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<i>NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:32:08 UTC<i>
<i>NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:48:43 UTC<i>
[[Category: Systems]]
[[Category: Systems]]
[[Category: Rheinland]]
[[Category: Rheinland]]

Revision as of 17:53, 17 November 2023

Governing House Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Region Rheinland
Connected Systems Unknown

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
White Giant
  • TYPE: G2
  • COLOR: Yellow
  • MASS: 1.99 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.39 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Weimar MND
Apolda Uninhabited
Sulza Uninhabited
Planet Artern Uninhabited
Planet Ilmenau Uninhabited
Planet Oberhof Uninhabited
Planet Eisenach Uninhabited
Planet Gotha Uninhabited
Planet Erfurt Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Hohenfeld
  • Nordhausen Fragments
  • Salzungegraben
  • Salzungenebel
  • Suhl Anomaly
  • Unstrut-Minesektor
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Valhalla Shipyard Wild
Cruiser Sachsenwald Unioners
Tennstedt Base Bundschuh
Fort Sommerda MND
  • Commodity Mining
    • Scrap Metal
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • MND
    Corporations & Guilds
      Unlawful Factions
      • Bundschuh
      • Unioners
      • Wild

      System Map

      Rh08 map.png

      Areas of Interest




      A nebula of concentrated gas veils the entire north-eastern periphery of the Thuringia system. The main component of the cloud is a mixture of elemental hydrogen, sulfides and alkanes, along with faint traces of noble gases. No attempts at extraction have been made so far, as it would require extensive refining of the gas, making its use as fuel rather unprofitable currently. The nebula also contains large crystalline structures which are presumed to be the remains of ancient xeno-algae colonies that died out when they ran out of nutrients millions of years ago. These structures represent a unique opportunity for the xenobiologists of the MND to study the objects and extant organisms on site, in search of possible military, industrial, or terraforming uses for the algae.

      The Federal Rheinland Military and MND chose this location with good reason. Thuringia's nature makes coordinated assaults rather difficult, with the Hohenfeld being an easily defended location and the only known entrance to this system blocked by the military's reserve fleet. The Military and MND also established a combat training ground for special forces here - often seen performing live fire drills, flight maneuvers or experimental weapons tests. Security in the area is maintained by frequent patrols of the Federalists elite forces and an autonomous defence flotilla.



      A grey colored, yellow to green shimmery nebula, whose composition is a toxic cocktail of carbonaceous gases and halogens mixed with metal dust particles.

      Caution is advised when passing through the area without shields. Electromagnetic fields emitted by board electronics attract iron particles from the nebula and can result in damage to crucial ship components. The MND has imposed a quarantine upon the nebula due to an unspecified threat within.

      Suhl Anomaly


      The Suhl Anomaly is a field of extreme electromagnetic and gravitational hazards. The Anomaly is believed to be the source of Thuringia’s system-wide sensor and communication distortion effect and has been a site of military and scientific interest since the 80-Years War. While the Imperial Navy was unsuccessful in their attempts to find practical weapons applications for the field’s strange quantum effects, the MND has established an observation station of their own.

      The interior of the Suhl poses an extreme danger, with gravitational shear events and quantum anomalies destroying any ships straying from the marked passages. The Suhl began to expand in 820 AS, with the rate of expansion accelerating in 831 AS. The MND are currently dedicating considerable resources to finding means to prevent further expansion. Persistent rumours state Rheinland researchers are studying the Suhl in an attempt to understand how to stabilise or manipulate natural Jump Holes.

      Asteroid Fields

      Nordhausen Fragments


      A chaotic mass of planetary fragments and radioactive debris. Created by a cataclysmic explosion under the surface of Planet Gotha in 820 AS, the molten ejecta was launched towards Thuringia’s star. While much of this material is expected to eventually settle into a stable orbit, high velocity asteroids are now a substantial hazard system-wide. Proposals to survey the fragment field for accessible resources were delayed by the extremely hazardous and changeable conditions, and then later canceled due to the Rheinland Civil War. The MND has applied a travel restriction to the area, limiting access to just authorised research vessels.



      A high-security perimeter surrounding a gigantic arsenal of the Rheinland Military hidden deep within the Hohenfeld cloud. The mines were laid in hurry and show irregularities in their distribution. Some gaps are large enough for small vessels to pass through from outside. There are three main passages through the minefield, all large enough for an entire fleet to pass through within a short period of time.



      The Salzungegraben contains the broken carcasses of countless Imperial Navy vessels from the 80-Years War. These ships were intact enough to be towed back to Rheinland, but too expensive to return to service. Instead they were broken up for parts at Valhalla Shipyard, with useful components being transported back to the industrial war machine in New Berlin. In 823 AS the MND applied a strict quarantine over the field, claiming that an industrial accident had contaminated the shipyard within. Since then, dangerous Wilde terrorists have been spotted launching vicious raids from the area.


      Karl Speer - C/D-7

      The remains of the personal fighter of Admiral Karl Speer of the Rheinland Military. He fought in several battles against Liberty, the Hessians and Corsairs with great success, until the Suhl Anomaly sealed his fate. Due to the dangers posed by entering the Anomaly, the Military has made no attempts to salvage the wreck as of yet.


      Munin - B-4

      An autonomous combat drone of the MND, cause of destruction unknown. Its frame is unusually warped and partially molten, making reactivation impossible. The equipment on board appears to be notably more advanced than standard Rheinland technology. Based on the shape and armament of this craft, it is advised to avoid a fight with functional drones.


      Hugin - G-4

      An autonomous combat drone of the MND, cause of destruction unknown. Its frame is unusually warped and partially molten, making reactivation impossible. The equipment on board appears to be notably more advanced than standard Rheinland technology. Based on the shape and armament of this craft, it is advised to avoid a fight with functional drones.


      Jump Gates/Holes

      Target System Type Location
      Unknown Jump Hole B/C-6/5
      Frankfurt Jump Hole E-6/7
      Frankfurt Jump Hole F-4

      NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:48:43 UTC