Getting started in Discovery

From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 23:53, 26 March 2024 by Jammi (talk | contribs) (Expanded page content, added images)
Discovery 5.0 Banner.png

Welcome to Discovery Freelancer!

  • We are an online, English-speaking role-playing community that welcomes experienced and inexperienced role-players alike.
  • Our story expands the Freelancer universe, 34 years after the single player campaign.
  • Discovery tells a story of conflict across Sirius - pirates, traders, military and aliens frequently clash in Player Versus Player (PVP) combat.
  • Please check out the server rules.

Useful links

Getting Started

  • From the main menu, click Multiplayer and then join the "Discovery RP 24/7" server.
  • Click 'New Character' and type in your ship name. Please do not use country tags (such as [UK], [GER], [RUS], etc) or pop culture references.
  • Your account can contain up to 7 different ships. You can generate extra accounts through the Discovery Launcher.
  • Join the server with your new character. You will begin your journey in the Pennsylvania System, Liberty.
  • Press Y to see the players that are currently online. Clicking a player's name will target them for a direct message.
  • Press enter to open the chat box. Hitting enter again will send your message. By default, message are sent 'locally' to players in sensor range.
  • Press F1 to open the game menu. Here you can quit the game (only do this when docked) and check settings or controls.

Game Manual


  • Roleplay is simply imagining a character, then playing and chatting the way they would.
  • Your roleplay can be as straightforward or complex as you like - we welcome both lite and heavy roleplay.
  • Choose a role for your character. Some basic examples for inspiration include:
    • Trader: An ambitious House merchant who wants to get rich and climb the corporate ladder.
    • Military: A proud soldier who despises criminals and enforces the law at the barrel of a gun.
    • Pirate: A ruthless marauder who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve wealth, power and infamy.
    • Freelancer: An idealistic explorer who wants to push back frontiers and discover new wonders.
  • All the public messages you send on the server should be "in character".
  • If you need to send an "out of character" message, type "// " before your chat text.

Factions and IDs

  • Discovery has 68 different factions. Each of these has its own diplomacy, including allies and enemies.
    Press "F8" to open your Inventory, or "O" to scan another player. The ID is in the "Internal Equipment" tab.
  • You can see factions you have encountered in your Repsheet by pressing F8. Clicking on a faction will provide more detail.
  • When you kill NPCs, that faction will like you less, and their enemies will like you more. Hostile NPCs will attack you on sight.
  • You can join a faction by buying and equipped their ID. IDs contain rules around what that faction can do and where.
  • The ID you have equipped may have "rephacks" set. These are used to lock your rep with certain groups, for example keeping your faction's enemies hostile.
  • You can improve your reputation with a faction by killing their enemies, taking Bar missions for them, or through buying a Bribe.
  • Bribes are offered by NPCs in station Bars (the NPC will show a "$" symbol when you mouse over them) which lets you pay for rep.
  • When you have maxed out your rep with a faction, it will be set as your IFF - this means that faction will be displayed in front of your name to other players.
  • Your IFF will be listed at the top of your Repsheet (F8) and flashing yellow. If you have accidentally ended up with the wrong IFF, type /droprep to clear it.

Encountering Other Players

  • Text.

Flying with others

  • Text.

Game /commands

  • Text.

Making credits

  • Text.