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To: Liberty and Crayter Governments | From: Bretonian Government - Printable Version

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To: Liberty and Crayter Governments | From: Bretonian Government - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 03-20-2023

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Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Liberty Government; Crayter Government
From: Foreign Secretary Benedict Thomson, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Esteemed representatives,

The Foreign Office desires to ask if the current geopolitical situation is favorable towards the establishment of a reworked treaty regarding the status of Cortez, Magellan, respectively Curacao.

We are ready to discuss any details or concerns risen by either state's delegates.

Benedict Thomson
Foreign Secretary
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Liberty and Crayter Governments | From: Bretonian Government - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-21-2023

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Benedict Thomson;

And a good morning to you.

I have to say that the current situation isn't favorable in any regard. Between your failings with the Incomparable that was fortuitously resolved with the workings of the Liberty Security Force and the Order of all organizations, compounded with the LSF leaving very grim communiques with the DOD about their beliefs and, even some evidence, about Crayter and Bretonia both harboring and assisting the Insurgency still being smoked out of Vespucci, and not to mention the fact Bretonia currently considers our Intelligence branch a hostile entity, I do not see the treaty being touched upon in the immediate future.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may bring.

- Sam Worthington, Secretary of State

Attached files:
BBC on assisting the Insurgent 'refugees'
Further BBC on assisting the Insurgent 'refugees'
Crayter News Network on assisting the Insurgency

RE: To: Liberty and Crayter Governments | From: Bretonian Government - Crayter Republic - 03-21-2023

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Secretaries Thomson and Worthington,

I am Addison Reynolds, Secretary to the Crayter Quorum. As this matter concerns both Foreign Affairs and Defense, and Minister Westbrook is occupied with details concerning election security, I was asked to represent Crayter here.

Secretary Worthington, Crayter understands Liberty's hesitancy to formally re-discuss details concerning security in the western Independent Worlds, and for valid reasons that are, with respect, also unfounded.
I believe it was Minister Westbrook who responded to an LSF agent inquiring to Crayter about the details of Intersun and Ares Logistics' refugee transfer from Veracruz to Yuma. From the details I'm aware of, that conversation ended with Minister Westbrook welcoming said LSF agent to look through any refugees on Yuma that fit the profile of Insurgents fleeing from the warzone masquerading as refugees, which I will note is considered a war crime, which Crayter does not tolerate. It was assumed that, with no response from the LSF, the issue had been solved, and that the Security Force had detained and extradited the Insurgents they had been looking for amongst the refugee populace.

Crayter will not deny any of the evidence that Liberty has put forward regarding the transfer of former Leeds citizens from Planet Veracruz to Planet Yuma, although some of the evidence that you have put forward does appear to come from rather dubious sources. The peoples of whom were transferred to Yuma are still in their majority undergoing processing to prepare their move to Bretonian space, many of whom I will add are still citizens of the Kingdom, and all of whom your LSF agent did threaten to kill while in transfer, which is also a war crime.
Crayter continues to enforce the full extent of Crayter Law on Insurgent personnel, not only out of respect for Liberty's classification of domestic terrorists, but also out of judicial reasoning. Indeed, it had always been the intent to send any Insurgency personnel found on Planet Yuma into the custody of Liberty Navy officers aboard Battlecruiser Yellowstone, not as a sign of good faith, but out of duty and respect for our ally.

To be frank, Secretary Worthington, Crayter will not apologize whatsoever for removing defenseless men, women, and children from an active warzone. Crayter resents any and all accusations of providing aid to the Liberty Insurgency; No munitions, personnel, food, water, or medical aid was given intentionally to the Insurgency, and no care has been provided to any Insurgency personnel on Yuma aside from basic amenities to ensure their survival so that they may face proper justice.
I trust this will explain Crayter's position regarding this matter, Secretary Worthington.

Regarding treaty discussions, Secretary Thomson, I'm afraid that Minister Westbrook does not feel that the current time is ideal to begin discussion of details pertaining to the Curacao Treaty. Issues regarding the Insurgency aside, he has cited the ongoing election environment as being too chaotic to have proper discussion of legislation be done. He has, however, stated that this may change around May or June, when the election filters out most candidates.

Have a pleasant day, gentlemen.

In service to the Republic.

Addison Reynolds
Secretary to the Quorum
Crayter Republic