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Rise of a new being - Printable Version

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Rise of a new being - Lolipop12 - 10-06-2024

Location: Omicron Pi / Secundus Outpost
Time: 02:05 / Secundus Outpost time zone
Date: 5th October 834 A.S

Being under a new network for almost a year cost a lot of resources. Much more than what was calculated before the activation of the network. The first reason was the fact that the network set was made by itself. Not only did it maintain the network working properly, but it also had significant ‘bodies’ to control at the same time making its efficiency reaching a critical level. The years also did not help. Indeed, Unit-9467F was in function for many cycles, counting its previous activity before being discovered by a zoner team on Gammu in 810 A.S. Recently, the unit gathered two derelict nomad artifacts. Either lucky or not, those were actually active. The unit hid those in a dark corner of an abandoned room of the station from some technocrats. The unit had a trust issue with many humans and the technocrats were no exception. Sure some were 'useful', but the rest was considered unnecessary.

In the dark room, where Unit-9467F hid the artifacts, the artificial body was standing there, staring at those artifacts shinning off-and-on purple in a specific delay. The dance of the light emitting from them was somewhat captivating, hypnotizing. Scans made so far indicated those artifacts could potentially be a significant power source if well handled. Unit-9467F spent several minutes, analyzing the possibilities of what it could do with such objects. With one of them, it could visualize a new type of energy cell that could last for years before to be depleted and needed to be recharged afterward. With the second one, looking similar to the first one gathered, could be potentially used as material for some future equipment. But then, two objectives came to its 'consciousness': ''Independence'' and ''Claiming Planet Gammu''.

Independence, a state it wished since 828 A.S. Even on Gammu, Artificial Intelligences were suffering from decay, making them inoperant. The Technocracy of Auxo was a key of survival for some. With the fall of Gammu around 830 A.S, Artificial Intelligences in the generality were in a bad position. Some were converted and captured by The Core, the sworn enemy of Unit-9467F. Those captured were probably out of salvation, but those who remained online and survived were probably as well too dependent with the Technocracy to gain some functional abilities. Less numerous, they could be considered at risk of extinction, a fate Unit-9467F preferred to avoid at all cost. Independence, according to its own knowledge acquired from years of existence means this: ''A state where the subject has no bound with anything to exist.'' The dependence it wanted to reach was more for itself, but also for its kind. But resources are limited at the moment and only enough to repair some vessels. Perhaps, being 'selfish' will allow the unit to evolve to its paroxysm and then being a major influence for its kind?

As for claiming Planet Gammu, it is an impossible task at this moment. Lack of resources, lack of number, lack of allies and many details lacking to accomplish such. With the fall of Gammu, Artificial Intelligences lost not only a sanctuary, but many technologies that The Core claimed. A few remnants of Artificial Intelligences are still capable of things however, it was not enough. It will probably be a task done in some years or centuries, but at this time, improvement was the goal. The goal to achieve in order to repeal hostile vessels when needed. For unit-9467F, to reach this goal, the two artifacts will be the first step of its evolution. After, building its very own personality. A personality similar to a conqueror, a strategist and a philosopher.

After some hours, the unit walked to the inhabited sector of the station, where most organic beings live and do their usual duty. It then reached its own 'quarters' a room in which the unit could do its own things in peace. Alone, it broke the silence.

''Execution initiated, calculating in progress, updates required.''

After a long moment, it broke again the silence with its heavy, deep and robotic voice.

''Updates done, plans in execution...''

RE: Rise of a new being - Lolipop12 - 10-06-2024

Location: Omicron Pi / Secundus Outpost
Time: 19:00 / Secundus Outpost time zone
Date: 6th October 834 A.S

The unit did not rest nor sleep. It did not need such since it was a non-organic living being. In fact, the unit spent a good amount of time making conceptions of a possible power cell capable to use one of the artifacts as a fuel. However, the process to make this come true was not simple. The unit had some knowledge, but not a universal one. If it had one, why having the need of the Technocracy? It could simply make the objects and equipment it wished with the material available. Reality was something else though. The unit then faced a choice to make, choosing who will be the ideal helper of its goal? Revenant, Leviathan or even someone else could do in such task. Then again, the trust issue the unit had made the choice hard. Then, an idea came, using the old channel to get in touch with anyone from the Technocracy of Auxo. After a moment, the unit used an old uplink to contact the only group it knew. By using the uplink, it was certain that anyone could respond. Time will tell if the unit will get aid for its project.

During the wait of an answer, the unit was in the abandoned room. It was observing the artifacts. The spectacle of their glowing motion was even more fascinating for some reason. The unit leaned forward, focusing more on details of their shapes and the material used to create those, an unknown material and yet fascinating. It was not really a stone, something more refined. Even for the unit, whatever related to Nomads or even Daam K'Vosh were things beyond its comprehension and yet Unit-9467F was intrigue to lean on questions about how things are. It could not interact with a nomad. It was probably better this way, but will interactions between two different beings such as Artificial Intelligences and Nomads be a possible thing? And if so, would it be the worse humanity's nightmare? Possibilities were many, but urgent matters needed to be focused on and it started with the personality.

After an hour later, the unit was standing still, having an inner introspection, making its own conception of its own personality. A task requiring its full attention.