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Revision as of 15:23, 7 June 2024

Nago Station
Kishiro Technologies
F-5/6, Tau-29

CLASS: Akebono

GRAVITY: Complete



CREW: 580

Constructed in 603 AS by Kishiro, Nago Station is one of Kishiro's primary sources for the Hydrocarbons needed to fabricate the Polymers used in Optical Chips. Optical Chip manufacturing is one of Kishiro's major business sectors, and Kishiro depends on a steady supply of Polymers to manufacture them. The station also houses a standing security force to repulse frequent attacks by pirates and protect its interests from interference by corporate rival Samura.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Robotics 36$
Sake 24$
Oxygen 9$
Food Rations 31$
H-Fuel 136$
MOX 27$
Mining Machinery 21$
Pharmaceuticals 44$
Consumer Goods 33$
Synth Paste 26$
Xenobiotic Filters 62$
HazMat Canisters 54$
Passengers (Kusari) 347$
Xeno Relics 223$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Crew 327$
Toxic Waste 23$
Hydrocarbons 18$
Terraforming Gases 14$
Water 6$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Surveyor Heavy Fighter 5,408$
Civilian Ferry Transport 225,506$
Arrastra Bomber 43,176$


[834 AS] Cryer Delegation Arrives at Harris

PLANET HARRIS -- 834 -- Cryer Pharmaceuticals location scouts have arrived on Planet Harris, amid speculation the medical giant will establish a facility on the remote planet. With the destruction of Atka Research Station, Cryer lost the primary production facility for their flagship drug -- Stabiline. Harris is believed to be a front-runner candidate for a replacement lab due to its strategic location in the Tau Border Worlds, BAF security perimeter, and option to tap into local supply lines. Liberty is believed to have provided significant diplomatic backing for Cryer's proposal, which is demanding complete legal autonomy for the site. Bretonian officials have declined to comment on the proceedings.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[830 AS] Kruger Robotics Lawsuit Dismissed

ESSEN -- 830 -- Rheinland courts have dismissed Kishiro Technologies’ lawsuit against Kruger Minerals as 'unfounded'. The Kusari corporation claims Kruger stole patented Robotics designs, which recently entered production at Essen Station. Kruger has demonstrated these new products by automating several Omega-7 operations and laying off hundreds of crews. Kruger representatives called the lawsuit 'frivolous nonsense', while Kishiro’s lawyers vowed to appeal, alleging severe conflicts of interest with the presiding judge. Baroness Daniela von Achen had served as the Minister of Industry in the Imperial Government prior to reunification, and was appointed as a Crown Judge following the Holstein Accords.

[829 AS] Tau In Transition

Freeport 6 -- 829 AS -- Bretonia and Kusari have been quiet in recent weeks as the Tau cluster continues adjustments, partly by design, into a new reality. Kusari has abandoned Tau-53 completely as trade with Gallia is frozen indefinitely, a nearly depleted hydrocarbon deposit seemingly not worth the investment in itself. Misaki Station has seen its manufacturing facilities detached and towed to a new location as Samura attempts to recoup some of its investment in Tau-53. Meanwhile, both Gallia and Bretonia have readjusted their Tau focus to Tau-23 as Orkney descends into chaos. Existing gate infrastructure in Tau-31 and Languedoc have been redirected to Tau-23, and a collective deja vu is felt among Tau denizens and observers from all Houses as the resources of Tau-23 are eyed by competing mining interests. Trade between the houses however, as in Kusari, is completely off the menu. Independent trade factions have also been warned against attempting to cross the divide.

[828 AS] Tau Turbulence

FREEPORT 6 -- 828 AS -- After decades of constant warfare and shifts in dominance - the balance of power within the Tau sector has once again been reset. With the most recent conclusion of a brief yet bitter invasion by Kusari into Gallic space, the Taus have seen a rapid destabilization along the shattered Gallic defenses and Kusari borders. Coupled with a Bretonia still reeling from economic desolation by the Gallic invasion only a few years prior, the Taus have become something of a no-man's-land between the depleted militaries of the Gallic, Kusari, and Bretonian empires. In the aftermath of the decisive end of the Kusari-Gallic war, the once dominant Gallia pulled almost all its strength back to Gallia to repel the Kusari invasion, leaving in their wake a sector more independent than ever.

At present, no house stands to conclusively fill the vacuum of power in the Taus, clouding the future to secure exploitation of its rich natural resources in ambiguity. Following the withdrawal of Kusari from Tau-23 after the final confrontation in Languedoc, the lanes within the system seem to have been subject to sabotage, and Gallia has released a public statement that Orkney would instead be favored over Tau-23 for the route to Tau-31, likely owing to Orkney being the last major Tau system that Gallia holds bases in. Niobium futures have ballooned in response to plummeting consumer confidence in stable Niobium extraction, resulting in vicious multinational corporate and paramilitary competition over Tau resource exploitation. The Taus are now a lawless battleground of conflicting corporate interests, small scale military skirmishes, and pirate incursions, all scrambling for a piece of Niobium.

Given the thorough depletion of military might and expansionist ambitions in the surrounding devastated houses, chances are low that the Taus will find themselves tamed by a lawful house in the foreseeable future.

[804 AS] Treaty of Honshu eases Colony War wounds

HONSHU -- 804 -- Dignitaries from Rheinland and Kusari today ratified the Second Treaty of Honshu, officially normalizing relations between the two Houses and ending Kusari’s embargo. Rheinland has formally accepted sole culpability for the Colony Wars and agreed to a 20 year reparations package. This includes preferential rates for Kusari corporations on military goods and resources needed to rebuild the Kusari Naval Forces, and financial compensation for the damages inflicted in Honshu itself. Chancellor Steller offered his sincere condolences to Kusari over the war, and promised a brighter future of mutual prosperity.

[801 AS] Kusari imposes embargo on Rheinland

NEW TOKYO -- 801 -- Shogun Edo has announced that a full economic embargo of Rheinland will be imposed by Kusari due to the outrages of the Colony Wars. Liberty’s President Jacobi has taken a leading role in mediation between Rheinland and the other Houses, with the Provisional Rheinland Government offering a message of condolence to the Kusari people for the actions of the toppled previous regime. Despite this, Kusari has remained resolute that no normalization of relations will be considered until full reparations are made for the devastation in Honshu and New Tokyo, and the many crimes Kusari alleges were perpetrated there.


Kishiro Technologies
  • Hydrocarbons produced here are shipped to our industrial facilities on Planet Honshu and to the Shinegawa facility. The Optronics baseboards and Optical Chips are made largely out of Polymers, which in turn are made from Hydrocarbons, so we need a steady supply. Any surplus is sold either to third parties, such as Gallic shippers, or to the industries on Kyushu.

  • We require a steady supply of Mining Machinery, Food and Pharmaceuticals here. Mining is dangerous, and is often hard on both the miners and their equipment. Repeated attacks by Outcasts do not help matters much either.

  • Shinagawa is in the heart of Kusari. It is a pleasure to leave these barren systems behind for my ancestral home. I get the opportunity when I deliver Polymers to Shinagawa from this base. Whenever I make that run, I am in no hurry to return once I pass the Kyushu gate.

  • I loathe having to cede some of my responsibilities to Bounty Hunters. It feels as failure, something Kusari has been feeling a lot of, and it angers me. But we do as we must to survive. These crass outsiders won't be in our employ forever. Once our Navy is rebuilt, you'll see, Kusari shall reclaim what is rightfully hers.

  • The Outcasts always keep us guessing. Sometimes they go after the mining ships further in the field. Sometimes they are waiting at the Trade Lane. And sometimes they are so bold that they attack Nago itself. It forces us to divide our patrols. The lesson of Freeport 7 is still fresh in everyone's mind. A few defensive turrets without fighters to back them up will not save a space station from harm.

  • Our miners once found a half destroyed Outcast ship, which had been in a firefight and lost. The cockpit was still intact, but life support had given out. They brought the pilot's body back to our base. Some of our scientists ran an autopsy and discovered that they differ from regular human beings on a genetic level. Their cell reproduction requires Cardamine to build RNA. We know now that it is pointless to take Outcast prisoners. They will not live without their drug.

  • We sometimes run into patrols from the Gallic Royal Navy if they are pursuing some Outcasts. Tau-29 used to be proudly Kusari-owned territory, now it is nothing more than a buffer zone between our nations. Still, it could be worse. Gallia hasn't made any agressive move towards us in months, perhaps they truly just wanted to get to Bretonia, and needed everyone else out of their way.

  • We run frequent patrols through the Nago field and around this base. We have to, since the asteroids give the Outcasts plenty of places to hide. We used to be able to count on the Kusari Naval Forces to dispatch patrols from Nagumo, just beyond the Kyushu gate, but after the defeat of the Naval Forces at the hands of Gallia, they simply don't have the men for that anymore. I hate to admit it, but the Outcasts are too tough for us most of the time.

  • I can't wait to cycle back to New Tokyo. Maybe the space born don't mind the dank recycled Oxygen aboard bases, but I get sick of it. I cannot wait to see the sun without looking through three inches of gold-coated clear plate. Mankind was not born to live in a metal shell.

  • Though the Samura base is closer to the Outcast Cardamine route, we have our own share of problems with the outsiders. They need the Polymers we produce at this base for their own construction and manufacturing concerns. At least this was the information given to us by the Kusari military consultants we hired. They will often attack the external storage depots. We've had to hire mercenaries to keep the threat they pose acceptable - the Kusari Navy can't help us much now.

  • My convoy was returning to this base from New Tokyo when we were attacked by Outcasts. Kishiro always loses ships and men on the Nago-New Tokyo Polymer run. We were lucky, I suppose. Four of our cargo pods ruptured in the attack, and the Outcasts were more interested in the floating Mining Machinery then they were in us. We got out of range as fast as we could.

  • This base harvests Hydrocarbons from the ice asteroids of the field we are in. Dirty ice is taken to Nago by mining crews, then the Hydrocarbons are seperated from the Water here. We have no shortages of Water or Oxygen at this base as a result, we only need to import food, and Planet Kyushu is conveniently close by for that.

Bounty Hunters Guild
  • The Tau region as a whole has a bit of an Outcast problem. The further north you go, the bigger that problem becomes. Tau-29 is mild compared to Tau-23 or Tau-37. The Outcasts keep their strongest boys closer to home. Suits me to be here, earning a load of credits is only worthwhile if you can enjoy them afterwards.

  • Ahh. That age old adage, "War is good for business". It certainly is for any mercenaries. When armies get stuck fighting eachother, civilians on the fringes are usually left to fend for themselves. They either fold and pack up shop, or hire their own muscle to keep themselves safe. And we're definately that kind of muscle.

  • Most Kusari don't appreciate us Bounty Hunters much. These miners here are no different. Doesn't matter to me, the barkeep knows better than to deny me a Sake when I order one. Beyond that I prefer to keep to myself. The work we do doesn't require a lot of "people" skills.

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:42 UTC