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The Orbitals - Info & Feedback - Printable Version

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The Orbitals - Info & Feedback - The Orbitals - 02-28-2013

[Image: signature2.png]

The Orbital syndicate - Faction information & feedback.

1.- Who are the Orbitals
2.- A premature exodus chronoloy
3.- The Orbital way of life
4.- A different Society - The floating districts
5.- Community goals
6.- Relations
7.- Technical info
8.- Notes
9.- Things to do in game as an Orbital

District 178 Arivals terminal - Recruitment thread.

Media - Transmission bar repository.

The Scrap Jungle - Ingame services as logistics support, selling stuff ...

The Brixton auctions - The market where the orbitals operate from.

Employment office - Where you can find the jobs and contracts done by the community

"The Club" - A place were Orbitals sell information to the police and makes deals with third parties.

Orbital's Guerrilla - Our bounty board (No blanket bounties).

1.- Who are the orbitals?

Sirius has been always a dangerous place, where not everybody nor all collectives are strong enough to take privileged positions in their respective societies. The weakest communities had to use their imagination rather than their strength in order to survive in an hostile environment. An "orbital" is a term lately used to describe a junker who live in the Orbit of most populated planets of Bretonia, and eventually big stations. In fact, are "allowed" inhabitants of a Planet or system but haven't yet (or never will have) the Citizenship of such place.

The orbital population is mainly composed by "conscientious objectors" from Leeds that refused to be conscripted to fight against Gallic troops and unemployed citizens who refused to relocate their homes outside Bretonian traditional borders like Gran Canaria or Planet Sprague. Since they refused to follow such protocols, that group of citizens rendered without legal citizenship. Additionally some other small collectives like immigrants and political exiles have joined them in their new life.

Orbital population statics (Information gathered by BPA)

Popultion by place of residence:
Population at New London's orbit: 2.452.068
Population at Cambridge's orbit: 1.359.270
Population without a permanent residance location: 870.197
Total Population within Bretonia: 4.681.535

Population by procedence:
War refuges from Leeds front: 3.642.234 (77,8%)
Ilegal immigrants: 580.510 (12,4%)
Poltical exiles from other houses: 42.134 (0,9%)
Criminals that takes advantage of the "Orbital phenomenon": 107.675 (2,3%)
Zoners young generations with desire of living in a House region: 308.987 (6,6%)

2.- A premature exodus chronology

Bretonia - early 814 A.S.
The war between Bretonia and Kusari starts.

Salisbury - 814 A.S. - 128 Sol day
BAF starts to redact an emergency protocol in case Leeds have to be evacuated.

Leeds - mid 814 A.S.
Several riots at Leeds. Citizens are afraid of the direction it is taking the war.
The prices of several commodities reach record highs.
Leeds starts to evacuate it's first citizents. Major factories are being rellocated to other parts of Bretonia. The unemployment level of Leeds grows quickly, seems the factories are being moved faster than humble citizens.

[Image: Exodus%203.png]

New London - mid 814 A.S.
During the trip to New London, the place from where the refuges will be rellocate, Bretonian authorities explain to the evacuees that they will be rellocated outside Bretonian traditional borders like Planet Sprague or Planet Gran Canaria.
A significant part of the citizens awaiting at New London's orbit are upset by this announcement.

New London - early 815 A.S.
Some maverick parties organize an assembly in order to find an alternative to the migration outside Bretonia, they conclude that they will remain within Bretoanian borders and will work to be accpeted as a "normal" citizens in New London or Cambridge. Most of those newcomers from Leeds that have a ship refit them to make room for the new waves of war refuges arriving from Leeds front.
An autonomous economy starts to grow at New London's Orbit.
The population spread thorugh the orbit in attempt to not become a crowded camp.

Cambridge - mid 816 A.S.
First Orbitals arrive at Cambridge system, looking for comodities being needed at New London's "orbital camps" The Orbitals spreads even more throught Bretonian house.
Some of them even settle Cambridge Orbit, but BPA proceed to evict such newcomers.

Bretonia - early 818 A.S.
The war between Bretonia and Gallia starts.
Kusari and Bretonia sign peace
Kusarian emperor is trapped within Bretonia "side"

Bretonia - mid 818 A.S.
Those who refused to leave Bretonia to Planet Sprague realize that Bretonian crown don't have planned to let them be citizens at Cambridge or New London.
A loophole is found in Bretonian codex by a civil rights professor from Cambridge, seems that orbitals will have a chance to remain within Bretonia borders, even if this means become space citizens instead of live in Planets.

3.- The Orbital way of life

While the wars between different House took place, a lot of population became war refuges, or even slaves. They had almost no word in a world of conflict and war. The strongest ones managed to survive but the weakest ones were condemned to hard works, or even to starve in crowded border stations, awaiting to obtain a Citizenship card.

Is in 818 when a Bretonian Lawyer called Mathew Halle discovered a loophole in the Bretonian laws. Such loophole can be found in Bretonian codex regarding to the Planet and space definition. Meanwhile a "Planet" as a lawful concept is a space entity with mass and it's breathable atmosphere, the "space" is described as all the volume outer to space entities, including breathable or not atmosphere. In none of this two definitions the lawyer couldn't found a legal "owner" rendering the unbreathable part of an atmosphere, considered independent in terms of citizenship.

When this new travelled around the Neural-net were more than one refuge and immigrant who deployed it's home in this places taking advantage of a protected place and low but natural gravity while, at the same time, abstaining to wait for a legal citizenship. During some years a couple of trials and judgements have failed in favor of the Bretonian house, making again, some communities without legal defence and forcing them to be refuges again, in the best of cases.

In mid 818 several "orbital" communities from different secotrs take conscience of each other again and build a common neural-net and a lawyer section in order to defend their mutual interests, trying to regain it's right to live in peace. Meanwhile the community started to work as a syndicate helping vessels of all kind to unload and load cargo from local bases to ships or from ships to docking rings. Some of them have really developed great logistic skills.

While the Bretonian Crown, have planned to "clean" this "problem" the Orbitals have earned some trust among the captains of merchant vessels so that now this community is being to be seen as a necessary cheap labor force. Additionally to this, Bretonian citizens knows that the most part of Orbital population comes from Leeds, rendering almost impossible to extradite that community since this could generate several civilian riots.

Nowadays, the Orbitals not only work as a lifters in different planets but also as a wreck recyclers in planet's derbies, or scrap collectors when a brawl take place. In hard times they even pay for pirated cargo to the pirates and smuggle it to local markets or they do business with counterfeit software.

Orbital's economic statics (in millions S.C) (Survey by BPA, Bowex and border station personnel)

Estimated legal economy (83%):
Logistic services (mainly lifter sector): 2.614,5
Scrap recycling, melting and ship production: 1.867,5
Consumer goods and souvenir Manufacturacion: 1.045,8
Software production: 597,6
Other: 1.344,6
Total: 7.470

Estimated black economy (17%):
Undeclared imported goods: 994,5
Imported counterfit software: 336,6
Total: 1.530

4.- A different society - The floating districts (work in progress)

Long away from being a centralized and organized society, this community is a scattered and heterogeneous one. Most of people lives in Floating districts wich normally are refitted old ships that were at once transport ships. Some ones, the lucky ones, even lives in repaired liners.Those floating districts are like towns where usually the poeple knows each other and have strong relations between them. It's not like a cold city where every one make his own way. In a Floating distric the problem of the neigbour is the problem of the entire distric in a few minutes.

Those districs are like small autonomous towns. Towns with an economy, a population (sometimes with a unique accent), it's manners, it's mayor ... In a bigger scale, the floating districts form a net of small communities conncected via a common neuralnet.

[text goes here]

5.- Community goals

Social agenda:

  • Conitue evacuating fellow citizens from Leeds, even if it falls under Gallic control.
  • Grant a daly food ration and other vital needs to those refuges who can't afford that.
  • Provide social Hosue to all war refuges from Leeds.
  • Generate jobs to reduce high levels of unemployment among Orbitals thus preventing an increase of criminal acts.

Economic agenda:

  • Consolidate his busines in lifter and other logistics services.
  • Develop and alternative and autonomous market within Bretonia House.
  • Influence Bretonian "legal citizens" in order to force Bretonian crown to add a starting aid budget to Orbitals
  • Survey Bretonian's sectors in search of undiscovered fields of water and oxygen, or take control of that already known, in order to reduce Orbital's dependence regarding basic comodities.

Political agenda:

  • Keep at least it's critic status as a tolerated inhabitants of Bretonia
  • Achieve to modify Bretonian law so Orbitals get back it's citizenship
  • Look for alternatives in case Bretonia denies or block both of previous politic goals - Open embassies in the rest of Sirius

Defense agenda:

  • Develop a guerrilla movement to Slow Gallic invasion at Leeds and sabotage Gallic convoys at Taus
  • Defense Orbital's floating districts from pirates and other undesired visitors
  • To cut down slavery business within Bretonia space

6.- Relations

Junkers, Congres .:J:.
We are the new nephew of this great Family

Independent traders, zoners, small shiping companies
It's common to see a Orbital working as a lifter for 5K Zoner transports (and other traders of all kind) withing house space.

Major clients regarding the sector of junk and garbage. They are regular buyers who buy scrap in large quantities.To orbitals represent one of the main and steady income. Additionally, IMG sells to Orbials defective robotics at cheap price, wich are repaired and refitted to be sold later at Bretonian markets at reasonable prices

While it's not common, sometimes Orbitals ...

Lane hackers
In order to improve it's autonomous market and to work against big coorporates, the Orbitals chosen then non material things (wich are more difficult to detect) to expand their business, making/importing copies of all kind of sofware, music, and any kind of culture manifestation that fits in a memory disk. Lane hackers are the main providers of such material to the Orbitals

The only party trusted from Gallia and an alternative to Bretonian markets wich have high taxes and some comodities have high prices due to the war with Gallia. The main providers of gallic comodities wich are considered exotic for Bretonian citizens.

Both groups shares some reivindicative and way of life; Orbitals haven't acces to much raw resoruceresso it's way of life is so "sustainable" since recycliing an cleaning orbit's derbis is one of theirm main income. Said that, Orbitals can't afford to be seen too much friendly with Gaians since they want to get back it's citizenship as regular Bretonians

GMG, Non-Bretonian House corporations and the rest of parties not mentioned in this list
Groups and factions wich we don't have problems nor we have deals, so basically profitless relations that are just formal and cold

Bowex, Getaway
Big companies smell something about Orbitals plans to expand thieir own autonomus economy, outside the corporates circuits. On the other hand, it's not uncommon to see an Orbital as a lifter, since this last works mainly for free, expecting only a gift as a pyment. A wealthy ship captain sometimes prefers to pay a couple of credits and let his crew to rest a little before the next shipment instead order them to download all the cargo 

House police has been the law arm when it comes to evict undesired habitants of planet orbit. While this is a thing of the past, the relation is still tense between this two groups. Aditionally it is known that a small part of that comunity choose to smuggle goods as a primary way of life. 

While we understand i'ts desires of liberty and freedom, we cannot tolerate their viloent way to reach their goals, specially when time to time Orbitals falls under a pirate patrol and is forced to pay a tax wich is more than needed tfor the community. On the other hand Orbitals sometimes makes small delas with Mollly moderated sector 

While it's strange that they find any Orbital ship, sometimes an orbital is cathced lurking in Taus. In those occasions, normally, Police and/or Navy proceed to escort out of House space any member of the community who has trespassed Kusari borders

Pirates in general
The relation with pirates is a fluctuating one, sometimes Orbitals work for pirates to get the pirated cargo to the "right" market, most of the times they are just a mouse in a cat's claw.

Gallic corporations
Time to time, and when orbitals have high morale, they go deep to Taus in order to sabotage Gallic economy by pirating IDF and other Gallic companies convoys. It's both a revenge and a way to get exotic and preciated goods that can be selled at good prices within Bretonia. Even it's said that the Orbitals are on of the best providers of gallic wine to New London and Cambridge systems

Gallic Royal navy, Gallic police
The main reason Orbitals had to leave Leeds, thay are the protagonist of many orbital tales, and not in a good way. When are in small grups usually orbitals tend to flee as fast a Gallic patrol shows on scanners. In rare ocasions they face that horrible invaders

Pirates and other undesired visitors at Planet's Orbit and/or Floating districts
Butllets and mines aren't freindly for businessmen like Orbitals are - The RP of Orbitals should be cautios in this Siutations, calling the police and docking when it's possible, Only when there's a great advantage, or when a customer it's present and it's in danger Orbitals may defend it's interests.

discovered wild agent, Nomads
Aliens on sight! all men to turrets!

7.- Technical info

Identification papers ID & IFF

  • Junkers

Weaponry & Technology

  • Junker tech
  • Civilian tech

ZOI - Zone of influence

[Image: OZOI.png]
  • Systems with orbital presence - Where orbitals can be found offering their services.
  • Leeds Humanitarian corridors - Escorting and assisting smugglers to help Who was left behind
  • Gallic war frontier - Attention! By passing this line you are on your own!
  • Guerrilla incursions - For those brave pilots who wants to join the cause - Sabotaging and pirating missions offered!

[*O]-CharacterName Snub line

  • CSV
  • Collector
  • Recycler
  • Crow
  • Gitano
  • Bulldog

[*O]-ShipName Service & transport line

  • CSF
  • Clydesdale
  • Percheron
  • Civilian lifter
  • Repair ship
  • Salvager
  • Firefly
  • Pirate transport
  • Pirate train

[*O]-DistrictName.District Flotaing Distrcits

  • Pilgrim liner
  • Prison liner

8.- Notes

//With this faction I pretend to generate a background environment in most populated areas (Bretonia in this case). This want to be a mixt between a RP faction/helping other factions to generate RP, where sweet earnings and combat will rarely happens. If you're seaching for money or combat i guess this is not the best choice. On the other hand if you like to RP and have interaction, specially with other factions and players both in game and forum i hope this can be a good choice. The idea is to have a tagged group oh ships piloted by players that wants to RP/help other players to RP. Exmaples:
  • So you're a Zoner with a 5K transport but there's no a friend to help you loagind/unloading a cargo from a House region base --> Poke an Orbital.
  • So you're an independent trader / faction trader that don't want to reach a destination and be alone --> Poke an Orbital and RP the reception of the goods at a point, we born to be lifters.
  • So you're a pirate that prefers to Cargo pirate, but then you cannot get much money from the cargo due to the IFF restrictions --> Poke an Orbital
  • So you're a Police, but there isn't pirates ahead, search for an Orbital and annoy him (look Orbital - Police realations)
  • And so on...
A Player that logs in as a Orbital should be a freindly player that likes RP and helps other to interpret their RP characters representing small things but that add a lot of background to the scene - this faction don't pretend to be nor big in playerbase or in RP terms, just a "helping other players but In RP and having fun at the same time"

9.- Things to do in game as an Orbital

Seems that some players like the lore of this small faction but always ends asking what can be done in-game from this background. Here are a list of things to do in-game, most of the are oriented to RP with third parties / players, but thers' also room for nice earnings and even fights;
  • Legal business
  • Ilegal business (from Bretonia point of view)
  • Ilegal business (from Gallic poin of view)

The Brixton Market auctions is a RP platform where to plan business (they can be arranged "on air" too!)

The Orbitals, as a group, will order or sell lawful goods, on the other hand every orbital (individual player) is free to start their business (legal or illegal) via that platform or in-geme. in RP most of Orbitals are just humble and honest inhabitants from space, but there are a few that smuggle too. Part of the nice things to do in this faction is to RP an heterogeneity group and how the orbitals as a "lawful group" will try to defend some individuals that have committed low level crimes.
  • Mining scrap and selling to third parties
  • Buying / selling 2nd hand stuff (if one has no plans to fly as an orbital but have a code/armor/guns shop feel free to join us only via forum - Orbitals can buy armors in game or deliver codes for you. )
  • Ordering / deliver goods
  • Reselling cargo pirated goods

The Scrap Jungle is just a info thread where all the services you can offer in game.

Aka, a set of shared ships so any one can poke any [*O]- tagged ship. The shared ships account was wiped out due to inactivity - will be restored soon™
  • Smuggling needed supplies to Leeds Planet (The BAF satellite) --> a freighter docked there!! Some commodities have huge prices there (depending on the cargo it can be also considered smuggle by bretnians)
  • Offering "on air" services like loading/unloading cargo from 5K zoners in house space, buying from Bowex base and selling to a Gateway vessel or filling bases with Bots/bats.
  • Assisting independent/non-organized miners with a storage ship - they mine, switches the transport and take the stored ore for a small/fair quantity.

Other things to do

  • Fight against Gallics in Leeds (Only in defence mode!)
  • Escort vessels through the Gallic front
  • Pirate Gallic (and perhaps Kusari) convoys at Taus.

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progres - Kiith - 02-28-2013

I actually like this idea. A faction of space-faring refugees, being caught in there ships, floating around like moving slums. If this will work, you can count me in, that's for sure!

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progres - Tibbles - 02-28-2013

(02-28-2013, 06:39 PM)Yamamoto Wrote: I actually like this idea. A faction of space-faring refugees, being caught in there ships, floating around like moving slums. If this will work, you can count me in, that's for sure!

I'll poke you if ever this sees the light! Smile

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progres - SummerMcLovin - 03-01-2013

Ah yes, I forgot to take a proper look at this when I had it forwarded to me.

A couple of things that stood out for me (speaking in part for BPA/Bretonia) in the history. One was the start of the war with Gallia - this happened in 818, not 816 AS. As far as I know, martial law has not been declared on Leeds, and by now most of the planet has been evacuated to Cambridge and New London, waiting to go to Sprague, Gran Canaria or elsewhere. I would suggest you alter it to those unwilling to either leave their homes or fight for Leeds, or perhaps workers who have lost their jobs in the factories on Leeds. Possibly check out this.

Your comments on IMG and ALG don't really seem that based in fact - I believe they are generally considered some of the best corporations to work for. ALG is the fairest in Rheinland anyway, and IMG is based on the fact that BMM (and later Daumann/Kruger) mistreated their workers.

Overall it is an interesting idea and would be good with a couple of tweaks of the history. Cool RP, but (as can often be the case) with not too much to do in-game you might struggle to keep people playing Orbitals.

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progres - Wraga - 03-01-2013

Well made background. Good to see a this kind of idea here.
Good luck!

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progres - Tibbles - 03-01-2013

(03-01-2013, 11:35 AM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Ah yes, I forgot to take a proper look at this when I had it forwarded to me.

A couple of things that stood out for me (speaking in part for BPA/Bretonia) in the history. One was the start of the war with Gallia - this happened in 818, not 816
- Noted. Chronology is messed up with dates right now. will be updated ASAP.

AS. As far as I know, martial law has not been declared on Leeds, and by now most of the planet has been evacuated to Cambridge and New London, waiting to go to Sprague, Gran Canaria or elsewhere. I would suggest you alter it to those unwilling to either leave their homes or fight for Leeds, or perhaps workers who have lost their jobs in the factories on Leeds. Possibly check out this.
- I was afraid of an answer of this kind Tongue Anyway I wanted to show the idea as I had in mind. It will be changed. The "unemployed from Leeds concept + Citizens who refused to fight" can be a reasonable alternative to the Lore. Orbital Lore will be updated to fit the Bretonian one.*grabbing papers and notes*
... And a very nice link where i can take ideas from!!!!

Your comments on IMG and ALG don't really seem that based in fact - I believe they are generally considered some of the best corporations to work for. ALG is the fairest in Rheinland anyway, and IMG is based on the fact that BMM (and later Daumann/Kruger) mistreated their workers.
-Noted too. will change the "Flavor text" from the relations section

Overall it is an interesting idea and would be good with a couple of tweaks of the history. Cool RP, but (as can often be the case) with not too much to do in-game you might struggle to keep people playing Orbitals.
-Yep, I have some In-game missions and objectives that don't want to spoil, basically things "to do" in game and role archetypes, said that i'm afraid you're right, but i want to try anyway ^.^

Replies done in Orange
The OP will be updated with your input soon ™
Thanks a lot for the feedback!!!! Smile

Edit: @Wraga Thank you! Tongue

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progres - Lennox - 03-01-2013

Awesome idea. Quite like it, as I believe it can do a lot ingame with enough motivation, which you've already showed a lot. Keep it up. Can't wait to see more. And if there's an opening for this idea ingame, count me into this as well. : )

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progress - SummerMcLovin - 03-01-2013

Just looking to help - take a look at the Judges for how unwelcome (and possibly 'wrong') lore will get you.

I'm also a big fan of the PPB story (using it for one of my characters), so more people using it is all good in my books.

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progress - Tibbles - 03-02-2013

Updated the chronology/lore (still work in progress) and other minor changes

(03-01-2013, 12:35 PM)Lennox Wrote: Awesome idea. Quite like it, as I believe it can do a lot ingame with enough motivation, which you've already showed a lot. Keep it up. Can't wait to see more. And if there's an opening for this idea ingame, count me into this as well. : )

Glad you liked it.
I'll add you to the "players to poke list" when the work is finished Tongue
(righnt now i have a very bad connection so skype is not working, i hope to get this fixed "soon")

(03-01-2013, 01:02 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Just looking to help - take a look at the Judges for how unwelcome (and possibly 'wrong') lore will get you.

I'm also a big fan of the PPB story (using it for one of my characters), so more people using it is all good in my books.

Thank you for the help, i'm trying to make this kind of work previously to prevent that kind of situations Smile

RE: The Orbitals - Work in progress - Lennox - 03-03-2013

Free bump for this. I like the projects' write-ups. Keep it up!