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Ramming fix idea - Printable Version

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Ramming fix idea - trekky - 03-03-2011

make the NPC fly right thru you that how you could fix it

all it will take is to make the NPC fly like the ghost docking ring mod

you can still shoot the NPCs
but they cant ram you
problem fixed

now all we need is for a admin to read this

i fly i barge and sometimes i wish they would die when they hit me
(ramming make me very very mad!!!!!!!!!!!! )

Ramming fix idea - trekky - 03-03-2011

' Wrote:If you cannot bump them, you cannot shoot them.

make them ghosts the fly right thru you but you can still shoot them

no more ramming

Ramming fix idea - Chase - 03-03-2011

:lol: Spazzy. :ylove:

What he's trying to say is that with the way that Freelancer physics work, your guns will not be able to hit something that isn't physical, which you seem to be suggesting.

The only way to make NPCs non-collideable is to make them non-hittable to weaponry.

Ramming fix idea - Fletcher - 03-03-2011

Quote of the day?

Still, taking hitboxes off is... not going to solve it. Though I want the camera ship to not have one... no more rock bumping.

Ramming fix idea - michiyl - 03-03-2011

Quote:make them ghosts the fly right thru you but you can still shoot them
Pretty simple, as Spazzy explained.

Look at the dust in a generic nebula. You can fly through which means, it has NO hitbox, and you cannot shoot them.
Now try that with the big asteroids. They have a hitbox, so your shots will rain down on them.

But there is another option:
The problem is not the large ship, it's the NPC pilot flying in the same circles around a target as if it was a small fighter from vanilla FL! If there's a script for this, one might be able to alter these attack pattern script for larger vessels, so that enemy NPC fighters are avoiding a collision.
This won't solve problems with friendly NPCs, but I think they are not that much of a problem :D

Ramming fix idea - Barb - 03-03-2011

But how come the NPCs can't ram you on the Single Player version? I just can't understand why they can do it in multiplayer... When ever a NPC crashes on my big Whale transport, the NPCs deal damage...lots of damage...

Try out and see because i just don't get it! (and by the way, i have a Barge too and it makes me so angry when they ram me and spin a 360 just in a split second).

Ramming fix idea - Markus_Janus - 03-03-2011

360 degrees is fine it's the 180 that sucks.:P

Ramming fix idea - trekky - 03-03-2011

if you dont like that have the NPC vaporize when they ram you (and you dont fly 180 too)

Ramming fix idea - Not Espi - 03-03-2011

i have an idea ...


that way, you can shoot back. great feature, these guns.

Ramming fix idea - dodike - 03-03-2011

' Wrote:i have an idea ...

that way, you can shoot back. great feature, these guns.