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PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Printable Version

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PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - The First Armada - 04-18-2023

The First Armada launches PEGASUS Division
18 April 830, New York System

PEGASUS becomes the new transport, logistics, and cargo smuggler interception division.

The First Armada strive to be the leaders of innovation within the Liberty Navy. We are not afraid to break convention in the name of progress. This has been shown from our name itself to for example the First Armada's Office of Naval Intelligence making heavy use of the C5V-33 Scanner Drone, revolutionizing military intelligence and drastically widening the reach of Liberty in the process.
[Image: 225448984ab6d8a5d851fb27abc805bd.png]

Experimental methods will be present within the newest addition to our Armada, our transport, logistics, and cargo smuggler interception division that has been christened PEGASUS. Besides the standard issue Bisons, Grizzlies, and other commonly used vessels within the Liberty Navy the division has launched experimental civilian retrofitted technology that has already been raising eyebrows in the field. For the flagship of the division, we have chosen the "Shukensha" Renzu Luxury Liner that has been christened the Astrosailor. This vessel has been to our knowledge unseen within the Liberty Navy Ranks to date, and it will serve as a mobile coordination hub for the division, alongside its diplomatic missions and a status symbol and means of transport for the Admiralty.

[Image: 739ac405eeaa523792a13f9c10338f0e.png]

What is even more unconventional is the trial run of the BK-65 "Serenity"-class Transport vessels Ironclad, Vanguard, Fury, and Vortex alongside the Ceres Armored Transport Sentinel in offensive counter-smuggler duties in the field. The purpose of these vessels is to tackle the rising smuggling volume within Liberty, giving Law Enforcement chance to confiscate contraband for further analysis and forensic work, focusing on cargo interception. The trial run of the Serenity class vessels has so far been going better than expected, punching way above their weight in taking down the likes of an Aspis Outcast Battletransport, holding their own against a fighter-bomber and even besting a rogue smuggling Stegodon crew.

Besides diplomatic missions and cargo interception, the PEGASUS Division will of course undertake conventional prisoner transfers and logistical missions. It is the hope of the First Armada that cooperation with the Civilian Sector can be achieved and that cross-armada cooperation with RDI and conventional forces will flourish.

comment section open

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Toaster - 04-18-2023

001. E.Mallory
18 APR 830 16:26

A Renzu-made liner? One of the most expensive luxury vessels in Sirius? That's what the Navy is spending its budget on? And for anti-smuggling operations of all things. How did this get through the committees?
13 5

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Goliath - 04-18-2023

002. iKmN31s
18 APR 830 16:46

So you're out there flexing the taxpayers' money. On confiscating cargo. Using a Luxury Liner of all it.

You truly are special people.
58 1

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Czechmate - 04-18-2023

003. @ClassyCourtezans
18 APR 830 12:20

[Image: 8df70cfeffeadca639a3e6516db43119.png]Classy Courtezans - a business you can trust[Image: 8df70cfeffeadca639a3e6516db43119.png]
Are you a corrupt Navy Officer flying and partying around on your luxury liner hiding from actual work? Why do it alone?

That's right - we are here to help. Classy ladies, amazing conversations, full girlfriend experiences, all trustworthy and discreet. Classy Luxurious Courtezans, the class next door you can finally trust! And best of all, we are nothing like the "!!! FLAMING HOT CHICKS IN YOUR AREA !!! " scam!

20 24879

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Nika - 04-18-2023

003. Jane S. Thach
18 APR 830 17:17

Liberty Navy's always been recruiting most special officers, First Armada - even more so. Don't forget - it's them to be grateful to for the loss of Delaware in Vespucci. Isn't that right, Van Leer? Still into business of careless warship steering, old fart?
1668 203

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Amy West - 04-18-2023

005. OfficialAmyWest
18 APR 830 18:24

Ah, yes. Exactly what I think of when I think of the Liberty Navy's strong suits: Diplomacy. Not like they supposedly had an entire government department for all of that, but what would I know? I only hacked government communications in my off hours.

If this is the quality of hubris we're dealing with, then it makes perfect sense how those poor rookies on the Delaware were slaughtered like cattle. But don't worry, I have a whole compilation of audio from that ship's final hours in the making. Gonna be a blast when it's finally finished; let the people know the horrors you sent those bastards into.

921 87.4k

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - Stewgar - 04-19-2023

006. @Ifyouaintfirsturlast
19 APR 830 14:25

A liner? What kind of horse shit is this? Since when do MY taxcredits go to something so luxurious. And they have the time to put on a light show in front of Manhattan... the PEGASUCKS is spending too much time near the sun. People used to respect the navy. What a joke, get the fuck outta here! ****!
2192 24

RE: PEGASUS Unleashed [Press Release of the First Armada] - (Name Pending) - 04-22-2023

007. FreeErie782
22 APR 830 14:30

Liberty peeps, this is not only a waste of your tax SCs, it's a human rights violation waiting to happen. It's going to be a prison ship for innocent war victims. Hope you don't have any family or friends on Veracruz!

Check out their latest propaganda <Newslink://Harrisburg: Erie arrivals provided for>

~From Erie with Love~
13 25