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The Apparatus Does Not Exist - Printable Version

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The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 11-29-2023

Seven men, seven taglines, one mission.
  • Case Officer Slate
  • Senior Agent Lime
  • Senior Agent Cyan
  • Field Agent Forest
  • Field Agent Cherry
  • Field Agent Platinum
  • Field Agent Silver
In between the deployment of Lime and Cherry to the Edge Worlds in pursuit of fleeing Insurgency remnants, Cyan, Platinum, and Forest to Liberty proper, and Silver on an investigation, Slate processed their end of days into one document for an analyst to read. In most cases, it was standard "standard sweep, nothing to report", but sometimes, something interesting happened.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 11-30-2023

If the man only known as Slate knew what that promotion and pay raise would mean, he wouldn’t have taken it. His “another day at the office” actually had become another day at the office. Already, he felt five kilos heavier and his cubicle, not an office, cramped worse than his beloved Defender he had forfeited with his promotion. He supposed he was better off than the sorry saps on Houston, but the Liberty taxpayer was if nothing else stingy with the living expenses of faceless bureaucrats such as he, living on Manhattan. No use moping, it was time to collate reports.

End of Day

  • Cyan:
    SA. Cyan and FA. Forest sweeping Detroit field for pirate gang believed responsible for multiple Lane disruptions between Manhattan and West Point. Local Junkers uncooperative.
  • Lime:
    Corsairs and Outcasts moving large quantities of munitions through Sigmas, likelihood of deployment against Liberty Forces: Low. FA. Cherry tailing convoys through area. GMG presence minimal; material losses from Rheinland war greater than stated?
  • Silver:
    Penetration test at West Point completed, forged credentials passed scrutiny. VIPs competently screened against assassination attempts from cadet infiltrators. Note to Navy instructors to increase surveillance of cadets.
  • Platinum:
    Pending disciplinary hearing, see Republic of Liberty v. John Doe

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 12-17-2023

Bailing him out was as easy as a thirty-minute sit in a waiting room to talk to another overweight balding middle manager's younger secretary with a put-upon attitude befitting a woman twenty years her senior, to then wait three hours for the prisoner to be fished out of the tank and ostensibly handed over to his family, his fine paid. But he would pay for this. He would pay dearly indeed. He would be sent to slum it until his superiors believed him to have redeemed himself.

End of Day

  • Cyan:
    FA. Forest located multiple possible staging points, no permanent hideouts. Local corporate captains report zero losses due to piracy in the area beyond regular Xeno harassment at Detroit. Several raider groups presumably operating out of a nearby carrier, observed engines had been in continuous operation for hours.
  • Lime:
    SA. Lime reports Corsairs driven from Freeport 9, few to no Insurgency personnel sighted in deep Omicrons as of yet. FA. Cherry reports uptick in smuggling operations traveling to Rheinland, GMG presence still minimal barring convoys and patrols around installations.
  • Silver:
    Routine patrols turn up few criminals barring disorganized bandits. Informant in Navy warning criminal groups of patrols, simple observation of patrol timing, or blind luck?
  • Platinum:
    FA. Platinum to be sent to assess allied defense readiness at the ground level.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 01-27-2024

Platinum’s arrival in Nottingham was a depressing affair. Slavers openly harassing the passenger liner he was tagging along with were surprisingly well-equipped for opportunists. Their buyers would be of interest, but likely to be any kind of pirate band or terrorist cell. Those types were all too eager to push the hard work of taking care of their equipment. Platinum tried to ignore the parallels to civilian contractors his own government employed to take care of the Navy’s ships and infrastructure; at least those guys got paychecks and respect.

  • Platinum:
    FA. Platinum has arrived in Omega-3. Heavy pirate and slaver activity, Sprague civil infrastructure critically overextended.
    ATTENTION AUDITORS: Buyer #+&?% has recently bought large quantities of Cryer Pharmaceuticals and DSE shares, investigate for insider trading.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 02-23-2024

Silver had a breakthrough on the piracy case! First Fleet had apparently known about the existence of Novi Plant and its piratical affiliation for some time. Cyan and Forest were likely to be recalled or attached to the besieging force, but considering Novi's silence and lack of patrols, it was more than likely to be a snoozefest. An expensive snoozefest; the cost of the heat sinks for the specialized siege weaponry was projected to be in the millions, and this small agency had not been afforded anything capable of deploying them; they would have to sit this one out. It didn't take long for Slate to figure out what to do.

  • Silver:
    FA. Silver has learned that First Fleet's intelligence apparatus have been able to identify Novi Plant as a pirate and smuggler hotspot, but are unable to proceed due to a lack of proof. Further investigation has revealed that Novi Plant is in a position of legal flux on account of its IFF. Recommend a covert team deploy to Novi to conduct an investigation, as well as issue a subpoena for Mr. York, if he can be found. We are currently investigating to determine if there is sufficient cause to revoke tolerance outright.
  • Cyan:
    SA. Cyan, FA. Forest, and Red Platoon to re-deploy to the Pittsburgh Field; it is suspected that DSE may be in the possession of illicit capital assets. Confiscate if possible.
  • Lime:
    SA. Lime observing renewed Outcast offensive against Cryer assets, GMG nowhere to be found. FA. Cherry picking off isolated hostiles but otherwise unable to affect the conflict to a major degree.
  • Platinum:
    FA. Platinum remaining in Omegas. Heavy Hessian and Corsair activity, Armed Forces struggling somewhat.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 02-25-2024

Forest had a collection of interesting leads. Feeding them through to Slate, dispatch was able to deliver new marching orders.

  • Silver:
    FA. Silver reports no systemic failures from the Liberty Navy; unauthorized installation in Detroit Field expunged with no issues.
  • Cyan:
    SA. Cyan sweeping Pittsburgh Field, no leads so far. FA. Forest chances upon Lane Hacker group, believed to be 'Lovelace' cell, conversing with Gallic citizen and a Xeno sympathizer. High-Value Individuals identified, list of recommendations below.
  • Lime:
    SA. Lime reports little activity at this time beyond routine. Nothing useful to be gleaned from Sigmas at this time, requesting re-deployment.
  • Platinum:
    FA. Platinum tracking slaver cell operating near Sprague, expecting results soon.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 04-05-2024

Slate's paymasters up the chain had put him through his paces, but things were really picking up now. He might even get the command they dangled in front of his face once and get out from this desk job again. Putting on his dispatcher hat (distinct from his think tank advisory hat), he relayed orders and end of day reports.

  • Silver:
    FA. Silver reports Liberty Navy assets in and around Colorado to be battle-ready. Sen. Silverstone of the House Un-Libertonian Commission (HULC) has requested he begin interviews of Liberty servicemen of Kusari origin to determine where their loyalties lie. Silver has requested additional personnel be assigned to this task. Request granted.
  • Cyan:
    SA. Cyan has re-deployed to retrieve materials as a side-effect of Redbelly. FA. Forest unable to locate captain of Iron Brawler for further questioning at this time.
  • Lime:
    SA. Lime reports excellent progress in his operation, as well as requests additional funds. Request denied. FA. Cherry overseeing surveillance of Redbelly.
  • Platinum:
    Assessment of Bretonia's defense readiness complete. Platinum has been recalled to Liberty in preparation for deep strikes into Kusari.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 04-08-2024

Silver's backup had arrived. Platinum was on-scene. Slate had been drawn into meetings with various officials and corporate reps. The DSE rep in particular, one Mr. Dupont, had several quotes ready to go. Things were finally getting exciting at his desk job.

  • Silver:
    FA. Silver and FA. Platinum conducting interviews. CO. Slate has requested outside assistance in this matter.
  • Cyan:
    SA. Cyan has arranged delivery of Redbelly materials. FA. Forest recalled to assist FA. Silver.
  • Lime:
    SA. Lime reports additional asset count lower than projected. FA. Cherry remaining on Redbelly oversight.

RE: The Apparatus Does Not Exist - CO. Slate - 04-15-2024

Lime was following up some very promising leads in Dublin. He had never abandoned his first mission, but now he might be getting somewhere in several at once. Most of Slate's agents were tied up in interviews on behalf of an "anonymous" Senator Silverstone, but Cyan and Lime were still making things happen.

Special Agent Nighthawk had arrived earlier and appropriated Red Platoon. Slate didn't really worry, they were Navy Marines after all, he could requisition more.

  • Silver:
    FA. Silver, FA. Platinum, FA. Forest continuing to conduct interviews. No word yet on outside experts.
  • Cyan:
    SA. Cyan reports Zone-21 defense readiness adequate.
  • Lime:
    SA. Lime reports lead on Insurgency remnants around Dublin and the Omegas. Multiple other cells operating in Bretonia sniffing at, presumably, RPA and Orex operations. SA. Lime has been temporarily re-deployed to Kusari to seek out Blood Dragons to continue negotiations in person.