
From Discovery Wiki
Governing House Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Region Rheinland
Connected Systems Earhart
Omicron Theta

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
White Giant
  • TYPE: G2
  • COLOR: Yellow
  • MASS: 1.99 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.39 x 10e7 km
Medium Green
  • TYPE: F4
  • COLOR: Green
  • MASS: 1.99 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.53 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Ilmenau Uninhabited
Planet Eisenach Uninhabited
Planet Erfurt Uninhabited
Apolda Uninhabited
Sulza Uninhabited
Planet Artern Uninhabited
Planet Oberhof Uninhabited
Planet Weimar Detachment 16
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Gotha Fragments
  • Hohenfeld
  • Salzungegraben
  • Stedtfeld
  • Suhl Anomaly
  • Unstrut-Minesektor
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Battleship Fenrir Wild
Tennstedt Base Bundschuh
Fort Sommerda Detachment 16
Jena Station Detachment 16
  • Commodity Mining
    • Scrap Metal
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • Detachment 16
    Corporations & Guilds
      Unlawful Factions
      • Bundschuh
      • Wild

      System Map

      Rh08 map.png

      Areas of Interest


      Gotha Fragments


      A chaotic mass of planetary fragments, dust and radioactive debris. Created by a cataclysmic explosion under the surface of Planet Gotha in 820 AS, the molten ejecta was launched towards Thuringia’s star. While much of this material is expected to eventually settle into a stable orbit, high velocity asteroids are now a substantial hazard system-wide. Proposals to survey the fragment field for accessible resources were delayed by the extremely hazardous and changeable conditions, and then later canceled due to the Rheinland Civil War. The MND has applied a travel restriction to the area, limiting access to just authorised research vessels.

      Suhl Anomaly



      The Suhl Anomaly is a field of extreme electromagnetic and gravitational hazards. The Anomaly is believed to be the source of Thuringia’s system-wide sensor and communication distortion effect and has been a site of military and scientific interest since the 80-Years War. Gravitational shear events and quantum hazards pose an extreme danger within the Suhl, with these anomalies destroying any ships straying from the marked passages.

      The Suhl began to expand in 820 AS, with the rate of expansion accelerating in 831 AS. The MND dedicated considerable resources to finding a means to prevent further expansion, with little initial effect. In late 833 AS, a large electromagnetic disturbance was detected near Valhalla Shipyard and within the field, with expansion halting shortly after. Wild patrols now frequently operate within the Anomaly, having quickly overrun the MND’s safe zones.



      The Hohenfeld nebula veils the entire north of the Thuringia system. The nebula contains crystalline structures which are believed to be the fossilised remains of extinct breeds of Alien Organisms. These structures remain the subject of research for possible military, industrial, or terraforming applications. Access to the Thuringia system is restricted, and the nebula is consequently heavily patrolled by the MND from their checkpoint at Fort Sommerda.

      Asteroid Fields



      The Salzungegraben is a sensor dampening nebula, containing the carcasses of countless Imperial Navy vessels from the 80-Years War. These ships were intact enough to be towed back to Rheinland, but too expensive to return to service. Instead they were broken up for parts at Valhalla Shipyard, with useful components being transported back to the industrial war machine in New Berlin. In 823 AS the MND applied a strict quarantine over the field, claiming that an industrial accident had contaminated the shipyard within. Since then, dangerous Wilde terrorists have been spotted launching vicious raids from the area.


      The result of various weapon trials and Military experiments, the Stedtfeld was first used as a test range during the 80-Years War. A significant debris field has accumulated in Eisenach's orbit from the many destroyed targets. The Wild frequently use the field as cover to launch raids on the Kolleda Wreck site.



      A high-security minefield guarding the passage to Frankfurt, deep in the Hohenfeld nebula. The mines were originally hastily laid by the Rheinland Northern Fleet in 800 AS, and show irregularities and gaps in their distribution. Later mine clearance work opened three main passages for transit which remain in use to this day.


      Kolleda Wreck - F-4

      CLASS: Kolleda



      Construction of the Battleship Kolleda first began in 819 AS, alongside the Battleship Schwerin. Originally intended for service in the war against Liberty, neither ship would be completed in time to see combat. Entering service in 823 AS, the Kolleda was first deployed to oversee repairs on the destroyed Hamburg Jump Gate in Hudson. Following this tour, the Kolleda was retasked to Thuringia as the centerpiece of a new officer training school operated in partnership with the MND. Despite the Kolleda Academy’s overall success, conflict between veteran Colony War-era instructors and the MND made the posting an unpopular one.

      When the Saigon War erupted between Rheinland, Kusari and the GMG in 825 AS, the Kolleda formed the speartip of the Military’s response, distinguishing itself as one of the conflict’s deadliest combatants. The Kolleda’s crew were reprimanded several times for prioritizing brutal attacks on the GMG -- who they blamed for the fall of the Rheinland Empire -- rather than following assigned orders. After the Sigma Treaty established a ceasefire, the Kolleda controversially refused to withdraw to Frankfurt. This is commonly seen as the first overt step towards the Rheinland Civil War, as Military leaders began to openly defy the civilian government.

      During the Civil War, the Kolleda unsurprisingly fought for the Imperial cause. It launched raids into Federalist Munich from its position in the Sigmas, primarily targeting civilian and logistics infrastructure. Post-war service saw the Kolleda suppressing the re-outlawed Unioners in Hamburg, before being mothballed in 830 AS on budgetary grounds. This decision was highly controversial, with accusations of political revenge being leveled against ex-Federalist decisionmakers. The battleship was slowly dismantled over the following years, until in 834 AS it was abruptly towed from its moorings for ‘special assignment’ with the MND.

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - F-4

      - E/F-4

      Hugin - F-4

      An elite prototype fighter of the MND that was reported as lost in 824 AS, cause of destruction unknown. Its frame is unusually warped and partially molten, making reactivation impossible. The equipment on board appears to be notably more advanced than standard Rheinland technology.


      Karl Speer - F-7

      The remains of the personal fighter of Admiral Karl Speer of the Rheinland Military. He fought in several battles against Liberty, the Hessians and Corsairs with great success, until the Suhl Anomaly sealed his fate. Due to the dangers posed by entering the Anomaly, the Military has made no attempts to salvage the wreck as of yet.


      Fafnir - E/F-7

      The remains of an infested Valkyrie codenamed Fafnir. Believed to have been piloted by one of the first infectees, the Fafnir accompanied the Rheinland Survey team that awakened the Nomads on Planet Pygar in 795 AS. Fanfir’s activities came to an abrupt end when it and the Huldra attempted to lure two MND pilots into the Suhl Anomaly. After taking heavy damage from a mine, the ship span away into the Anomaly’s fatal hazards.


      Huldra - E/D-7

      The remains of an infested Valkyrie codenamed Huldra. Piloted by a former Rheinland Military test pilot who was shot down during the Purge of Thuringia, and subsequently captured by the Wild. Since then, the Huldra has lured overzealous MND pilots patrolling Thuringia into traps, leading to their capture and infestation. The Huldra’s final attempt was met with fatal consequences when attempting to set an ambush for an MND veteran named Baldur.


      Frigg - E-7

      Frigg was a junior MND agent who foolishly chased two infected pilots into the Suhl Anomaly. Frigg fell victim to the anomaly only moments after engaging with the alien pilots.


      Baldur - E/F-7

      Baldur was an elite MND agent, renowned for killing dozens of alien ships across the Omegas in the aftermath of the Colony Wars. During a patrol with junior agent Frigg, the pair pursued two infected pilots deep into the Suhl Anomaly. Following a reckless maneuver, Frigg was consumed by the Anomaly’s hazards, leaving Baldur to fend off the Wild pilots on his own. He knocked one assailant into the Suhl’s teeth using a mine. His ship was damaged in the process, with the agent choosing to ram his last opponent to ensure their destruction.


      U-32 - E-6

      The wreckage of an Oder-class gunboat of the MND, trapped within the Suhl anomaly.


      Natalie Koch - F-7

      The wreck of a ship piloted by Natalie Koch, a xenoarchaeologist of the MND who disappeared in the year 808 AS. Unaware of the danger posed by the Suhl Expanse, she entered the anomaly for the one and only time. Scans indicate that she had Artifacts on board.


      Marienburg - E-1/2

      The hulk of the Red Hessian cruiser Marienburg, captured by the MND, partially dismantled and then subjected to various experimental weapons tests with the intention of locating structural weaknesses. The vessel was last seen entering the Westerwald in Frankfurt.


      Johnathan Whitmore - C/D-2/3

      The wreck of a fighter belonging to ex-Liberty Navy marine and daredevil Johnathan Whitmore. He was searching for new adventures and stumbled into Thuringia by accident. His ship was heavily damaged by a military patrol shortly afterwards. The wreck has been disposed here. The pilot is missing.


      Olaf Thornblad - D-2

      The vessel of Olaf Thörnblad, an ex-member of the Rheinland Military and alleged informant for the LSF. According to official reports, he disappeared within the Omegas in 817 AS. The pilot is missing.


      Munin - B/A-6

      An elite prototype fighter of the MND that was reported as lost in 824 AS, cause of destruction unknown. Its frame is unusually warped and partially molten, making reactivation impossible. The equipment on board appears to be notably more advanced than standard Rheinland technology.


      Klaus Spielberg - B-4

      The vessel of Klaus Spielberg, a civilian who got lost in Thuringia and was gunned down by a military patrol while attempting to escape.


      Jump Gates/Holes

      NOTE: Page generated on the 23/12/2024 at 21:29:22 UTC