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To: BAF Admiralty Board - Printable Version

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To: BAF Admiralty Board - Secret Intelligence Service - 08-17-2022

[Image: w4XBrFa.jpg]

To: Armed Forces Admiralty


A particular report has come to my attention recently regarding Rheinland. Firstly, I would be very interested to know what exactly possessed you to write such a report in the first place. In days gone by, such exercises were given to junior officers to keep them busy during shore leave. This however bears all the marks of a legitimate battle plan but without the required common sense.

Furthermore, the restoration of the Rheinlandic Emperor, and indeed any kind of Bretonian interest that lies outside of the Realm, is the prerogative and jurisdiction of the SIS rather than the Armed Forces. I find your sudden interest in the Von Albrecht's to be out of place as well as out of line. Operations currently being undertaken by the Service require a scalpel, wielded by a steady hand. Not a sledgehammer swung by fools.

The fact that such a plan even exists is an indicator that some level of interest is being taken in Rheinland, why that is I cannot wait to hear. Finally, an assault of that magnitude on another House who is (at least nominally) friendly toward us would be absolutely crippling to our image as a bastion of law and order.

Therefore, as the Director of Her Majesty's Intelligence Services, I insist on an explanation for the creation of this report and what, exactly, your intentions are toward Rheinland.


V. Steiner
Director of the Secret Intelligence Service
[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: To: BAF Admiralty Board - Darius - 08-17-2022

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Message Class: Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Director Victor Steiner, SIS
From: Fleet Admiral Harold Sommerville, BAF

[Image: Harold.png]

Mr Steiner,

I am most pleased to see that you have finally received news of the contingency plan. It is of great importance to both our organizations and Bretonia as a whole. While I understand the concern raised by this submission, I assure you that we are not interested in organizing any wars due to our current situation. With Liberty breaking the Treaty of Harris and closing their docks for our military to undergo maintenance, we are now relying entirely on our remaining shipyards for the Armed Forces, thus putting further strain on our ability to organize both offensive and defensive operations for the foreseeable future.

Nonetheless, it is imperative that we utilize this period of relative peace to secure a hold over the neighboring regions, after which we will withdraw non-vital assets to the internal regions for repairs or to otherwise maintain peace in the Realm against the Mollys and Gaians alike. Operation 'Von Albrecht', simply put, is not an attempt by us to start a conflict, but to directly pressure the Imperial elements, whom I have held lengthy discussions with concerning our newly-found rivals, the Libertonians, into providing support and guarantees that Rheinland will remain a firm ally of the Crown in these trying times.

That brings me to the second questions you have. While I understand that it is the Intelligence Service's job to ensure that we maintain contacts in other Houses, it is my job as Chief of Defence Staff to also discuss, in length, any deployments with my Rheinlandic counterparts, so that we may best cooperate and prevent any incidents from occurring. It is also in the Armed Forces' interest that the Rheinland Military remains a firm ally, as we have, for so many years, collaborated to prevent the spread of Corsair and Hessian influence further abroad. And, lastly, it in Bretonia's interests that the Kaiser remains in power, even in the current state of affairs, so long as Rheinland does not betray us and prevents further Liberty expansion.

A chapter of history has now closed. The newly-opened one presents many issues ahead, issues that can only be resolved through coordination with Kusari and Rheinland's assistance. It is of utmost importance, now more than ever, that our diplomats and intelligence agents secure new connections in our neighboring Houses, so that Bretonia may be once again able to continue the rebuilding efforts and help bring peace in the Sector.

I trust that you understand what these words truly mean. Have a good day, Director.

Harold Sommerville
Fleet Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies