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To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Printable Version

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To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Starfliers - 02-21-2022

rcpt // Gallic Defense Authority
from // Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

Hello. I'll make this quick as I'm in the middle of a scouting mission. Does the name "Carcassonne" have any meaning to you? I have a feeling it does.

As always, Godspeed

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RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Groshyr - 02-21-2022

Compiegne Military Academy, Ile-de-France
February 21, 745 AGS

[Image: qXyXIw2.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Gaston Corbeil
Recipient: Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
Subject: Have you seen the Carcassonne?

This vessel was lost in the end of war against Allies and never found. Did you find it, its wreck or else way get to know out about it? We will generously reward for any kind of valid data about this vessel.

End of Message

RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Starfliers - 02-21-2022

rcpt // Capitaine Gaston Corbeil, Gallic Defense Authority
from // Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

Damn asteroids, it's hard sending a message and dodging debris. I believe I have seen it, have a bit of info on it too.

As always, Godspeed

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RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Starfliers - 03-08-2022

rcpt // Capitaine Gaston Corbeil, Gallic Defense Authority
from // Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

Now that I'm on Monte Carlo Freeport, I can relax. Oh, and this signal has gone dead. Much closer here than in Kepler, transmission might make the distance this time.

So, you want info? How about a visual capture of the Carcassonne to start. Check the attachment. I know where it is and it's status. Quite the distance between the Carcassonne's location and Gallia.

As always, Godspeed

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RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Groshyr - 03-08-2022

Compiegne Military Academy, Ile-de-France
March 8, 745 AGS

[Image: qXyXIw2.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Gaston Corbeil
Recipient: Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
Subject: Where you seen the Carcassonne?

Safe and sound... where is our battleship? From your hints, this location is far away - judging from the images - it could be the Omicrons, most likely on the border with this huge nebula, because the deeper Omicrons are characterised by nebulae of deep green colours. Given that you were able to take this image at such close range, this location is probably not particularly carefully guarded. So, where is it?

End of Message

RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Starfliers - 03-08-2022

rcpt // Capitaine Gaston Corbeil, Gallic Defense Authority
from // Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

Omicrons? Good guess, not quite there though. Would you believe me if I told you that the ship is located in the heart of Liberty space, behind a load of mines?

My ship is a tiny light fighter, you'd be surprised where I can go when my footprint is miniscule.

As always, Godspeed

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RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Groshyr - 03-08-2022

Compiegne Military Academy, Ile-de-France
March 8, 745 AGS

[Image: qXyXIw2.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Gaston Corbeil
Recipient: Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
Subject: Where you seen the Carcassonne?

It would not surprise me even for a bit - to hide something beyond our reach Liberty would have had to deploy a minefield and look for a location really deep away from known space. Yet, you were there and know it. Name the price for this information and how much you want for serving as a guiding beacon for us in our way to return her home.

End of Message

RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Starfliers - 03-08-2022

rcpt // Capitaine Gaston Corbeil, Gallic Defense Authority
from // Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

Let's say a Navy-sized birdie told me about this sector, and being the cartography pilot of the Starfliers, I did my part to obtain some info on the place. All the info I got is recorded in a report format, it'll be attached. Can the reward be rainchecked? Not really after anything right now. Maybe something else will come up later.

If you'd like, I can return to the area so one of your ships can jump to me, inspect the ship yourself. Though I'd have to let you know there's a Liberty Navy Battlegroup stationed right in front of the Carcassonne.

Up to you, care to make the trip to Alaska?

As always, Godspeed

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RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Groshyr - 03-08-2022

Compiegne Military Academy, Ile-de-France
March 8, 745 AGS

[Image: qXyXIw2.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Gaston Corbeil
Recipient: Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
Subject: Pathway to Alaska

Reward meaning credits, civilian-grade equipment or a civilian ship, depending on preferences and value of your service to our good: not a whole cruiser or else, as some lunatics thought we give away. I believe these are obvious enough.

We are not ready to invade Alaska for returning our property or making sure Liberty will have no use of it, but we will reward you generously for information regarding pathway to it, especially if you manage to find one that does not require alarming entire Liberty about our presence.

End of Message

RE: To: GDA | From: Starfliers - Starfliers - 03-09-2022

rcpt // Capitaine Gaston Corbeil, Gallic Defense Authority
from // Halpert Kennedy, Starfliers
encr // Technocracy x Starfliers Hybrid
[Image: output-onlinepngtools_1.png]

Since we don't fly giant ships or use weaponry, credits it is. However much you think the information is worth. I'd like to see the Carcassonne returned to you. I'll pass by the vessel one more time, try to do more than a superficial once-over scan. Might find out more info, I'll relay it here.

As for the pathway, this is simple. There's a backdoor into the system, according to my report. Virginia neighbours Alaska, from there it connects to the Omicrons. I'll put together a little something-something for your excursion, this will help whenever you decide to take a visit to Liberty.

As always, Godspeed

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