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Star Trek Full Coversion - dntredea1 - 04-18-2009

I'm thinking of making a full conversion of Freelancer to the Star Trek Universe yet I'm not sure how players would react to the idea. You think it would attract enough players or should I just make it for myself.

Star Trek Full Coversion - sean24 - 04-18-2009

I personally like it pure as possible, thats why I dont play freeworlds and BSG mods. But thats just my oppinion.

Star Trek Full Coversion - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-18-2009

I'll have to check my files. While I didn't do any modding myself, I have a BUNCH of mod files where people added Star Trek ships to this universe.

Actually, you might try checking the Lancer Reactor archives, because I think something like that was already done, although I could be mistaken.

I know that's how I found Disco - I was looking for some more interesting mods to a great game... :)

Star Trek Full Coversion - pipboy - 04-18-2009

Not sure if it's still out there but there was a server called DS9 that was a Star Trek server.

Star Trek Full Coversion - Tenacity - 04-18-2009

Ok, I'm going to be Q, where's my .kill, .teleport, and .screwthelawsofphysics commands?

Star Trek Full Coversion - Eppy - 04-18-2009

Wasn't there a mod that already did this? I can't remember its name, all I remember is that it was not TNG, ironically. Frontiers, or something like that?

Star Trek Full Coversion - Linkus - 04-18-2009

I'd swear this has already been done but I know there is a major issue with the weaponry.

Beams, can't have em in Freelancer multiplayer properly.
Ultra high refire causes massive lag.
Long weapon trails make it look like a pulse.
Really long weapons trails that stretch the distance of the ships range start behind your ship when you fire them.

But, if you can get beam weapons to work in a good way, I will personally lick your shoes clean.

That all said and done, why not give it a go anyway?

Star Trek Full Coversion - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-18-2009

I thought I saw a YouTube video of a mod that got beam weapons working? Hold on while I look for it.

Here it is:

Star Trek Full Coversion - Fletcher - 04-18-2009

There is a mod for this somewhere. I also remember ship add-ons for Enterprise of varying types and voyager, also the Delta Flyer.

I think it died though. Check Lancers Reactor if its still up.

Star Trek Full Coversion - Patriot - 04-18-2009

' Wrote:Not sure if it's still out there but there was a server called DS9 that was a Star Trek server.

Yes this erver are still alive,but i dont encourage you to go there,first the admin of this server are a girl and she totally maniac,she ban everyone for everything she dont like,its why this server are always empty,its a great mods,but its run by a psycho