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Latest revision as of 16:06, 7 June 2024

Saverne Base
H/G-5/6, Cologne

CLASS: Liechtenstein

GRAVITY: Partial



CREW: 340

Saverne is a recently constructed Bundschuh station that replaced the increasingly neglected and dangerous Geneva Base. Geneva had fallen into an appalling state of disrepair over the years, owing to the Bundschuh’s primary focus on northern Rheinland, and the pressures of the Civil War. This came to a head in 830 AS after several crew were killed by the failure of a poorly maintained air filter. The surviving crew immediately went on strike to demand the resources to properly do their jobs. An embarrassed Bundschuh leadership quickly acquiesced to the crew's demands, wrote off the structure of Geneva as a loss, and quietly constructed Saverne as a more robust replacement.

Saverne's crew specializes in scavenging Hessian and Military technology from the many wrecks in the system, particularly from around Planet Saarbrucken. The most important aspect of the Saverne project was the development of a small fighter manufacturing facility, which combines salvage with black market parts bartered from the nearby Heisenberg Research Station. Following the collapse of the armistice with Rheinland in 832 AS, Saverne also attracted numerous ex-Federalist engineers who were disgusted at the concessions made through the Holstein Accords. This has assisted the Bundschuh in reducing their dependence on Hessian consultants.

Since the completion of the Treaty of Oerlikon, Saverne has become increasingly important as a staging point for raids across the Alsace Passage. Maquis fighters have occasionally been seen aboard, leading to speculation about the extent of coordination between the two groups’ attacks in the volatile region. The Bundschuh for their part appear to have attracted sympathizers among the staunch republicans of nearby Planet Marne, who loathe the idea of a monarchist Rheinland providing a blueprint for the dictatorial leaders of the Gallic Union.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Criminals 364$
Medical Equipment 39$
Rheinbier 23$
Light Arms 109$
Prisoners 203$
Black Market Pharmaceuticals 50$
Counterfeit Computerware 72$
Oxygen 20$
Water 19$
Food Rations 37$
H-Fuel 135$
Pharmaceuticals 39$
Consumer Goods 29$
Black Market Munitions 36$
Black Market Augments 43$
Synth Paste 12$
Wine 52$
Munitions 58$
Xenobiotic Filters 40$
Xeno Relics 236$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Banshee Heavy Fighter 16,188$
Valkyrie Very Heavy Fighter 23,979$
Spectre Light Fighter 14,902$


[834 AS] Seeds of discontent sprouting in Stuttgart?

STUTTGART -- 834 -- The LWB collapsed a decade ago, only knitting itself back together with support from Kusari's Farmer’s Alliance. While the LWB were initially grateful for these foreign patrons, discontent appears to be growing. The FA imposed its own officers on the LWB, and has been calling the shots since. One anonymous LWB pilot bitterly complained that the FA “only care about stopping Synth exports to Kusari”, with Rheinland farmers a distant afterthought. This tension has come to the forefront after Kusari commanders prohibited the LWB from targeting Gallic food imports. While the competition has damaged Synth Foods, it has also driven Stuttgart’s remaining independent farmers to breaking point.

[834 AS] Imperial Shipping culpable for Hamburg Blast

TENNSTEDT BASE -- 834 -- Bundschuh agents have obtained caches of academic correspondence, research notes and cargo invoices dating back to at least 824 AS. Imperial Shipping funded Scientists to carry out illegal research into Artifacts and Xeno Relics, in a foolish attempt to reverse-engineer technologies that could upend the balance of power in Sirius. This blind pursuit of profit has backfired with fatal consequences for the people of Hamburg. What remains unclear is how the Blast is linked to the simultaneous explosion of the Battleship Kolleda, and the weapon the MND had been meddling with. We will continue to investigate alongside our partners in The Order.

[832 AS] Bundschuh avenge Bautzen murders

NEW BERLIN -- 832 -- After the brutality of the Civil War, we embraced peace and -- despite severe misgivings -- the chance to steer the new state through political discourse. Despite this, promised democratic reforms failed to arrive, while officials turned a blind eye to violence inflicted on our candidates. The final straw came with the invasion of Dresden and the cold blooded murder of Bautzen Station’s crew by the Strausberg fleet. We have now ended the life of the treacherous Admiral Schmid, however it is clear that this state cannot be reasoned or cooperated with in good faith. The Federal Empire combines the worst impulses of the Republic with the incestuous corruption of the Old Empire. One solution remains: wipe it away and start anew.

[831 AS] Jump Hole Upheaval Causes Chaos

HEISENBERG -- 831 AS -- Jump holes across Sirius have become increasingly volatile and chaotic over the last year, with Professor Sophia Nagel from the Heisenberg Research Station linking the unusual phenomena to the Pulse. The Pulse was an unprecedented blast of hyperspace energy that was detected immediately prior to last year's jump gate Blackout.

Professor Nagel and her team are certain the Pulse originated from outside Sirius, but are otherwise no closer to identifying its source or mitigating a future Blackout event. "Following the Blackout, we began to see immediate signs of jump hole destabilization in multiple different regions, with many ultimately falling out of phase alignment altogether", she commented. The dramatic upending of Sirius' jump hole network has already prompted many groups to abandon stations and withdraw from systems that appear to risk being cut off.

While months-long trips between the stars are possible thanks to the Liberty Engine and many centuries of innovation, few ships are designed or provisioned to make such arduous journeys. Those who were displaced by Sirius' redrawn map hope that system connections will return, while adventurers and explorers rush to discover new routes.

[828 AS] Rheinland dispatches a fleet to Cologne

STUTTGART -- 828 AS -- A combined fleet consisting of Battlegroup Altenburg, reinforcements from the former Karlsruhe brigade, and reserve regiments from both Stuttgart and Thuringia mobilised this morning following a directive issued by the new government to retake Cologne. Fleet Coordinator Otto von Clausewitz addressed the press:

"In the glorious spirit of reunification, we - the people of Rheinland - are reclaiming what we neglected the most in the midst of our civil war - Cologne. With the help of our brothers and sisters who are united under one banner once again, together, we will re-establish and stabilise our trade flow with Gallia by decisively expelling the Red Hessian occupation."

The initiative to re-secure Cologne is the first decisive action of the new constitutional monarchy, and the Rheinland government's debut to the interstellar community. The Gallic Union lauded Rheinland's reclamation of Cologne to re-establish a secure trade artery between the two recently war-torn nations. In response to the news, Rheinland and Gallic exchanges saw a growing increase in the demand for ore and other raw materials, indicating consumer optimism in the re-establishment of trade. Furthermore, the Gallic Navy have deployed a battlegroup to Zurich as a blockade and possibly pincer against the Red Hessians.

Rumours are abound concerning the degree of entrenchment the Hessians have accomplished in Cologne during their year-long period of occupation. Reports have confirmed the presence of Hessian Battleship Kassel in orbit of Planet Saarbrucken and fortifying Tholey Station, in addition to heavy outgoing traffic in what is theorized to be a Hessian evacuation, most likely incited by the Altenburg's movements.

[824 AS] Dresden liberated from corporate oppression

BAUTZEN -- 824 -- Bundschuh agents have landed on Bautzen Station after Kruger and Rheinland Military vessels withdrew. Owing to continued pressure applied by revolutionary forces, Kruger fled, stripping most of the station's facilities. While our occupation was not directly contested, the station was partially damaged by demolition charges. Thankfully, several of these charges were delayed due to defects, allowing engineers to make them safe. The Bundschuh have begun the process of jointly fortifying the base with the Red Hessians, in preparation for its planned use as a distribution warehouse for Dresden-produced goods. This will to some extent reduce Rheinland revolutionaries' dependence on groups like the Junkers for certain supplies.

[821 AS] Zwickau opens new front in Dresden

ZWICKAU DEPOT -- 821 -- In partnership with Red Hessian allies, the Bundschuh movement has established Zwickau Depot in Dresden’s Schwefelnebel. It is strategically located to strike Military reinforcements traveling between the New Berlin minefield and Bautzen Station, allowing us to maintain pressure on the Rheinland occupiers. Zwickau is also ideally placed to distribute locally harvested resources to revolutionary causes throughout Rheinland. We also hope to convince the Hessians to allow us to facilitate mineral sales to our contacts in the Sigmas for fundraising purposes. Through the Bundschuh’s efforts, Dresden shall soon be the first truly free system in Rheinland, and the seed from which a new Popular Revolution can bloom.

[818 AS] Dresden capture proceeding smoothly

VOGTLAND -- 818 -- Years of careful planning and preparation have borne fruit with the conquest of Dresden. A lightning strike on Pirna found the RFP unprepared and quickly eliminated. This cleared the main body of our attack force to isolate and board Leipzig. Daumann appears to have known which way the wind was blowing, as the station had already been stripped of any reasonably portable plant machinery. The corporate lapdogs of the Rheinland Military have dug in around Bautzen Station and laid a defensive minefield around the New Berlin Jump Gate. It is only a matter of time until Kruger’s will breaks and they too abandon Bautzen. Then Rheinland will have nothing to fight for, and will withdraw the Altenburg -- the system and its remaining wealth will be ours.

[808 AS] Hamburg University restricts research access

ROTHERBAUM CITY -- 808 -- Hamburg University has announced a change to its publication process. Academics from other institutions will now need to subscribe to a ‘commercial affiliates’ programme managed by Republican Shipping to gain access to the university’s papers for peer review or research. Objections have been raised by New Berlin and Cambridge Universities, who argue that the move threatens academic freedom and scientific rigor. Hamburg University was bailed out by Republican Shipping three years ago when the institution faced imminent bankruptcy. Republican's Academic Investments Office say the fees schedule will subsidize "innovative research" and "push forward novel paradigms".

[806 AS] MND director dismissed

NEW BERLIN -- 806 -- Anonymous government sources allege Director Von Claussen of the MND has been dismissed over an unspecified "fatal conflict of interest". The decorated war hero was appointed as the fledgling agency's first leader and given a mandate to purge Rheinland of the traitors who facilitated the Colony Wars. It is believed that this work led to a severe breakdown in relations with the Rheinland Military, who bore the brunt of the resulting purges. The Rheinland government have refused to comment on the situation; Director Von Claussen himself was unavailable for comment.

[808 AS] Successful strike eliminates Nomad parasite

BRUSCHAL -- 808 -- Our friends in The Order again provided intelligence about a Nomad Infiltrator -- this time Republican Shipping CEO Klaus Schulze. The MND had uncharacteristically taken Schulze alive after raiding his Planet Nuremberg bunker -- something the Nomads would not allow unless it furthered their plans. Our own sources provided the dates and times for the convoy that would ship Schulze to a government facility in Thuringia. Following a surgical strike by Bundschuh squadrons, the Armored Transport and its escorts were destroyed. We have protected the MND from their own worst impulses - the Nomads are an influence they do not understand and cannot be trusted to contain. Leaving Schulze in their custody could only have ended in disaster.

[805 AS] Republican bails out Hamburg University

ROTHERBAUM CITY -- 805 -- Hamburg University has narrowly avoided bankruptcy after negotiating a financing deal with Republican Shipping. The University's public funding was recently removed as a part of the ""difficult decisions” made by the government to stave off financial collapse. Republican is believed to have appointed itself as a “corporate guardian” for the institution, providing funding in exchange for exclusive rights to commercially exploit any resulting intellectual property. Republican representatives have confirmed that the investment forms part of the company’s broader plan to revitalize the Hamburg economy.

[804 AS] Leaked documents reveal war profiteering

NEW BERLIN -- 804 -- Daumann and Republican Shipping have both come under fire after a cache of leaked documents revealed their profits from Colony War shipbuilding contracts. Chancellor Niemann’s unprecedented military buildup cost hundreds of billions of credits to surge production in both the Oder and Alster Shipyards. The documents released by Bundschuh activists revealed that both corporations reaped record-breaking profits for this work. Several Reichstag delegates have called for the corporations' executives to be investigated as war criminals and the public funds clawed back. Chancellor Steller’s office has reluctantly promised an inquest into the matter, appointing Otto Schweizer to investigate.

[803 AS] Driven to desperation

NEW BERLIN -- 803 -- As Rheinland falls further into economic crisis, many face financial ruin. Desperation has driven political radicalism and crime. Where tens of thousands of Military personnel were laid off in the aftermath of the Colony Wars, huge numbers of trained pilots have found themselves unemployed. As local corporations stop recruiting, some have turned to the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, however many have resorted to the Bundschuh, Red Hessians and Unioners. The RFP has already noted a sharp increase in criminal activity across Rheinland and the surrounding border worlds.

[803 AS] Bundschuh strike the Nomad menace

BADEN BADEN -- 803 -- Our forces today struck another blow against the Nomad threat in Rheinland. We had long suspected that their puppets were not limited to senior government and military officials, but extended to corporate facilitators too. Exhaustive investigations traced CEO Wolfgang Daumann to an isolated compound on Baden Baden. Our strike team successfully infiltrated the facility, confirming Daumann's infection. Shortly before the team was wiped out, Commander Dietrich detonated a bomb, destroying all present. These heroes of Rheinland will be forever remembered for their sacrifice.

[802 AS] Friends or threats in high places?

BRUCHSAL -- 802 -- We have learned that Herr Von Claussen has been appointed as the first director of the newly formed MND. The appointment to this senior Federal office has been met with trepidation by some, given Von Claussen’s close knowledge of Bundschuh operations and bases. Despite this, we would urge calm. Von Claussen is a hero of the Nomad War, and a close friend to the Bundschuh. While our contribution to Rheinland’s survival is unlikely to ever be publicly recognized, Von Claussen witnessed our sacrifice first hand. A Federal director who covertly supports our cause of a just and free Rheinland is an asset indeed.


NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:47 UTC