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>>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Printable Version

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>>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kusari Uchugun - 08-22-2022

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as Ky-Fuk-349-EXT-B

Recipient: 'Technocracy of Auxo'
Sender: Kusari Naval Intelligence
Date: 22.08.829
Subject: Bretonia
Priority: Medium

[Image: 6dZQT6g.png]

Good day, representatives of the Technocracy.

We were informed about one of your vessels - namely the A/)-SV-Starstream - and their encounter with members of the Shimamori Clan and a Bretonian Intelligence vessel in the Kyushu system.
It appears they were interested in the Chrysanthemums way of operating and preferred choice of targets, seemingly concerned about their own safety.
Additionally, they appeared curious about the Blood Dragons and their reasons to work together with the Chrysanthemums.

Let us head to the real reason of this message. We are ready to inform you about the details your Captain worried so much about, in return we only expect a thorough explanation as to why such hostility persists between the Technocracy and the Kingdom of Bretonia. We were aware of such hostilities for a longer period of time now, yet they were never of grave concern to us. The appearance of a Bretonian Intelligence vessel may or may not have been due to your vessels presence and we are not pleased - to keep it friendly - about their attempts of straying around in our space. For the sake of transparency, be advised that we will contact the Bretonian Secret Intelligence Service in a similar manner to hear their side of the story.

"Goryō", in service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence.


RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 08-23-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: Hgh2g2o.png]


I will be giving a brief sitrep of the diplomatic situation with Bretonia. As you may know, I am Revenant, I was asked to testify on this scenario, as the other individuals who evaluated the situation, voted, or even partook, are dead or out of action.

At the time, I was one of the rulers who passed the initiative to return the blockade to Bretonia. But, I have long since retired from such position, I am no longer the Keeper.

Truthfully, we're not entirely sure as to why Bretonia declared upon us after our efforts of assisting them in the Gallic War, amongst other threats such as the Corsairs. Some vague claims were made without evidence, but no actual standing was made in their assertion. I can only make assumptions of corruption within their ranks, or that certain external influences interfering with their own agents perception, but that merely remains speculation...

Bretonia had barred our people from their space. We returned the same gesture, disallowing them from Inverness, encouraging them to open up diplomatic lines. They had declined such for some time.

And then they had the crass to try and break through utilizing the Corsairs allies, the Gaians, in a collaborative stance. Ultimately, they had failed. The breaching ships were disabled. One diplomatic effort was made, but no clear result was made from it.

We were never interested in war with Bretonia, and we still do not hold interests in such, for our objective is complete, Inverness was liberated from their control, and they have had sufficient harassment for payback. There is simply no need for further conflict, however, their pride may be impacted from the loss of their perceived "dominion" over the wilderness, we have no doubts in mind of their intentions with their allies of assuming another inevitable loop of revenge.

I will forward you the relevant documentation, however, bare in mind during the second great Neural Net outage, there may be missing data.

Within order of incidents:


Though, you say it is of no grave concern. Why does this conflict concern you now? Are they urging you to act against the Directorate?


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kusari Uchugun - 08-25-2022

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as Ky-Fuk-349c-EXT-B

Recipient: 'Revenant of Auxo'
Sender: Kusari Naval Intelligence
Date: 25.08.829
Subject: Bretonia
Priority: High

[Image: 6dZQT6g.png]

Good day, "Revenant".

Your name indeed showed up here and there already. You have visited Kusari space in recent times.

We thank you for the transparency on the matter, as well as the swift delivery of data. This was most helpful. This conflict will only be of concern to us once it threatens Kusari's interests. Agent Skirka's route and statements are considered cheap excuses and we have concluded that their presence was merely focused on detecting Auxo vessels within our borders and potentially raise questions about our relation to a small entity of no concern to our foreign affairs policies. It appears our politicians did not exaggerate when they stated some oppose the mutual cooperation our nations strive after and may attempt to stir up issues where no issues have been.

As a side note, you appear well informed about Bretonia's intelligence service due to your past and current conflict with them. Is our data correct in the assumption that "Professor Alfred Steiner" of the Cambridge University is a blood relative to "Director Steiner" of their intelligence service?

"Goryō", in service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence.


RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 08-25-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: Hgh2g2o.png]


I did not speak to such an individual, but I do not doubt the ties to him. Their family have a lot of prestige within Bretonia - I've known of a Steiner within the Armed Forces too. Undoubtedly, due to such high positions, they will likely have connections all over Sirius.

Not much data is available regarding the SIS's recent ventures, aside from them being detected within the Omicrons last month, seemingly willingly surrendering to the Order - or at least, they were going to, before they were destroyed.

>Attached Data

Oh. A friendly word of warning regarding Bretonia - if their lack of casus belli wasn't evident enough - in discreet deception. Here, you can have a copy of a legitimate document they signed, three years ago. The agreement fell eventually some time later. I've held onto this copy for a long time... I will not disclose my source to protect their identity, but sometimes, monetary goods can go far to do a lot of convincing 'loyal' members...


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kusari Uchugun - 08-26-2022

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as Ky-Fuk-349c-EXT-B

Recipient: 'Revenant of Auxo'
Sender: Kusari Naval Intelligence
Date: 26.08.829
Subject: Bretonia
Priority: High

[Image: 6dZQT6g.png]

Good day, "Revenant".

Your commitment to provide the Kusari Empire with a clear view on its neighbor is appreciated.
We will remember such an act accordingly and will handle this data with the care it deserves.
The situation surrounding Alfred Steiner and the SIS will be dealt with accordingly.
Should we require your services, we might contact you through other means in the future.

"Goryō", in service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence.


RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 08-27-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: Hgh2g2o.png]


I see.

Now, what of these Chrysanthemums and the Bretonian Operatives? Are they going to disturb fellow Technocrats?


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kusari Uchugun - 08-27-2022

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as Ky-Fuk-349c-EXT-Bvxc

Recipient: 'Revenant of Auxo'
Sender: Kusari Naval Intelligence
Date: 27.08.829
Subject: Bretonia
Priority: Medium

[Image: 6dZQT6g.png]

Good day, "Revenant".

Your merchant vessels cannot be guaranteed permanent safety from potential Chrysanthemum attacks. They follow no real pattern in their robberies and pick targets regardless of their affiliation these days. If your vessels are to carry goods they deem worthwhile attention, chances are high they will target it.

Regarding the SIS, should they disturb you within Kusari space, notify us. Our patrols in Kyushu are already advised to show them the exit in a far less friendly fashion than Shimamori settled on, especially with their Director's promise in mind "not to repeat such acts". What they may or may not do to your vessels within the Tau sector is entirely a matter between you and them. Safeguarding the Tau Highway enjoys highest priority among Kusarian and Bretonian peacekeeping units. We doubt this will stop them from diverting units to intercept your vessels should they spot them anyways. On this note, please understand that if they choose to engage Auxo vessels within the Tau sector, this is alone your responsibility and we denounce your vessels utilizing our borders as safe haven during an active engagement.

In service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence, G.


RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kusari Uchugun - 08-28-2022

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as Ky-Fuk-349c-EXT-Bvxc-V

Recipient: 'Revenant of Auxo'
Sender: Kusari Naval Intelligence
Date: 28.08.829
Subject: Inquiry
Priority: Medium

[Image: 6dZQT6g.png]


A small inquiry. It appears you were engaged into a conversation with the 'Sunekosuri' recently. Who was witness to this event? We wish to acquire a detailed list of potential witnesses. Director Steiner slipped up and possibly compromised one of his external agents by accident today.

In service of the Imperial Kusari Naval Intelligence, G.


RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 08-28-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: Hgh2g2o.png]


Oh. How riveting. My suspicions were confirmed.

I can speak more of this, but you will have to forgive me, I would prefer if we did it in private off-comms. There is a situation that may develop within Kusari.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: >>To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kusari Uchugun - 08-28-2022

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as Nt-P-345-EXT

Recipient: 'Revenant of Auxo'
Sender: Kusari Naval Intelligence
Date: 28.08.829
Subject: Inquiry
Priority: Medium

[Image: 6dZQT6g.png]


Acceptable. Find us where the Irezumi's roam in the shadow of billions.
We will be there shortly.

