Here you will find all the services brought by Orbitals at Bretonian and surrounding systems. Take a look at our wide range of services o'dear customer. If you have any question you can contact us via Neuralnet, leave us a private message, or contact directly to one of our employees in the space. Note that this last way is the fastest and cheapest one!.
Disclaimer I: //All the ships appearing here are shared, thus you can contact any online player under the tag [*O]- for any service here listed. We like to RP such minor thingies. Come and have fun with us.
Disclaimer II: Sirius economy is a "fluctuating" one - All of the services here listed have a price that will be arranged "on air" Feel free to bark our workers in case the prices offered are ofensive, otherwise hugs and kisses can become discounts in the final price.
Repair & upgrading services
Our first repair ship is about to get out of the hangar. This small vessel is capable to repair "on air" all kind of armors, guns, and even internal shield systems. Additionally to this, it can hold an insane number of bots and bats... yes, you heard it right o'captain, I said an insane number. Send an emergency transmission to our employees and in less time a bretonian officer drinks a tea we will be there repairing your ship... we know we know is not that hard.
[*O]-Tea&Oil.Workshop - Being upgraded
Floating storage fleet
Are you mining and your hauler is late? Perhaps sick of that "F1" Sindrome? Poke us, we will deliver a floating depot, so you can fill up all the Ores your heads asked for. Once finished you can poke that "bastard" that is drinking a tea at the bar instead of being with you in the dangerous fields. Additionally to this our depots also offer logistics support to those convoys that imports or exports commodities from Bretonia.
[*O]-Floating.Depot.01 - Dublin - Mining operations support [*O]-Floating.Depot.02 - Under construction
Lifter & Logistic support
Your ship docking fixtures aren't the standard ones thus you're unable to unload your cargo properly? Perhaps you were asked to delivery some stuff, but you weren't in the VIP list? We have your solution... we have a crane operator 24/7 ready to assist you captain!