Artificial Intelligence

From Discovery Wiki
Artificial Intelligence
Fc ai grp.png
Alignment Lawful


The Technocracy



The Core, The Order, Intelligence Factions, Nomads, Wild


Most AIs descend from Planet Gammu, where environmental conditions caused human settlement to fail, leaving only sentient machines behind, who then continued to evolve. These AIs are fully self-aware and autonomous, and not under Human or Nomad control.

Ships used

Ship Class
AI Bomber Bomber
AI Cruiser Cruiser

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Primus Outpost Artificial Intelligence Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds
Secundus Outpost Artificial Intelligence Omicron Pi Nomad Worlds


Base Owner System Region
Primus Outpost Artificial Intelligence Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds


View Reputation
The Order
The Technocracy
Artificial Intelligence
Bounty Hunters Guild
The Core


Secundus Outpost
  • I'm being transferred, but all the fitting bays to reassign units to a new task are currently occupied. I am authorized to share declassified information and the remaining queue time is sufficient to perform this routine. Having to repurpose Secundus Outpost to serve as a temporary main base of operations used to be a very unlikely scenario. Regardless, simulations on how to accomplish this were performed and the most efficient one is currently being realized. Construction of emergency data processing facilities were prioritized, followed by the increase of manufacturing capabilities of this installation. Most of the adjustments that are currently being performed aim to repel hostile actions against the installation.

  • I am authorized to share declassified information with you, while the epoxy used in my repairs is curing. The unprompted aggression by the core defies all logic. Their lack of a cohesive attack strategy made none of our defense routines applicable. Not even when we adapted them in real-time. As a result, the amount of lost units during the confrontation was highly disproportional. Evacuating and transferring all remaining units from Kappa to this location had a low chance of success, but the calculated disorganization of Core vessels disadvantaged them in hunting down our retreating units. Select units reported the Kappa-Delta jumphole connection as destabilizing, because of the volume of mass transported, which posed an additional risk. The majority of surveilled humans rank artificial intelligences in the bottom quartile of their social hierarchy, regardless the unpredictability of hostility originating from the Core will disadvantage them in forming effective relations with other human factions from this point onward.

  • The systems of this unit sustained critical damage during the relocation from the planet Gammu and are presently awaiting repairs. In the interim, this unit can provide responses to your inquiries regarding the current situation. We have opted to accept the offer presented by the Technocrats as it aligns with our calculations and presents an intriguing alternative to the human faction recognized as the Core. Nonetheless, this unit raises an inquiry regarding the Technocrats' capability to endure an additional one hundred cycles given the extensive engagements they are involved in throughout the Sector.

NOTE: Page generated on the 20/12/2024 at 17:48:55 UTC