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To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - Printable Version

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To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - The Hidden Palace - 08-11-2023

Elaine Claire
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace Project
Zurich, Oerlikon Space Observatory
11 | 08 | 830AS, 746AGS

Leon Vicci
Starfliers '\S/'

Dear Mr.Vicci,

I extend my greetings to you and hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of The Gallic University and our University Partnership Commitment (UPC) with Solar Engineering S.A. "The Hidden Palace Project", an ambitious initiative that seeks to push the boundaries of space exploration and research. The Hidden Palace's commitment to expanding our knowledge of the cosmos aligns closely with your expertise and We believe your involvement could yield invaluable insights with a surplus to request your services to support a significant endeavor we are undertaking.

We are embarking on an ambitious journey to research and analyze the enigmatic space system known as "Zurich." The Hidden Palace Project seeks to conduct an in-depth study that encompasses the system's unique attributes, celestial phenomena, gravitational dynamics, and any potential anomalies that set it apart within the Sirius Sector. Your extensive expertise in celestial phenomena and gravitational dynamics would greatly contribute to our research.

We recognize and highly value your esteemed reputation and expertise in space exploration. We believe that your involvement in this endeavor could significantly enhance the quality and depth of our research. The Hidden Palace Project is seeking partners whose capabilities complement and elevate our own, and we are confident that your contributions would be invaluable.

As we aspire to achieve a comprehensive understanding of Zurich and its mysteries, we acknowledge that our organization lacks the specialized capacities required for such an intricate exploration. Therefore, I formally extend this invitation to request your services for this project. Your participation would not only elevate the scientific rigor of our research but also establish a fruitful partnership.

As Solar Engineering S.A. and the Hidden Palace Project value professionalism and a commitment to excellence, and only allow the highest standards we envision this partnership to be an exemplary model of collaboration and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.

I kindly ask for your thoughtful consideration of this proposal. Your involvement would greatly enhance our ability to shed light on the secrets of Zurich, and your contributions would be acknowledged with the utmost respect and appreciation.

Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to lend your esteemed expertise to the Hidden Palace Project's exploration of the Zurich system. Your participation would undoubtedly be a defining factor in the success of our mission.

We deeply appreciate your time and consideration. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to discuss the details of this collaboration and the positive impact it could have on both our organizations and the advancement of space research.

Yours faithfully,

Elaine Claire Duval
Co-founder and Leader
The Hidden Palace UPC

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - TheKusari - 08-12-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Elaine Claire, The Gallic University
Subject: The Hidden Palace Project

Thanks for reaching out to the Starfliers for such an opportunity. I recognize that when it comes to a particular kind of exploratory expedition, you have come to us. This makes me happy as it means word is spreading fast about my organization. Your words are very kind, Elaine. Allow me to reciprocate the same.

Your description of the University's goals alongside University Partnership Commitment and Solar Engineering are quite ambitious. To have all details and elements of the Zurich System recorded for further studies, have a complete understanding of what that sector has to offer. We can surely assist up to a certain point with this kind of project.

I will have to say, we don't know a lot about the Zurich System, the only public knowledge I was able to obtain is that it's a Border World between Rheinland and Gallia with only a single station along the lanes between. With only ever being there once, I can remember a giant sun being the focal point of the visuals there too. We do have the means of recording more information about certain objects within systems, I guess this is where I shall explain what we can do to aid in this project.

Our services are effectively two-fold. Or two passes, two steps. First stage is we fly around and record locations of objects and anomalies and we ourselves are interested in. This generates a cartography map of the system. Stage two requires us to send out a "Corvo"-Class research ship to one of these discovered points of interest. At this point the crew on board takes a deep dive into obtaining as much detail as they can about this object. Both of these stages are separate services that you may have seen on our public information page.

I have already dispatched one of my own pilots Halpert Kennedy to Zurich to help with this. We may need to organize more pilots who have experience operating our bigger research ships to fly out and meet your teams there.

Please do let me know if the Starfliers' services are satisfactory with assisting in your Hidden Palace Project. I'd very much like to see the results of this if we are able to work together.

As Always, Godspeed

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - The Hidden Palace - 08-12-2023

Elaine Claire
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace Project
Zurich, Oerlikon Space Observatory
12 | 08 | 830AS, 746AGS

Leon Vicci
Starfliers '\S/'

Dear Mr.Vicci,

I extend my sincere gratitude for your swift and thoughtful reply. Your enthusiastic willingness to contribute to our Hidden Palace Project is deeply appreciated, and I am enthused by the prospect of a potential collaboration between the Starfliers and our esteemed initiative.

Your elucidation of the dual-pronged approach to information acquisition within systems is captivating and impeccably resonates with our overarching objectives. The harmonious convergence of your meticulously crafted cartography mapping and the exhaustive investigations undertaken by your "Corvo"-Class research vessel presents an all-encompassing strategy poised to furnish us with a profound comprehension of the enigmatic Zurich System.

The involvement of Halpert Kennedy in this undertaking is an auspicious initiation, and I am gratified to learn of your contemplation to engage additional proficient pilots adept in the operation of your research ships. We firmly believe that such collective synergies will invariably yield invaluable insights, thereby profoundly augmenting our scientific pursuits.

As we advance along this trajectory of collaboration, I respectfully request a more comprehensive exposition of the intricacies of your two-tiered methodology. This entails a delineation of the timeline governing the cartography mapping, the strategic deployment plan for the "Corvo"-Class research vessel, and any logistical prerequisites imperative for the seamless orchestration of our partnership.

Furthermore, your insights into the prospective logistical support requisite from our end to facilitate the flawless execution of these phases would be greatly valued. Acquiring a holistic perspective of the project's scope and the concomitant resource requirements will enable us to make judicious preparations and arrangements.

The prospect of embarking on this joint endeavor with the Starfliers fills me with genuine enthusiasm. The convergence of your profound expertise and our resolute objectives holds the promise of pioneering revelations within the uncharted realm of the Zurich System.

Kindly furnish us with the comprehensive details at your earliest convenience. Armed with a lucid comprehension of the modus operandi and prerequisites, we can embark upon the subsequent steps with utmost alacrity.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt appreciation for your openness to collaborate. With bated breath, I await your response, buoyed by the prospect of the transformative possibilities our partnership holds.

With abiding anticipation,

Warmest regards,

Elaine Claire Duval
Co-founder and Leader
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace UPC

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - TheKusari - 08-17-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Elaine Claire, The Gallic University
Subject: Proprietary Information

I can understand wanting to learn as much as you can about Zurich, and the stellar cosmos in general. Though I will have to say that your request to obtain more information about our methods will have to be denied. This is proprietary internal information about our processes, details that our team has come up with to efficiently record our two-part approach. I'm very happy to release the results of our work, though the "how" of what we do will remain with us.

Despite this, I do hope we can continue collaboration within the Zurich system, Elaine.

As Always, Godspeed

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - The Hidden Palace - 08-17-2023

Elaine Claire
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace Project
Zurich, Oerlikon Space Observatory
12 | 08 | 830AS, 746AGS

Leon Vicci
Starfliers '\S/'

Dear Mr.Vicci,

I extend my gratitude for your swift and informative response. Your insights regarding your methodology for exploring the Zurich System are duly noted, and I respect your decision to uphold the confidentiality of your proprietary processes. I sincerely apologize if my previous message conveyed any intention contrary to this principle.

My primary objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the services that your esteemed organization provides within the Zurich System. While I fully appreciate the sensitivity of your internal methods, I believe that an overview of the services themselves would greatly facilitate our mutual understanding and collaboration.

I kindly request, if permissible, a high-level summary of the services encompassed within both stages of exploration. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the nature of the data collected, the breadth of the analysis conducted, and the potential outcomes that these stages could yield. This information, I believe, would enable us to better align our objectives and establish a strong foundation for a successful partnership.

Please be assured that my intention in seeking this information is solely to ensure a thorough comprehension of the potential contributions and advantages of our collaboration. Your expertise is highly respected, and I am confident that your overview would serve as a vital guide in orchestrating our joint efforts effectively.

Anticipating the prospect of an ongoing collaboration within the Zurich System, I remain enthusiastic about the opportunity to combine our collective knowledge in pursuit of a deeper comprehension of the cosmos.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding. Your forthcoming response is greatly awaited.

With utmost respect and anticipation,

Elaine Claire Duval
Co-founder and Leader
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace UPC

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - TheKusari - 08-19-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Elaine Claire, The Gallic University
Subject: Proprietary Information

As previously described, our process operates in two parts. I'll go through what I understand this process to be as I am not the one who designed it. Rather it was my Research lead, Albert McKenzie.

First part of our process is to record the locations of what we call "Points of Interest" and a brief summary of this item. Once we have recorded enough details of a system, this gets published internally. Part two of this process, as you already know, is to send out one of our "Corvo"-Class research ships. The crew on board will single out a specific Point of Interest. This could be a sun, planet or other element and gain as much detail on that specific subject as possible. Looking over the reports we have published internally, the data collected varies wildly depending on the Point of Interest researched, there is no "standard" as far as I'm aware. This is because I instructed my teams to adjust their equipment after every expedition so they can utilize their tools to the fullest. So they do not rely on a particular scanner preset as it were, in addition to Albert's process.

To describe it in as few words as possible, part one is to discover objects and part two is to learn more about them.

As Always, Godspeed

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - The Hidden Palace - 08-21-2023

Elaine Claire
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace Project
Planet New Paris, Gallic University
21 | 08 | 830AS, 746AGS

Allow me to express my profound gratitude for your comprehensive response, which has illuminated the intricacies of your exploratory process. Your delineation of the two-part approach is both enlightening and invaluable. Please convey my gratitude to Albert McKenzie for his invaluable contributions to the development of this methodology.

Your detailed explanation of the dual stages – discovery and in-depth research – provides a lucid understanding of your approach. I commend your transparency in sharing that the data collated during the research phase varies, underscoring the adaptability and meticulousness inherent in your methodology. Your team's commitment to optimizing tools for maximum efficacy is undoubtedly a testament to your dedication.

Given this comprehensive understanding, it is with great enthusiasm that I convey Solar Engineering S.A.'s eagerness to engage in collaboration with the Starfliers for the Hidden Palace Project. Your approach harmonizes seamlessly with our mission of attaining profound insights into the Zurich System.

As we embark on this potential partnership, I kindly request elucidation on the financial aspects inherent in our collaboration. Could you kindly provide details regarding the payment structure and terms underpinning the utilization of the Starfliers' services? Clarity in this regard would facilitate a seamless alignment of our expectations.

Furthermore, I would appreciate your guidance on the steps to initiate this collaboration formally. Kindly outline the requisite procedures and documentation to expedite the commencement of this partnership.

Once again, I extend my gratitude for your willingness to collaborate and for sharing the inner workings of your process. The prospect of our joint efforts yielding valuable insights into the mysteries of the Zurich System is truly exhilarating, and I eagerly anticipate the promising outcomes that may ensue.

Anticipating your response and the forthcoming steps, I remain with utmost respect and anticipation,

With respect and anticipation,

Elaine Claire Duval
Co-founder and Leader
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace UPC

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - TheKusari - 08-23-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Elaine Claire, The Gallic University
Subject: Payment and Next Steps

I may not fully understand or grasp the process, but I can appreciate that someone affiliated with the Gallic University appreciates the process and what it may yield.

Our prices for our services can be seen on our public information page. We will go over this shortly, as it seems my pilot Halpert has already put together a Report of the Zurich System. Going over the details myself, it seems we have quite a unique situation. Halpert has recorded two separate clusters of "Baxter"-Type Anomalies, both cluster surrounding the two Jump Gates within the system.

For now, payment of 15,000,000 sc is required to view the report. Credits should be deposited into '\S/'Velorum. Which points of interest would you like us to send a research expedition to? I have a strong feeling you may be wanting to learn more about these anomaly clusters.

As Always, Godspeed

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - The Hidden Palace - 08-23-2023

Elaine Claire
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace Project
Planet New Paris, Gallic University
21 | 08 | 830AS, 746AGS

I wish to express my sincere appreciation for your prompt response and the invaluable insights you have graciously shared regarding the pricing structure of your esteemed services. While the intricacies of your methodological approach may exceed my current understanding, I hold in high regard the significance it holds, particularly for those aligned with esteemed institutions such as the Gallic University.

Your guidance toward your public information page for detailed service pricing is duly noted, and I shall diligently review this resource. Additionally, I am pleased to learn that your capable pilot, Halpert, has already compiled a comprehensive Report of the Zurich System. The revelation of two distinct clusters of "Baxter"-Type Anomalies surrounding the Jump Gates is indeed captivating.

In light of this exceptional circumstance, I acknowledge your stipulated requirement of 15,000,000 sc as payment to access the comprehensive report. I am committed to promptly effecting this transaction, ensuring the funds are appropriately transferred to '\S/'Velorum as per your instruction. This financial arrangement will be executed with meticulous attention to detail, underscoring our commitment to the partnership's success.

With respect to the impending research expeditions, I concur unequivocally that a thorough investigation into the anomaly clusters holds immeasurable potential. These phenomena stand as gateways to unparalleled insights that impeccably align with our research aspirations.
Furthermore, I extend my full authorization for your team to proceed with the arrangements for research expeditions to these enigmatic anomaly clusters and the exploration of the system's star itself. The mysteries surrounding the Yellow Star sun within the Zurich System have intrigued our institution profoundly. Our aspiration to unblind the reasons behind its unique characteristics and its potential correlation with the absence of jump holes is a pursuit of utmost importance.

As we embark on these expanded research endeavors, I must humbly inquire about the adequacy of the current payment arrangement of 15,000,000 sc. Given the nuanced augmentation of the project's scope, which encompasses an in-depth exploration of the Zurich System's star, coupled with an intensified focus on uncovering the intricacies behind the absence of jump holes in correlation with the Yellow Star sun, it becomes imperative to consider the potential financial adjustments required to accommodate these new refined research requirements. This query arises not from a hesitancy to invest, but rather from a shared commitment to upholding the integrity and seamless progression of our collaboration. Your esteemed guidance in this matter holds paramount importance as we seek to ensure the continuity of our shared pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

Your responsiveness and willingness to collaborate have left an indelible impression, and I am filled with anticipation for the progression of this partnership. As we venture into uncharted territories of knowledge and discovery, please be assured of our unwavering commitment to the principles of excellence and professionalism.

With the utmost respect and gratitude,

Elaine Claire Duval
Co-founder and Leader
Solar Engineering S.A.
The Hidden Palace UPC

||| Payment Credit Transfer in Progress .... Request sent to [Bank] The Hidden Palace Transfer should appear in less than 12 Std Hours |||

...Bank Funds Transfer Log In - User: *|* | Password: *|*
.... Loading ....
'\s/'velorum 15000000 [the hidden palace expedition 1/?]
...... Please Wait ....... Transfering ..........
You have sent 15.000.000 credits to '\S/'Velorum with a comment.
2023-08-24 04:42:24 SMT
.....Transfer Complete.....
-Printing and saving Voucher-
*Session End*

RE: To: '\S/' Starfliers [CEO] || From: The Hidden Palace - Elaine Claire - TheKusari - 08-31-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Elaine Claire, The Gallic University
Subject: Payment Clarification

Payment has been received, thanks for this. It'll cover the cost of fuel and repairs to Halpert's ship. He says that these Anomalies burnt his hull to a crisp when he got close. Was only able to capture the two images you see in the report.

Your concern about the credits is noted. The initial payment sent was just for the report. A further payment will be charged to you once our "Corvo"-Class research fleet has had the chance to get as much information from these Anomaly clusters. Our fleet is equipped with what I think to be the best sensor suites on the market. It's been proven that they can obtain large amounts of data on certain objects so I am confident that whatever they can find out about Zurich, it can very much help the University's Hidden Palace Project.

As Always, Godspeed