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Adrienne.Perry Special Roleplay Request - Printable Version

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Adrienne.Perry Special Roleplay Request - Stolt. - 04-11-2020

1. Forum name of the owner: @Stolt.

2. What exactly are you requesting?

- A Special Operative ID.
- No IFF

3. Exact name, identification and affiliation of the character:

Name: Adrienne.Perry
Identification/ID: Freelancer ID
Affiliation/IFF: Freelancer

4. Why is this request necessary for the continuation of this character's roleplay?

Adrienne Perry is an =LSF= character I made back in 2010. She was designed to be a relatable character so I made her a middle aged divorcee because that was super common to see during 2000-2010 in the USA. She has very normal backstory as well. The character ended up taking a life of its own. In 2013, she got promoted to the HC of the =LSF= (link) (John Major was another character of mine, I hadn't decided which character I wanted promoted to =LSF= HC at the time @Catbert made that post, eventually I picked Adrienne Perry).

In 2017, I returned to DiscoFL. At the time, none of the LSF groups (=LSF= and .404) appealed to me so I joined up with @Kaze and @Victor Steiner at what eventually became [SIS] Secret Intelligence Service, a BIS faction. Between 2017 and 2019, I was the second in command of [SIS] and contributed to RP's such as funding a new group of blood dragons since Bretonia and Kusari don't have the friendliest of relations after the Tau War. I also did things that intelligence analysts would do, such as write this report to the Bretonian government about the possibility of superweapons and its implications (this was made before I was informed the the Munich disaster was being retconned upon which my superweapon idea was based upon). Basically, my point is that I understand intelligence collection is more than just James Bond or Jason Bourne-styled spy action, sometimes it involved tedious research and analysis on government policy, anthropology and sociology.

This SRP is important because Adrienne Perry was in the =LSF= HC in 2013 and she used to be the 2IC of [SIS] until March 2019. Around that time, I decided to kill her off, but I changed my mind and after a few weeks, I decided to bring her back alive. In order to keep things interesting and explain what happened to her I made a story that she was a deep undercover LSF agent sent to Bretonia to help create the [SIS] so that the LSF would have an intelligence agency ally against Gallia. At the same time, she would also influence the [SIS] so that it remained friendly to the LSF. However, because the counter-intelligence capabilities of the [SIS] were improving, she was worried about getting caught and decided to fake her death and return to Liberty. This RP was done with the permission of @Wildkins who was leading the =LSF= at the time and @Victor Steiner who was the 1IC of [SIS]. You can find the details here: Link.

The thing is, she used to be a former HC member of =LSF=, and when she went undercover and infiltrated [SIS], she became the 2IC of the faction. If she were to return to =LSF= now, she would have to start all over again as an agent which does not make sense because she was in the HC’s of 2 intelligence factions. Its like a former executive of a company IRL deciding to start as a trainee, it would be a downward trend in her career, not an upward one. She also cannot return to [SIS] because she’s committed treason against Bretonia. So she has to go her own way.

In addition, I am not entirely sure I want this character to belong to an intelligence agency faction for now. Back when Adrienne Perry was in [SIS] as 2IC, there were many different types of black operations I wanted to run but could not do so because I either needed Bretonian Government approval or 1IC to sign off on it. This is because the Black Operations were borderline state-sponsored infiltration or terrorist acts in other houses (all within the bounds of the server rules, and I would ask permission from the people affected by it ooRP beforehand to avoid any metagaming accusations). If they were exposed, BretGov would have had to deal with the diplomatic fallout, which they did not want to do because it didn’t work well with Bretonia’s RP as the weakest house due to the Gallic invasion. Examples of such black operations are the funding of the Blood Dragons mentioned earlier - this was done before [SIS] became official and had to take BretGov's input into account.

Therefore I have rebranded Adrienne Perry as a rogue Libertonian nationalist (since she committed treason against Bretonia on behalf of Liberty). She is not a Xeno. She is pro-government, but she does not want the government red tape/bureaucracy to stop her from conducting intelligence work or black operations. She is working to do her part in turning Liberty into a superpower (explained here) using her own resources without any connection to the Liberty government. She will interact with LibGov or its factions, and has done so in the past. From time to time, if |ESRD or =LSF= or other Liberty factions find her useful, they may ally with her or give her missions. Other times, what she believes is best for Liberty might go against what LibGov's interest's are and she may be blacklisted and hunted by Liberty lawfuls. This is fine, she will continue to advance Liberty's position in Sirius using her own resources. This gives her the freedom to do whatever intelligence/black operations work she wants, without a LibGov or an official faction telling her she can't. If there is any fallout, she will bear the responsibility of her own actions rather than LibGov or =LSF= or the Navy factions. In other words, if she screws up, she won’t drag Liberty into a war with another house.

In order to achieve that, the Freelancer ID does not represent what she is doing at all. She is not a mercenary. She's a case officer or an intelligence officer who does not work for a specific government, like Agent Phil Coulson from the TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She will recruit assets/hire people to collect information for her (within the bounds of the server rules, of course), she will gather funds for operations that freelancers or allies will carry out. She is an organiser and leader and I have included links for this in section 6 of this SRP request. She will be a mix of an intelligence character and a terrorist character. She is not a mercenary, bounty hunter or a trader.

I have listed her ID lines below; they are designed to give her the flexibility she needs to carry out her operations while remaining true to her RP. I am not using the ID lines below as an excuse to PVP as much as possible because I am not very good at PVP anyway. But it does allow her to shift her alliances if necessary and participate in attacks with her allies if such missions are organised.

Special Operative ID Lines:
- Can attack any ship except Liberty lawfuls.
- May only attack Liberty lawfuls in self defence or to defend allies.
- May not complete any bounty contracts.

I also need my reputation sheet changed so that all Bretonian lawful factions are hostile to Adrienne Perry, since she committed treason.

5. What short-term and long-term goals are you planning to achieve on this character?

As discussed here, Adrienne Perry's long term goals are to advance Liberty's national interests her own way without government interference or liabilities. She will try to build a world for Liberty where's its influence can expand and is felt beyond its immediate borders. This may mean organising a militia to attack unlawful groups in other houses that have attacked Liberty shipping or interests, so that she can make it safer for Liberty citizens and corporations to trade in other houses. It will also mean spying on other houses lawfuls and unlawfuls and reporting any useful information found back to |ESRD and the =LSF=. She will also conduct black operations such as financing terrorist attacks in other houses, funding unlawful groups in other houses or allying with them etc. By not having any affiliation with =LSF= or any Liberty faction, the Liberty government will not bear responsibility if she crosses any lines or does something that would otherwise drag Liberty into a war.

Her short term goals are to build a network of allies and freelancers across the other houses and regions to assist her with facilitating the above long term goals. Her alliances may shift and change depending on in game developments.

6. Provide links to the relevant forum roleplay. (A record of Adrienne Perry's comms/stories and important events from 2010 until now. There are links which show how she has built alliances and a network of freelancers willing to do her bidding in the past here as well). (A story which explains how Adrienne Perry gains access to billions of credits to carry out her future plans). It is the epilogue to this story about a different character of mine: (A comm between FADM Kazuo of [LN] and Adrienne Perry requesting access to the Avenger VHF). (A comm between =LSF= and Adrienne Perry, where she explains betraying the [SIS] and returning to Liberty).

7. Provide a cliffnote/summary for the links provided above.

This has been provided next to the links in the previous question.

8. How long has this character been building its backstory?

Character has existed since 2010 under my old account @Marcus Lindberg. In game in its current form, it has existed since mid-2017.

9. If you feel that you would like to provide us with character references, specify whom.

@Victor Steiner
@Vulkhard Muller

RE: Adrienne.Perry Special Roleplay Request - Ramke - 04-30-2020

Money taken and approved.

A specops ID has been added and subject to the following ID lines:

Quote:- Can attack any ship except Liberty lawfuls.
- May only attack Liberty lawfuls in self defence or to defend allies.
- May not complete or issue any bounty contracts.