jump Drive Module creates a wormhole to move a ship between two points in Einsteinian space in an immeasurably small time. Care must be taken the destination coordinates have been aduquately surveyed or the ship may jump randomly into gravuty point space.
This module has an integrated multi-mode fusion powerplant that can run on specialized fuel cells, mostly based on MOX tablets or H-Fuel cells. Unlike 4th modification, used by most of well-equipped Order warships to deploy small fleets instantly, current model summoned to relocate, deploy or evacuate vessel by itself in enormously short time. According to engineering reports, module has ability to jump large vessel in approximately 30 seconds, but requires massive amount of fuel cells.
2.3. Termination List
This section contains every person or organization, which has been spotted as nomad supporter, sympathizers, suspected persons and confirmed infected agents. - Suspected means you haven't solid proof of his infestation, but he might have broken identification, cannot be found in other databases, uses Order technology without Overwatch approval, spotted and escaped from Quarantine Area or participated in actions against The Order.
- Confirmed means you have an unquestionable proof target is infectee or sympathizer. Carrying hybridized tech (not adapted) is also the fact you faced the Nomad agent. They all deserved to get erased from existence.
Suspected: Cendre'IAoi
Identification: Cendre'|Aoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Lynx" Gallic Royal VHF
Status: Alive
Gallic unidentified fighter participated in combat near Freeport 11 against The Order and Gallic Confederal ships 08-02-827 on the Nomads side (helped Nomad warforms along with the known infected person. Self-explanatory).
Recommendation: Arrest, investigate, otherwise Terminate.
Suspected: BastardoIAoi
Identification: Bastardo|Aoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Nephthys" Order VHF
Status: Unknown
Order unidentified fighter participated in combat near Freeport 11 against The Order and Gallic Confederal ships 08-02-827 on the Nomads side (helped Nomad warforms along with the known infected person. Self-explanatory). Might be a rebel with stolen Order tech or infiltrator. Information based on Lt. Eliza Fischer's report.
Recommendation: Arrest or Terminate.
Suspected: Fuli-7IAoi
Identification: Fuji-7|Aoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unidentified vessel participated in combat near Freeport 11 against The Order and Gallic Confederal ships 08-02-827 on the Nomads side (helped Nomad warforms along with the known infected person. Self-explanatory). Information based on Lt. Eliza Fischer's report.
Recommendation: Arrest, Investigate, otherwise Terminate.
Suspected: Solitario
Identification: Solitario
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Titan" Corsair VHF
Status: Disabled
Corsair vessel breached Quarantine Zone, tried to interrupt Order patrol and demanded nomad remains acting as Order agent. Ship was severely damaged by Eliza Fischer. Odd person.
Recommendation: Investigate.
Suspected: KazadorIAoi
Identification: KazadorIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Sabre" BW Series VHF
Status: Unknown
One of unknown vessels who tried to disrupt Nauru Orbital Defence siege during period 10-02 - 16-02 827. Worked along with Nomads and, sometimes, was fighting even Core vessels.
Recommendation: Arrest, otherwise Terminate.
Suspected: TenguIAoi
Identification: TenguIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
One of unknown vessels who tried to disrupt Nauru Orbital Defence siege during period 10-02 - 16-02 827. Worked along with Nomads and, sometimes, was fighting even Core vessels.
Recommendation: Arrest, otherwise Terminate.
Suspected: Aoi Kunieda
Identifications: Aoi.Kunieda | KuchisakeIAoi
Owner: Aoi Kunieda
Ship in use: "Nephthys" Order VHF
Status: Alive
Alisa Tereshkova sent a report with a meeting very odd Order agent and I decide to know more about person named Aoi Kunieda. Here this info provided by Grand Admiral itself:
The Aoi Kunieda, veteran Blood Dragon prior joining The Order circa 819. Known call signs include ‘Red Tail’ and ‘Gantai’. I would like to notify you that despite the image Tereshkova may have, Kunieda is actually a female. It is true that she has served in the Officer cadres in The Order Overwatch, though the rank is incorrect. Agent Kunieda has been charged with unlawfully relaying classified information to personnel not in possession of suitable level of clearance. She was therefore demoted and re-assigned to a position where she could not do any more damage. An old Terran saying “Loose lips sink ships” comes to mind.
She has since then resigned - to put it mildly - over her grievances with The Order Overwatch leadership and in year 824 A.S. attempted to launch Cell named “Providence”; A taskforce walking extremely thin line between loyalty and treason. Modus operandi involved spreading anti-Overwatch propaganda and recruiting disillusioned agents to their ranks. The initiative has notably failed in its tracks and this political subfaction never gained significant numbers or traction. Self-proclaimed director Kunieda disappeared from public view. Missing as of 825… until today.
Recommendation: Arrest, otherwise Terminate.
Suspected: Fuji-3IAoi
Identification: Fuji-3IAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
One of unknown vessels who tried to disrupt Nauru Orbital Defence siege during period 10-02 - 16-02 827. Worked along with Nomads and, sometimes, was fighting even Core vessels.
Recommendation: Arrest, otherwise Terminate.
Suspected: Atar
Identification: Atar
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Marlin" Core VHF
Status: Alive
For the first I thought this is The Core ship lurking around Omicron Iota jumpgates, but after we realized he was helping infected agent Romanov, I and Flatsthaw have decided to erase both ships. Scans were more odd than I expected, he or it used emitters those aren't compatible to standard human ships. Unfortunately, increased numbers of nomads enforced us to leave a target.
Recommendation: Terminate.
Suspected: Sekai-7IAoi
Identification: Sekai-7IAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
One of unknown vessels who tried to disrupt Nauru Orbital Defence siege during period 10-02 - 16-02 827. Worked along with Nomads and, sometimes, was fighting even Core vessels. Regarding its name and confirmation one of them carries hybrid technology, "Sekai" might be an infected squadron.
Recommendation: Investigate, Terminate if needed.
Infected agents, groups and Sympathizers
Infected group: D9
Identification: D9I
Type: Organisation
Ship in use: Prefers Liberty shipline
Status: Unknown
There is not much data on D9 available so far. Jimmy O'Brian of FL-ER told me D9 are mostly infected agents, probably from Liberty according to the crazy nonsense they say before they engage. We found at least three of their agents in Omicron Iota during the expedition of Core and Order into the nomad controlled worlds.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Looks like a Liberty infected cell. Of course, there were rumors, but I hadn't solid facts about their existence before. Well, every "D9" person should be shot on sight with no mercy. We must be careful with Libertonians in Omicrons.
Information based on caught Apahanta's database.
~William Storgen
Sympathetic group: The Commune project
Identification: The Commune
Type: Organisation
Ships in use: Different
Status: Active
Lead by Jared Nomak, according to Joshua Hunt, the Commune Project is a cult that assists the nomads. We had two encounters with them so far. One in Omicron Iota, were Jared Nomak revealed to be a nomad supporter and in Chester, where one of their pilots attempted to intercept our research group. However, exiting the Jump Hole in Dublin, the pilot turned silent, facing a pirate, two Mollys, the Apahanta and the rest of our group. I don't know why, but the Commune pilot changed his mind and headed back to Chester while we paid the pirate to leave us alone.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Apahanta's video records. Most part is redacted
Information based on caught Apahanta's database.
Infected: Sekai-1IAoi
Identification: Sekai-1IAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Umibozu" Kusari Bomber
Status: Unknown
One of unknown vessels who tried to disrupt Nauru Orbital Defence siege during period 10-02 - 16-02 827. Worked along with Nomads and, sometimes, was fighting even Core vessels. Regarding its name and hybrid tech confirmation, "Sekai" might be an infected squadron.
Infected: BeausoleilIAoi
Identification: BeausoleilIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Sunbeam" Gallic Civilian VHF
Status: Unknown
One of unknown vessels who tried to disrupt Nauru Orbital Defence siege during period 10-02 - 16-02 827. Worked along with Nomads and, sometimes, was fighting even Core vessels. Regarding its name and confirmation, "Sekai" might be an infected squadron.
Infected: Enma Loyola
Identifications: Enma.Loyola | Loyola|Aoi | Emmeleia|Aoi | LG|Enma.Loyola
Owner: Enma Loyola
Ship in use: "Sabre" BW Series VHF
Status: Alive
Enma Loyola is a well known Maltese activist, both political and military. A tall woman. She once was on my home ship for a dinner, however, she didn't eat a single bite and just drank some of the wine, waiting for the business to be done.
~Ezrael Vertiga
I add from myself, she is absolutely fanatic person and ex-Core Guildmaster that means Loyola is a dangerous person and should be marked as priority target.
Information based on caught Apahanta's database. Evidence 1. Evidence 2.
~William Storgen
Sympathizer: RV-Pennybrooke
Identification: RV-Pennybrooke
Owner: Katherine Pennybrooke
Ship in use: Kusari Explorer-class Gunboat
Status: Unknown
I can't add nothing but she "loves" Nomad entity named "Melia" if data is correct and tried to confuse Order agents with calling someone a sympathizer.
Evidence 1. Evidence 2.
Sympathizer: Forlorn|-Ruby.Hydra
Identifications: Forlorn|-Ruby.Hydra | Ruby.Hydra
Owner: Ruby Hydra
Ship in use: "Sabre" BW series VHF
Status: Alive
A Freelancer participated in combat near Freeport 11 against The Order and Gallic Confederal ships 08-02-827 on the Nomads side (helped Nomad warforms along with the known infected person. Self-explanatory). Information based on Lt. Eliza Fischer's report.
Until this moment I didn't know who or what exactly was that. Loyola's public blog explains everything. I am not sure about the entire Forlorn Hope organization, but its members seem to get fallen to Nomad's influence.
~William Storgen.
Evidence 1. Evidence 2.
Infected: Sapphire Raven
Identifications: Sapphire.Raven | A/-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith
Owner: Sapphire Raven
Ship in use: "Bullhead"-class APM Battlecruiser named "Eidolon Wraith"
Status: Unknown
Ex-Core, now Auxesian Guildmaster, a person lives in shadows somewhere in central Sirius, far away from the Core. I am not sure, how long it's been, but I understand it could be a reason why Auxesia battlegroup split from the rest of Core organisation.
Infected: D9IForgiven
Identification: D9IForgiven
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Guardian" Liberty VHF
Status: Unknown
Forgiven was one of the infected ships that engaged the Order forces during a bigger fight of humans versus nomads in Omicron Delta at December 12th, 823. While it would be no biggie if a Liberty ship engages the Order, it's a strange thing to have that happen in the Omicrons, along with a Scorpion Gunboat of the Wild. Especially when there is a huge nomad ship in the same area, which caused everyone else to team up against it.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: D9ICharm
Identification: D9ICharm
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Avenger" Liberty VHF
Status: Unknown
Charm is an obviously infected or indoctrinated Liberty Security Force agent. The Apahanta encountered this one already months ago, when my ship was part of an Order-Core task force entering Omicron Iota, before the Great Ion Storm of 823. Charm was one of the infected entities, babbling nonsense before and during their assault on our ships, together with nomads of all sizes.
Now, it seems Charm has a new hunting area. Very concerning. In Coronado, it still claimed to be an LSF agent. We have that on record, and it fought together with alien forces against the Crayterians and a Bounty Hunter.
~Ezrael Vertiga
This time it looks serious and maybe I should report about obvious LSF infestation to The Overwatch. Having infectee inside Liberty agency is too far from normal situation. Despite information is a bit outdated, I should be grateful to Vertiga for this.
Information based on Apahanta's database.
~William Storgen.
Evidence. [07:03-07:16 - hybrid tech confirmation].
Infected: D9IT-Rex
Identification: D9IT-Rex
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
The Apahanta encountered this one in Omicron Iota, together with a fleet of nomads and infected ships. No further information available yet.
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: D9IWitch.Hunter
Identification: D9IWitch.Hunter
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
The Apahanta encountered this one in Omicron Iota, together with a fleet of nomads and infected ships. No further information available yet.
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: Jared Nomak
Identification: Jared.Nomak
Owner: Jared Nomak
Ship in use: "Sabre" BW series VHF
Status: Unknown
Leader of the Commune Project, ex Sammarran Raider, cheeky bastard. We found him in Omicron Delta for the first time, where he was in a battle with a Freelancer Corvo. We solved the situation peacefully. He said he just was a tourist - something the most people visiting Delta claim to be. Some weeks later, we found him when we did another exploration run into the nomad systems, at Omicron-99, right at the nomad lair there. He followed the Apahanta to Omicron Major, where he and a nomad bomber tried to take us down but failed in doing so. Short time later in Omicron Lost, he tried to make PRIME units to attack the Apahanta, but they didn't listen to him.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence. {08:02-26:40} [10:08 - hybrid tech confirmation].
Infected: MendezIAoi
Identification: MendezIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Roc" Civilian Bomber
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
If I remember correctly, I saw that familiar ship and that was a small aggressive bomber. Apahanta just confirmes it once again.
~William Storgen
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: OtousanIAoi
Identification: OtousanIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Sabre" BW series VHF
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: ShikyoIAoi
Identification: ShikyoIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: KuzunohaIAoi
Identification: KuzunohaIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: RevenantIAoi
Identification: RevenantIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Cougar" Gallic Royal Bomber
Status: Unknown
Revenant was one of the infected ships that engaged the Order forces during a bigger fight of humans versus nomads in Omicron Delta at December 12th, 823. A Gallic ship, tagging along with Liberty, Kusari and a Wild Gunboat to bring down the Order? Especially when there is a huge nomad ship in the same area, which caused everyone else to team up against it. Self-explanatory.
~Ezrael Vertiga
This is not the first case of seeing Gallic ships fighting on Nomads. Regarding the fact of another Gallic vessel named Cendre and Vertiga's information, I can presume, Royal Gallia and current Royal Enclave have infiltrators. I must inform Pierre Vaillant about this.
~William Storgen
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: WeltschmerzIAoi
Identification: WeltschmerzIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: Fuji-2IAoi
Identification: Fuji-2IAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Roc" Civilian Bomber
Status: Unknown
Fuji-2 was one of the infected ships that engaged the Order forces during a bigger fight of humans versus nomads in Omicron Delta at December 12th, 823. A Roc Bomber, tagging along with Liberty, Gallic, Kusari and a Wild Gunboat to bring down the Order? Especially when there is a huge nomad ship in the same area, which caused everyone else to team up against it. Self-explanatory.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: SoburinIAoi
Identification: SoburinIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Roc" Civilian Bomber
Status: Unknown
Soburin was one of the infected ships that engaged the Order forces during a bigger fight of humans versus nomads in Omicron Delta at December 12th, 823. A Kusarian ship, tagging along with Liberty, Gallic and a Wild Gunboat to bring down the Order? Especially when there is a huge nomad ship in the same area, which caused everyone else to team up against it. Self-explanatory.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: ASV-DurhamIAoi
Identification: ASV-DurhamIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: ReikiIAoi
Identification: ReikiIAoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Scorpion Gunboat
Status: Unknown
Scorpion Gunboat. Self-explanatory
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Infected: Wilde.Entwicklung
Identification: Wilde.Entwicklung
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {39:43-47:32}
Infected: Wilde.Leuchtfeuer
Identification: Wilde.Leuchtfeuer
Owner: Agent Frank
Ship in use: "Wraith" Rheinland VHF
Status: Unknown
The most talkative Wilde agent I've encountered so far. We had some interesting talks, records of it are to find below. He was a Daumann slave worker before he was infected forcefully. This one is probably the best chance to learn more about Das Wilde and the nomads, however, I'm pretty sure he's lying now and then. Caution.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Very interesting. Vertiga has a ton of records of this, but, unfortunately, some parts are corrupted. Even with that I have a chance to research infectees behavior and use it against them.
~William Storgen
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence 1. Evidence 2 {1:00:02-1:57:52}
Infected: Wilde.Treue
Identification: Wilde.Treue
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Unknown human asset assisting nomad forces during conflicts in the Omicrons.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {39:43-47:32}
Infected: Wilde.RNC-Wolf
Identification: Wilde.RNC-Wolf
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Oder"-class Rheinland Gunboat
Status: Unknown
The Apahanta encountered the Wolf when Thallia Thorn of the IRG called us for help in Omicron Delta. The Captain didn't reveal anything but knowing my name instantly when the Apahanta decloaked at the Nomad Azurite Generator. The Wolf was leering at the IRG assets extracting Azurite gas from the generator. I guess without the Apahanta, that could have gone bad for IRG. Later, when IRG was in the defense perimeter of Freeport 11, additional potentially infected vessels arrived at the Freeport, however, not getting close enough to be harmful. Luckily.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {11:21-45:31} [16:58 - Hybrid tech confirmation]
Infected: D9|Leopard
Identification: D9|Leopard
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Guardian" Liberty VHF
Status: Unknown
This vessel hasn't been added to the database, but was noticed on one of its records on "RNC-Wolf" side. Should I say more?
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {11:21-45:31} [31:07 - Leopard detection]
Infected: Wilde.RNC-Nestor
Identification: Wilde.RNC-Nestor
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Oder"-class Rheinland Gunboat
Status: Unknown
My first Wilde encounter. This particular unit tried to gather information about Core Guildmaster Eric Nodtviet as well as ex-Guildkeeper Sapphire Raven of the Battlegroup Auxesia. We now and then encountered the Nestor in Delta, where it acted suspiciously and finally revealing its motives.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {39:43-47:32}
Infected: Wilde.RNC-Heilige Eins
Identification: Wilde.RNC-Heilige Eins
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Donau"-class Rheinland Cruiser
Status: Disabled, possibly terminated
The Apahanta saw this one only once in Omicron Delta. Auxesia was fighting the Wilde and managed to bring this one down.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {39:43-47:32}
Infected: Seiryuu|Aoi
Identification: Seiryuu|Aoi
Owner: Unknown
Ship in use: "Komainu"-class Kusari Battlecruiser
Status: Unknown
The Apahanta had multiple encounters with this Kusari Battlecruiser, and all of them ended horrible for the human side. Our first encounter was in Omicron Delta, when nomads and infected assets raided the Freeport. Together with the Nergal-entity, they managed to heavily damage the Apahanta. The second encounter was in Omicron Iota during the Core-Order expedition there. The third encounter was in Omicron Delta during the Core-Zoner conflict, where the Apahanta managed to make it flee.
~Ezrael Vertiga
Information based on Apahanta's database.
Evidence {21:52-24:32}
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
3. Internal Thesaurus
3.1. Nekhbet's Armory
Nekhbet is a battleship and each warship must have the stuff to maintain defensive and assault actions. Due to adaptive and quick-changeable mounts, Nekhbet is capable to use different weaponry, even very specific for multipurpose.
"Herald" Order Light Battleship Turret
"Herald" Order Light Battleship Turret
Class: Battleship defence
Refire: 3.03
Effective range: 2000 m
Projectile velocity: 1500 m/s
Damage: Lesser (2950/1475)
Powercore influence: Minimal
Specifications: Heavy snubcraft, gunboats, light cruisers
Like most Order technology, this turret is based upon outdated Liberty designs that the Order stole when they took the original Osiris. Order technicians since then made their own improvements, implementing technologies gleaned from studies conducted in the Omicrons. This Light Battleship Turret is more powerful than the original Liberty design but requires more power to fire. It fires a steady stream of moderate damage projectiles, making this a good choice as a point defense weapon.
BF-Gen Battleship Flak Turret
BF-Gen Battleship Flak Turret
Class: Battleship defence
Refire: 1.00
Effective range: 1100 m
Projectile velocity: 425 m/s
Area of effect range: ~125 m
Damage: Less-middle (4550/2275)
Powercore influence: Decent
Specifications: Snubcraft, missile reflection
Basic flak turrets for capital ships are manufactured in different locations around Sirius. With a design similar to Liberty flak turrets, Basic turrets are cheaper and deal less damage, but have similar range and require less energy to fire than ordinary flak turrets. This example was produced and adapted for using on "Osiris"-class battleships.
"Khonsu" Assault Pulse Cannon
"Khonsu" Assault Pulse Cannon
Class: Battleship assault weaponry
Refire: 0.50
Effective range: 4500 m
Projectile velocity: 850 m/s
Shield damage: High (2100/45000)
Powercore influence: Normal
Specifications: Battleship shields
Capable of obliterating most shields in only a few hits, shockwaves fired by the Pulse Cannon do not hit the target shield from one side, like other weapons, but rather spread instantly around the whole shield surface and wear it out from all sides. This kind of weapon is absolutely effective to breach any energy shields of all types and no matter, how strong it is. Recommended using from the long range against large targets.
"Hasat" Battleship Pulse Barrager
"Hasat" Battleship Pulse Barrager
Class: Battleship assault weaponry
Refire: 3.03
Effective range: 4050 m
Projectile velocity: 900 m/s
Shield damage: Lesser (1000/8750)
Powercore influence: Minimal
Specifications: Cruiser and Battlecruiser shields
Based on recent Coalition developments Autopulse MK-81, salvaged from the abandoned LSF station in Alaska, "Hasat" is a great barrage tool that keeps smaller capital ships away from the battleship by suppressive fire with projectiles spreading that removes any chance to evade getting unshielded.
"Avatar" Assault Battleship Turret
"Avatar" Assault Battleship Turret
Class: Battleship assault weaponry
Refire: 2.00
Effective range: 3000 m
Projectile velocity: 800 m/s
Damage: Decent (11900/5950)
Powercore influence: Normal
Specifications: Light Battleships, less skilled heavy cruisers
Like most Order technology, this turret is based upon outdated Liberty designs that the Order stole when they took the original Osiris. Order technicians since then made their own improvements, implementing technologies gleaned from studies conducted in the Omicrons. This Main Battleship Turret is more powerful than the original Liberty design but requires more power to fire. It fires heavy damage dealing, slow moving projectiles and is most effective against slow or stationary targets.
2-BTT "Mehit" Advanced Defence Turret
2-BTT "Mehit" Advanced Defence Turret
Class: Battleship assault weaponry
Refire: 2.50
Effective range: 2000 m
Projectile velocity: 1500 m/s
Damage: Less-middle (5700/2850)
Powercore influence: Normal
Specifications: Gunboats, all-round cruisers, works better with "Herald" turrets
Based on specific Kusarian defence turret, salvaged from the abandoned LSF station in Alaska, "Mehit" is closely appointed to "Herald" light turrets, however, unlike mentioned "Herald", "Mehit" provides incredible firepower that makes shredding small capital ship easier than you can imagine. "Denwen" Battleship Artillery Turret
"Denwen" Battleship Artillery Turret
Class: Battleship heavy artillery
Refire: 0.67
Effective range: 3500 m
Projectile velocity: 700 m/s
Damage: High (60000/30000)
Powercore influence: Decent
Specifications: All-round Battleships
"Cerberus"-class heavy cannon been existing for a long time, but Houses started to develop a second generation of its kind of destructive weapon that means more range, different firepower-energy usage-speed ratio. "Hellbore" was a conventional standard of quality, but Order engineers have managed to adapt it by making "Denwen" - a modified version of 2nd Generation heavy turret.
"Anhur" Battleship Antimatter Erazer
"Anhur" Battleship Antimatter Erazer
Class: Battleship heavy artillery
Refire: 0.10
Effective range: 1600 m
Projectile velocity: 1600 m/s
Damage: Very high (280000/140000)
Powercore influence: Strong
Specifications: Snubcraft, Gunboats
"Anhur" is a modified version of well-known Battleship Razor, fires charges of antimatter encased by a powerful tachyon field for acceleration and stability. Antimatter deals unmatchable amounts of damage to the hull of the target ship if its shields are down. Getting close to a capital ship armed with that cannon has swiftly terminated the careers of many gunboat and bomber pilots. With the extremely low refire rate and high power requirements, it is used to violently vaporize small enemy ships before the pilots realize their mistake.
TL-45 Heavy Mortar
TL-45 Heavy Mortar
Class: Battleship heavy artillery
Refire: 0.05
Effective range: 5000 m
Projectile velocity: 800 m/s
Damage: Extreme (700000/350000)
Powercore influence: Ultimate
Specifications: All-round Battleships, sniping lesser Capital ships
The TL-45 "Heavy Mortar" owes its existence to the ever-present line of thinking that bigger is always better. After scaling the TL-25 "Mortar" down to fit comfortably on cruiser-class warships, ship designers realized that this left energy to be used at the higher end, with even the smallest of battleship armament capacitors losing only a quarter of their charge to a Mortar firing sequence. Thus was born the Heavy Mortar, a piece of overcharged artillery that uses twice the power and delivers twice the punch of a standard Mortar.
"Nekhbet" found him a wonderful use: shooting heavy battleships from a safe range and sniping gunboats or cruisers that leading to instant ripping opponent apart before he can say "Oops".
BGC "Meretseger" Battleship Long-range Cannon
BGC "Meretseger" Battleship Long-range Cannon
Class: Battleship heavy artillery
Refire: 0.50
Effective range: 4900 m
Projectile velocity: 700 m/s
Damage: Very high (105000/52500)
Powercore influence: Imposive
Specifications: Heavy Battleships
"Meretseger" is long-range artillery based on ancient Corsair's ambitious projects to create a very powerful cannon to exceed the most-known weapon's potential, but the project was phased out for some reason. The Core tried to utilize a couple of them during last stand for Toledo on one of their battlecruisers with unknown results and, eventually, the weapon was found by The Order patrol within Toledo Graveyard.
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
3.2. Codename Database
This section contains information about different salvaged, unusual or rare weaponry existed in Sirius ever. Data has been completely used from Apahanta's database.
Note: Nekhbet and Order itself have some similar prototypes, so I decided to correct their technical parameters.
After salvaging and scavenging many wreckages of various sizes, we have finished the procession of obtained data. A good amount of data contained information about "new" weaponry of factions all over Sirius. Partially, these mentioned weapons are outdated technologies, refit for the use on modern capital ships. Other technologies are of unknown origin and approach unconventional technologies with unconventional methods. The Apahanta's combat simulation program was fed with the new data and allowed us to visualize these new weapons.
Battleship Siege Cannon
RTB-1000 "Schwerer Gustav" In many cases, we found multiple names and codenames for the weapons. To keep things simple, we will refer to each weapon by their codename instead of their origin-related, sometimes rather hard to pronounce titles.
Light Fighter Codename Weaponry
- FEUERBALL Light Fighter Cannon
Very Heavy Fighter Codename Weaponry
- TDGWM5K Cannon
Cruiser Codename Weaponry
- Cruiser Blaster Turret
- Cruiser Ion Blaster
- Cruiser Mauler Turret
- Cruiser Repeater Turret
Battlecruiser Codename Weaponry
- Battlecruiser Breaker Turret
- Battlecruiser Particle Pulse Accelerator Cannon
Battleship Secondary Weaponry
- Battleship EMP Flak Turret
Battleship Primary Weaponry
- Battleship Autopulse Turret
- Battleship Dual Gatling Laser
- Battleship EMP Dissipation Field
- Battleship Sledge Turret
- Battleship Terminator Turret
- Battleship Thumper Turret
Battleship Heavy Weaponry
- Battleship Gale Cannon
- Battleship Heavy Ion Blaster
- Battleship Kinetic Turret
- Battleship Siege Turret
- Battleship Volley Cannon
FEUERBALL Light Fighter Heavy Overcharge Cannon
[size=8]This makes our Rovers actually combat-capable. The FEUERBALL is a slow-firing, massively overcharged plasma cannon developed by a small Rheinland engineering comparny, Kessler GmbH, on the basis of the widely used Flammenwerfer series in the late 790's. After the Nomad crisis, Kessler was forced to file for bankrupcy after producing only a few hundred of these weapons. Today, the few surviving examples are hard to come by and highly sought after - and we can rebuild them.
Class 6 Light Fighter Gun
Type Plasma
3150 Hull Damage
1575 Shield Damage
693 Energy consumed per shot
1.00 Refire
4.5455 Efficiency Rating
600M/s Speed
660M Range
Those things are constructed with rather hard to get materials. We will produce them only if really, really necessary. In the meantime, we can rely on the two sets we salvaged and the HAMMERFALL codenames sold at Freeport 11.
ACROBATIC Limited Edition Cannon
Looks nice. Is nice. Is expensive as hell. The ACROBATIC is a high-tech design loosely based on older Bounty Hunter technology. A limited production run was produced by Archeos, a Kusari consumer electronics company known for stylish but overpriced products. The small batch sold out before the first weapon was even delivered, and those still on the market command a hefty premium among collectors.
Class 8 Very Heavy Fighter Gun
Type Neutral
580 Hull Damage
290 Shield Damage
141 Energy consumed per shot
4.00 Refire
4.1135 Efficiency Rating
750M/s Speed
675M Range
If we get some, we should sell them, definitely.
SUPERSONIC Manual Aim High-Speed Photon Cannon
If one fires, all the others fire as well. Prototype photon cannon of unknown origin, firing low charge bolts at astonishing speed. This weapon is not compatible with standard targeting computers; it must be aimed manually.
Class 9 Very Heavy Fighter Gun
Type Photon
280 Hull Damage
140 Shield Damage
71 Energy consumed per shot
8.33 Refire
3.9437 Efficiency Rating
800M/s Speed
570M Range
We found a set of those at the [REDACTED] and sold them to a collector. Apparently, those guns are linking with each other. If one fires, all of the others fire as well. That is the only disadvantage.
TDGWM5K Pulse Cannon
Captain Vertiga calls it "The Mudskipper" for some reason. Prototype pulse weapon of non-human origin. The TDGWM5K gets its unwieldy name from a single decoded string in the weapon's designation code. It is a pulse weapon calibrated for very high refire rate, well beyond typical equivalents. Despite its mysterious origins, it is manufactured to be compatible with typical human hardpoints. We can recreate this thing using minerals of the Peloponnes Cloud.
Class 9 Very Heavy Fighter Gun
Type Pulse
20 Hull Damage
340 Shield Damage
89 Energy consumed per shot
8.33 Refire
3.8202 Efficiency Rating
750M/s Speed
600M Range
> Side note: - I think Mudskipper is a good name for a gun. Better than TDGWM5K. - Ezrael
THUNDERWAVE Neutral Super-Speed Cannon
Our teams are still on that one. At this point, there is no information available on this weapon other than the project name. The database of [REDACTED] shows pictures of the construction, however without a single written word. We could look into this, but so far we don't use fighters that could use those guns.
Class 9 Very Heavy Fighter Gun
Type Neutral
336 Hull Damage
168 Shield Damage
68 Energy consumed per shot
8.33 Refire
4.9412 Efficiency Rating
600M/s Speed
600M Range
We found two sets and sold them.
"Coup de Grace" Cruiser BLASTER Turret
Short range, quick refire.
The Cultists attacked the Cortez system in mid-February 825 and Captain Vertiga's girlfriend managed to loot one exemplar of those from the battlefield. It was one of two crates in her cargo bay that filled the entire hold. A Gallic prototype cruiser weapon, intended as a "finisher" on very close targets. The weapon has an impressive power output, high speed and quick refire, but lacks range compared to similar guns.
Cruiser Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
18.000 Hull Damage
9.000 Shield Damage
43.000 Energy consumed per shot
1.33 Refire
900M/s Speed
1.300M Range
Weird combination. Ships will rarely get close to a cruiser, and a cruiser will not get close to a battleship. There are better weapons of choice for cruiser-type ships. But hey, Gallia surely knows what they are doing.
Cruiser-scaled Heavy Ion Cannon
This unusual cruiser weapon is a development by the mysterious "Cult of Technology", and a very small number have been salvaged from their wreckages. The massive ion charge it fires neutralizes a target's power supply, draining huge amounts of energy from the ship's reactor. On a shielded vessel however, the neutralization will occur before affecting the ship's systems, making it suitable only against unprotected targets.
Cruiser Heavy Slot Turret
Type Ion
2 Hull Damage
? Shield Damage
500.000 Power Core reduction
250.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.03 Refire
1.500M/s Speed
1.800M Range
This weapon has a very long recharge time, but it does weaken the power core of the target, if it is unshielded, vehemently. This is good for capture operations or support. Otherwise, like the bigger counterpart, it is more of a wasted opportunity for other heavy slot-compatible weaponry.
We have no idea what WACISFN is supposed to mean.
MAULER Cruiser Turret
Cruiser-scaled GALE Cannon!
Very little information is available about this weapon, but it appears to be a cruiser equivalent of the Battleship GALE Cannon, which implies that it shares the backstory of that one. Which means not even those who found them know who made those. We however have the plans to build them ourselves now. Speed between Mortar and Heavy Mortar, range is more than two Ks and the damage is quite heavy. Pretty useful if we had a cruiser for those.
Cruiser Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
45.000 Hull Damage
22.500 Shield Damage
125.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.50 Refire
750M/s Speed
1800M Range
I'm sure people would pay well for those turrets. They are a good alternative to Light Mortars.
W+7754KT Cruiser REPEATER Turret
A Matchmaker
Rapid-fire cruiser weapon of unknown origin. This "Repeater" turret is an allrounder weapon, suitable for use against a wide range of targets. It is technologically closely related to other cruiser weaponry of its type, but calibrated for a much higher fire rate. With other words, whoever did this, knows how to tune-up weapons.
Cruiser Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
4.900 Hull Damage
2.450 Shield Damage
17.500 Energy consumed per shot
3.03 Refire
1.000M/s Speed
1.800M Range
Range is good enough to annoy battleships with it, while the speed is fast enough to hit gunboats if not even snubs. State of the art.
BREAKER Battlecruiser Turret
Nasty cannons.
Not much is known about those guys, but they are nasty. Other capitals need to be extremely careful if a battlecruiser with those is around.
Battlecruiser Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
30.000 Hull Damage
15.000 Shield Damage
95.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.67 Refire
800M/s Speed
2.750M Range
High range, high speed, constant pressure. We had an easy time dodging Light Mortars, but ships with those things will hit guaranteed and often. And heavy enough. This gun is made to fight capitals.
Battlecruiser Particle Pulse Accelerator Cannon
PPAC, or Battlecruiser Volley Cannnon
Captain Vertiga's girlfriend found one of those on the battlefield in Cortez during a Cultist Invasion and brought it to the Apahanta. This gun seems to be working similarly to the Battleship Volley Cannon the Cultists used against us in that very fight. We do have building plans for both the battlecruiser- and the battleship variant.
Battlecruiser Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
4x10.000 Hull Damage
4x20.000 Shield Damage
50.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.33 Refire
1.350M/s Speed
2.250M Range
Those things are incredibly powerful in melee, dealing massive damage, especially against shields. They are very inaccurate and work like a shotgun with spread. The closer you come, the more likely it is that your face will get blown off. Never allow a Volley Cannon or PPAC to get close to you. Never.
Battleship EMP Flak Turret
A good way to deshield snubs
Those were the first weapons we built ourselves in the Apahanta's workshop. The EMP Flak fires, compared to the normal Flak arrays, rather fast EMP payloads within a short-to-medium range. It is an effective tool to break snub piles and make them stay in the distance, giving our navigator more space for manouvers.
Battleship Secondary Slot Turret
Type EMP
2 Hull Damage
10.000 Shield Damage
320.000 Energy consumed per shot
1.00 Refire
600M/s Speed
1.000M Range
Combined with normal flaks, those things can cause mean AoE damage against snub groups and bombers. One or two are enough, though.
MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret
Spray and pray pulse pressure.[/align]
The MK-81 is a newly developed pulse-type weapon built by the Coalition. With enemies such as the Corsairs fielding many large warships, there was a need for a specialized weapon built specifically to take down heavy shielding on large targets. The MK-81 is not designed for precision shooting, but rather for creating a heavy barrage of powerful EMP fire, suppressing capital ships at long range.
Battleship Primary Slot Turret
Type EMP
1.000 Hull Damage
8.750 Shield Damage
36.650 Energy consumed per shot
3.03 Refire
900M/s Speed
4.050M Range
One or two of those guns might be a good investation against battleships and smaller capitals. Pressure is always a good thing.
Snub pilots will hate you - which is okay, though, since they die.
This new design is a cooperative effort between the Red Hessians and the Coalition. Unlike most other capital weaponry, it is actually based on fighter and freighter turrets, scaled up massively to create a very rapid fire laser turret to engage small ships. Although the individual shots are weak, the sheer volume of fire the double-barreled weapon provides makes it terrifyingly effective against any smaller craft threatening a red capital ship.
Battleship Primary Slot Turret
Type Neutral
2x1.200 Hull Damage
2x600 Shield Damage
12.000 Energy consumed per shot
6.67 Refire
2.000M/s Speed
1.800M Range
There is a Liberty Dreadnought somewhere using those monsters along with a full Solaris network and Razors. Captain Vertiga saw it demolishing a Rogue Scylla without troubles. Salty people downvoted his video on the neural net.
Short-range EMP Field.
Another unusual prototype of unknown, possibly non-human origin. This peculiar device functions by releasing massive EMP charges in a general area around the ship. Only a handful have been discovered, on a wrecked ship drifting in the Edge Worlds. The devices are likely developmental, although for what purpose they were created and by whom remains unknown.
Battleship Primary Slot Turret
Type EMP
400 Hull Damage
14.900 Shield Damage
5.000.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.04 Refire
Instant Speed
1.000M Range
We don't know yet whether this thing is able to destroy incoming warheads or anything, but it appears to be useful to damage snubs and gunboats within 1.000M around the device. The power consumption is high, which makes this weapon very situationally useful only.
RBT-84h SLEDGE Heavy Battleship Turret
Approach us and you will regret it.
Rheinland prototype battleship weapon which never advanced past early trials. The Sledge followes typical Rheinland trends: A very heavy, slow firing, high powered weapon suitable for the use on Rheinland's massive battleships, and optimal against targets of equal size. The trials were promising, but the project was expensive and ultimately deemed unnecessary with the end of the Liberty conflict. A few of the remaining prototypes had apparently gone missing and have since shown up in unexpected places. And we have built five of those monsters.
Battleship Primary Slot Turret
Type Neutral
38.000 Hull Damage
19.000 Shield Damage
100.000 Energy consumed per shot
1.00 Refire
675M/s Speed
2500M Range
They are evil. They destroy anything they hit and are a guarantee for us to always have enough distance to the enemy. Chainfiring those will allow us to keep constant pressure on hostile cruisers, battlecruisers and battleships, the latter two classes have been ripped apart by the Apahanta already.
> Side note: - Those guns are monsters. And they are on our side. - Ezrael
TERMINATOR Battleship Defense Turret
Anti-cruiser/gunboat space spears.
One of very few cooperative projects between Samura and Kishiro since the democratic coup, the TERMINATOR was developed at the government's request as a very high powered capital to deal with the Imperial's hit-and-run tactics. Although slower to fire than comparable weapons, the TERMINATOR carries incredible damage potential with only a few hits.
Battleship Primary Slot Turret
Type Neutral
5.700 Hull Damage
2.850 Shield Damage
37.000 Energy consumed per shot
2.50 Refire
1.500M/s Speed
1.500M Range
More powerful but slower variants of the Dual Gatling Lasers, mostly aimed at fighting gunboats and snubs. A good alternative to a Thumper-Gatling-Laser mix.
THUMPER Battleship Rapid-Fire Turret
Anti-Cruiser Weapon.
Very little is known about this weapon. Although it is clearly designed for the use on human capital vessels, its origins are unknown. The weapon has a high firing rate, optimized for the use against smaller targets - cruisers and gunboats.
Battleship Primary Slot Turret
Type Neutral
4.600 Hull Damage
4.300 Shield Damage
27.000 Energy consumed per shot
3.03 Refire
1.200M/s Speed
2.800M Range
A more cruiser-focused variant of the Terminator and the Dual Gatling Laser. It is a good allrounder, though.
RA-20 GALE Battleship Cannon
Heavy Hellbore Cannons.
The GALE is an ancient Corsair design, an ambitious project to create a weapon that is fast, powerful and has extensive range. The design succeeded in meeting these goals, but politics prevented it from entering production, as the family supporting the development of the now-universal RA-72 used their greater influence and wealth to suppress the GALE's adoption. The prototypes, dusty but functional, were recently rediscovered in a centuries-old abandoned warehouse on Crete.
Battleship Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
105.000 Hull Damage
52.500 Shield Damage
465.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.50 Refire
700M/s Speed
4.900M Range
Those would go well with the Sledges we have mounted, but then again, we have something better than this. Range isn't everything here.
Good against superfluous heavy slots and power cores. Yours included.
This unusual battleship weapon is a development by the mysterious "Cult of Technology", and a very small number have been salvaged from their wreckages. The massive ion charge it fires neutralizes a target's power supply, draining huge amounts of energy from the ship's reactor. On a shileded vessel however, the neutralization will occur before affecting the ship's systems, making it suitable only against unprotected targets.
Battleship Secondary Slot Turret
Type Ion
2 Hull Damage
? Shield Damage
2.000.000 Power Core Reduction
1.000.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.02 Refire
1.500M/s Speed
3990M Range
This thing is a waste of materials and we keep the blueprints only for the sake of selling it to other clients.
MB10a LEWIS Battleship KINETIC Cannon
[size=8]Double-barrel hull-focused high-speed long-range projectiles
The Lewis is an archaic design, a true projectile weapon, firing 240mm explosive shells in a double-barrel configuration not unlike the weapons found on naval warships of the Sol era. used heavily by Bretonia in the early centuries of colonization, these weapons were made obsolete by shield technology, which renders this type of weapon useless. Most Lewis cannons were destroyed, but a small number still remain in museums or forgotten armories. Against an unshielded target, they are still as effective as ever.
And the Apahanta uses two of those guns with success.
Battleship Heavy Slot Turret
Type Hullbuster
2x300.000 Hull Damage
2x150.000 Shield Damage
1.500.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.20 Refire
900M/s Speed
4.000M Range
Very reliable, not too weak against shields either. Good speed, double-barrel. Good choice for sure.
RBT-1000 "Schwerer Gustav" Battleship SIEGE Turret
[size=xx-small]For the removal of stations only.
An incredibly heavy, unwieldy weapon. This turret is Rheinland's answer to the problem of heavily fortified stations. It is a true siege weapon, useless against any moving target, but its ability to tear down fortifications is unparalleled even by the heavy Cerberus type. Some say it was designed for a Liberty invsation which never materialized, but whatever it purpose was, it was never used and only few exist today.
Battleship Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
2x45.000 Hull Damage
2x22.500 Shield Damage
50.000 Energy consumed per shot
0.56 Refire
200M/s Speed
3.600M Range
Double-barrel base remover cannons. They look nice but are too slow for anything useful.
VOLEE Battleship Cannon
Melee Shotgun Heavy
The Volee is a multi-shot, shotgun-type battleship defense weapon, designed to keep smaller ships away from the mighty Valor class. The Gallic capital ship doctrine focuses heavily on grand battleship warfleets, but the heavy, slow weaponry on these ships leaves them somewhat vulnerable to smaller, very close ships. The Volee was intended to alleviate this problem, but the doctrines have since changed to focus more on light support. Although a number of these weapons were produced, their fate is unknown.
Until the Cultists showed up with those. Unlike the similarly working PPAC Battlecruiser turret, the Volley Cannon is not ion-based, meaning the damage to shields is normal.
Battleship Heavy Slot Turret
Type Neutral
4x25.000 Hull Damage
4x12.500 Shield Damage
28.125 Energy consumed per shot
0.50 Refire
1.000M/s Speed
2.500M Range
Avoid getting close to these.
> Side note: - We better keep the blueprints for the construction of those monsters in separate documents. One is the key, one is the vault. - Ezrael
Note: We don't know yet who exactly is behind the refitting of those outdated weapons or who invented the other weapons of unknown origin. All of these have been found at the same source, on board of a stranded jump ship in [REDACTED]. Connections to the so called Defilers and the Cultists are possible, yet not confirmed.
Sherry Aguilar & Ezrael Vertiga
Commander and Captain of Battleship Apahanta
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
3.3. Omicron Delta Planetoid Ore
This section contains information planetoid ore exploration in Omicron Delta. Data has been completely used from Apahanta's database.
On request of Captain Ezrael Vertiga as well as with his support, we took a closer look at the new asteroid field in Omicron Delta. The asteroid field was spotted at 11-18-824 in the afternoon, sirian standard time, in Omicron Delta at grid coordinates B-2.
Public neural net info entry, 11-18-824 We'll start with the general data on the asteroid field.
- The new asteroid field is located at B-2 of the Omicron Delta system grid, on the plane. The field is elliptical, the radius from the center of the field ranging ~8K in x-width and ~6K in z-width while only ranging ~1K on the y-axis. The asteroid field is more of a flat disk. The central point of the field measures following distances to other cosmical bodies of the Omicron Delta system:
- Omicron Delta Medium Red: 36.1 K
- Omicron Delta Medium Blue: 93.8 K
- Planet Vaitupu: 37 K
- Planet Nauru: 90 K
- Planet Tuvalu: 96 K
- Freeport 11: 50.4 K
- Dabadoru Station: 70.2 K
- Yaren Base: 91.3 K
- Object Lichtenfelde Complex: ~45 K (Palau Ice Cloud Inaccuracy)
- Object Azurite Reactor: ~65 K (Palau Ice Cloud Inaccuracy)
- Omicron Lost Jump Hole: 13.9 K
- Omicron Chi Jump Hole: 48.7 K
- Omicron Minor Jump Hole: 70.6 K
- Omicron Rho Jump Hole: 84.4 K
- Omicron Kappa Jump Hole: 86.1 K
- Kiribati Asteroid Field Center: 74.1 K
- Palau Ice Cloud Center: ~59.0 K
Omicron Delta NavMap
- Asteroids often contain large clusters of pure ore, which is why they are so much more interesting to corporations for mining than planetary ore mining: It is less resource-intensive, costs less time and there is rarely environment to take care about. Usually, Omicron Delta is known for large Iridium deposits, both on Planet Nauru and in space. Over the years, the center of Iridium mining has shifted with the Omicron Delta Anomaly moving the most lucrative mining areas away from the plane. Today, only Nauru and the giant Iridium fragment in Omicron Lost are the most frequent used sources of Iridium, although there are remains of Iridium geodes in the Kiribati Asteroid Field, the Palau Ice Cloud, the Oreor Fragment Ring around Omicron Delta Medium Red as well as stray asteroids all around in the system, mostly far off-plane. Iridium Ore is known for attracting the so called Delta Anomaly Baryon (DAB), a red particle found everywhere in Delta. It can also be found in the Palau Ice Cloud and the Kiribati Asteroid Field, where it merges with local ice dust particles to change the color from red to purple.
Anomaly Particles visualisation
The interesting part about the new asteroid field is a complete lack of DABs within the field. This indicates both a complete lack of Iridium as part of the possibly found minerals within the field as well as the existence of an element that pushes the DABs away from the area.
- The bigger fragments are pretty interesting. They seem to react to the Omicron Delta Anomaly Background Radiation (BRAD), turning the surface partially more dark than the actual asteroid rocks are. When cutting or shooting parts off the bigger asteroids, the inner parts of the rock are clearly white, reflecting the purple ambient light of the system way stronger than the bigger fragments do. This indicates the presence of elements that react to non-harmful radiation (Omicron Delta's BRAD is declared non-harmful compared to other systems' BRADs, as for example the BRAD of the Omicron Kappa Anomaly.)
Debris rocks visualisation
- Close-ups of the bigger fragments show clearly various colors of different ores surfacing. Here we're coming to the interesting part.
Identified elements listed from common to rare:
- Titanium (inviting amounts)
- Niobium (inviting amounts)
- Plumbum (inviting amounts)
- Vanadium (mediocre amounts)
- Selenium (mediocre amounts)
- Carbon (minimal amounts)
- Fluor (minimal amounts)
- Aluminum (minimal amounts)
- Silicon (minimal amounts)
- Sulfur (minimal amounts)
- Chlorine (minimal amounts)
- Gallium (minimal amounts)
- Strontium (minimal amounts)
- Yttrium (minimal amounts)
- Platinum (minimal amounts)
Of course there are remains of other elements, for example simple iron, however there are more lucrative spots for mining those resources in Delta or other systems. Recommendations are to focus on mining operations regarding Titanium, Vanadium and Selenium, simply because the distance of other lucrative sources of those elements are far away from the Omicrons. Vanadium, for example, is usually imported from Gallia and they say people pay high prices for it on the black markets. Titanium is usually mined in Omega-3, mostly in the area around Sprague and even planetside. Selene however is usually mined all over Sirius without certain hotspots. This could be the first one, matter of factly, for a short time.
We only got our hands on so many samples. It is quite possible that there are more fragments with other clusters of minerals and elements. Depending on the political situation in Omicron Delta, it may or may not advisable to send more prospectors and mining ships to the asteroid field.
> Side note: We're not risking our ships to get shot down another time in Delta. This is only for bigger groups who can afford deploying a fleet to secure, prospect, mine and haul. We have other sources for resources. - Ezrael
Theory: At this point, we don't know clearly what happened, but from the looks and the facts we have so far it is sort of obvious a larger stray asteroid got attracted by Omicron Delta Medium Red and collided with a similarly sized asteroid. They broke apart and created this new field. This would be the first time we've been so 'close' to an event like this. This is something very interesting, given that the Omicron Delta Anomaly has unknown effects on the cosmical bodies of Delta. With other words, this is stuff for researchers to spend years with. What we definitely know: This is unrelated to any nomad activity, unrelated to the Daam K'vosh, Narcrahtite, Beam Weapons, Cultists or AJAX. Conclusion: Nothing we should waste our resources on.
Sherry Aguilar & Ezrael Vertiga
Commander and Captain of Battleship Apahanta
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020
RE: OCV Nekhbet Internal Database // WIP - Vitoniz30 - 03-23-2020