Planet Quillan

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Planet Quillan
EFL Oil & Machinery
D/C-6, Languedoc

DIAMETER: 12,417 km

MASS: 8.92 x 10e24 kg

TERRAIN: Terrestrial

TEMPERATURE: -34°C to 20°C

ESCAPE VELOCITY: 10.37 km/sec

With the first mining colony established planetside in 615 AGS, Quillan quickly rose in importance due to its easily accessible deposits of resources. While a token contingent of Gallic Royal Police kept unwanted elements at bay, the Gallic Metal Service received Quillan under their sole authority.

In 713 AGS, The Council invaded the planet, and with the support of miners, took control of the mining operations. This was, however, nothing more than a pyrrhic victory due to the arrival of the Gallic Royal Navy only months later. Realising this, the Council forces instead chose to evacuate the planet and depart for safer regions.

The recapture of Quillan was to be a lasting one, as the planet would not change owners again until the very last days of the Monarchy. In its place came the Confederacy's southern supporters, the Minarchy, who received control of the planet – though only in name, as the Gallic Metal Service continued to lead the operations planetside.

During the invasion of Gallia by Kusari, the planet was spared from the majority of the fighting, owing in part to its location and disinterest of the Naval Forces to assault a planet. Nowadays, operations on the planet are back in full swing, with the Gallic Union hoping to expand them in coming years.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Medical Equipment 55$
Zinc 31$
Crew 315$
Copper 159$
Pharmaceuticals 55$
Consumer Goods 17$
Nanocapacitors 60$
Neon 56$
Helium 85$
Aluminium 195$
Industrial Materials 32$
HazMat Canisters 31$
Niobium Ore 51$
Xeno Relics 219$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Toxic Waste 21$
Robotics 26$
Niobium 109$
Oxygen 13$
Water 13$
Food Rations 26$
Basic Alloy 25$
Mining Machinery 19$
Construction Machinery 38$
Promethene 24$
Passengers (Gallia) 331$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Tournez Light Fighter 15,242$
Courbe Heavy Fighter 24,979$
Plier Very Heavy Fighter 30,991$


[750 AGS] Grand Marshal secures economic victory for Union

NEW PARIS -- 750 AGS -- The Grand Marshal has declared a decisive victory in trade negotiations with Rheinland. Military envoys successfully pressed the Rheinlanders for concessions as recompense for a number of insulting breaches of diplomatic protocol during the recent state visit. As a result, excellent rates on imported minerals have been secured, in addition to the removal of tariffs on Gallic agricultural surplus. The Treaty of Oerlikon will be an enormous boon to rebuilding Gallia's strength and greatness; Bretonia, Kusari and Liberty's furious criticisms of Rheinland for their forward thinking is simply evidence of their weakness and fear.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[746 AGS] Leaks Reveal Secret Rheinland Negotiations

OERLIKON -- 746 -- The Sirian neural net is abuzz with news of a potential trade deal between Gallia and Rheinland. An inept Rheinish functionary leaked sensitive details on the talks after losing an unencrypted datapad. The notes include unfounded criticism of our peerless military negotiators, no doubt provoked by feelings of inadequacy after humiliating defeats at the conference table. Our great government has rebuked Rheinland’s attempts to disparage EFL’s work on the Sigma-15 Jump Gate projects, recognising that this is a mere distraction from their own failure to secure the space. Marne’s Governor Courcelle has praised the Grand Marshal's excellent strategy, asking only that he consult with industrial representatives as proceedings progress.

[743 AGS] High treason prompts power change in the Enclave

BORDEAUX -- 743 AGS -- Director-Regent of the Gallic Royal Enclave, Renée Hennequin d'Avignon, was executed for treason against the people of Gallia. The information was confirmed yesterday by the Provisional Enclave Directorate, the new ruling body of the Gallic Enclave. The spokesperson of the Directorate, Julien de Lacroix, issued a statement in which the Director-Regent was charged with espionage and selling sensitive information on Enclave's defences to adversary for commercial benefit:

"Director-Regent betrayed the trust and duties bestowed upon him as the King's regent, this is the highest level of treason and the punishment is only death. The motive of such a heinous crime was greed, he simply sold us expecting to get enough money to escape and live luxurious life with enemies conspiring against the people he swore to protect. Luckily, our agents intercepted her data transmission and prevented the enemy from getting it, in doing so proving Director-Regent being guilty. He was executed by guillotine the very same day without trial for he deserved none."

The precedent of the highest ranking nobility betraying the army and the people casts shadows over the position of the nobility in the hierarchy of the Enclave in general. The fact that nobles have often schemed against the interest of the people continues to swing public opinion toward the military command that is already the de facto ruler of the Enclave. Seen as more predictable, reliable, and responsible for the survival of the Kingdom's remnants, the Royal Army remains the basis of the Enclave where every third man is a member of the Royal Army or Fleet. At this point, the factionalism of the nobility previously seen as an inalienable part of Gallic politics is beginning to be perceived as a liability to furthering national goals and ideas and the military leaders of the Enclave keeping in mind the survival of the nation can no longer close eyes on intrigues of selfish barons and counts.

The Provisional Directorate stepping up to become the ruling body of the Enclave, the nobility of Bordeaux is raising concerns that it is de facto a coup d'etat by the army that would stray the Enclave away from the traditions of Gallic Monarchy towards a simple junta.

Because of most high-ranking army officers being of noble blood themselves, the conflict is also seen as rivalry between civilian and military nobility. However, the army allows a talented commoner to rise in ranks and become on par or even surpass nobility based on one's merits while a civilian administration deprives commoners of such opportunity. This allowed the Provisional Directorate to get tremendous public support among the commoners of Bordeaux and the servicement of the Royal Army.

The Provisional Directorate pledged to carry out further investigation of possible traitors among the Enclave nobility and assured that the security of the Enclave and its population is the highest concern of the new ruling body. Saving Gallia from Kusari invasion, restoring stability, and fortification of Enclave's space were listed as the other policy milestones for the nearest future.

[742 AGS] Crown Formalizes Claims III

ROUSSILLON -- 742 AGS -- The bounty of the Hebrides came at a cost however, as Council terrorists in Roussillon fought fiercely to prevent the Crown from seizing the opulent region for the prosperity of the Gallic people. Perpignan, a large spaceport located at one of Toulouse's Lagrange points, purported housed a large population of noncombatants. The station, which could have served as a major trade hub in the central Hebrides, was destroyed in the fighting as Council militants who occupied the base refused to surrender, resulting in unnecessary loss of life.

The situation was the same on a similar yet greater scale on Planet Toulouse itself. The planet, which possesses an atmosphere disagreeable to the human lung, was dependent upon great domed cities for habitation, and vast fields of atmospheric scrubbers which Crown scientists project would have cleared the atmosphere of its irritants fully within the next several years. Nuclear warheads were smuggled onto the planet's surface as the Montmorency, which spearheaded the assault, was occupied at Perpignan, and detonated at every city and scrubber field, as well as at both of the planet's polar ice caps, releasing many tons of greenhouse gases and causing sea levels to rise significantly.

Despite these setbacks, EFL has expressed confidence that Toulouse can still be terraformed, and in time will serve as a new home for the Crown's people. Plans are already underway to commence repairs on the planet's docking ring so that cleanup crews can begin preparing the planet for eventual colonization. The Montmorency has been stationed in orbit of Toulouse, and now presides over Roussillon to ensure security throughout the Gallic Hebrides for the posterity of Gallia for years to come.

[742 AGS] Crown Formalizes Claims II

BRITTANY -- 742 AGS -- The Brittany system, best known as a military stronghold and beachhead into Sirius, was also brought under the Crown's administration. Once known informally as Tunisie by the military, the system's provisional control has been a point of jovial contention within the ranks of the Royal Navy's admiralty. Nestled between the Barrier and the Hebrides, command authority of the system was occasionally called into question. The King's declaration put an end to this light hearted feud, renaming the system and placing it decisively within the newly formed Hebrides administrative region of Gallia.

Despite the strong military presence, Brittany still sees Brigand and Outcast raiders skulking the peripheries of the system, and the Royal Police have warned against traveling outside of the designated patrol zones until the Brittany can be brought under more thorough local control. Though lacking any habitable worlds, the system is replete with dense mineral rich asteroid fields containing Cobalt, Molybdenum, and other valuable resources. GMS and EFL have already staked claims upon several sites within the system, undeterred by local pirate activity. Analysts say that once industry in the system enters full swing, Brittany could generate thousands of new job opportunities for citizens of the Crown.

[742 AGS] Crown Formalizes Claims I

AQUITAINE -- 742 AGS -- Gallia formalized its claims on the trio of systems known as Edinburgh, Roussillon, Orkney, today by decree of the King, following last week's decisive victory in the Council's once hidden stronghold of Roussillon. Edinburgh and Orkney, originally charted and explored by Bretonia, were rechristened as Aquitaine and Brittany respectively by the Société Astronomique Gauloise. Though the Royal Navy occupied the two systems for many years, they were never formally annexed due to security concerns within the Hebrides, the ruby red nebula bordering Bretonia and Gallia. With Roussillon now under the Crown's control, key military officials have stated that they are confident the Hebrides region is now safe for colonization.

Of particular interest is Planet Bordeaux, formerly Gaia, located in the Aquitaine system. The idyllic world, dubbed the Jewel of the Gallic Hebrides, has a mild but tropical climate, and in all respects appears to be perfectly suited to human habitation. Once a Bretonian nature preserve, new surveys have shown Bordeaux to be a veritable treasure trove of fossil fuels and metals, the likes of which have not been seen since the Marne Rush of 4th century. The Crown has already issued a subsidy for Gallic citizens relocating to Bordeaux to incentivize colonization on the new world. A groundbreaking ceremony is to be held tomorrow morning, formalizing Bordeaux's status as capital of the Aquitaine system as construction on its first city commences.

[735 AGS] Sirian Campaign Picking Up Steam

NEW PARIS -- 735 AGS -- The Royal Navy is claiming victory after victory in the Bretonian colonies. After successfully flushing out what appears to have been local pirate forces, our forces took the sparsely inhabited "Edinburgh" system with only token resistance. The first real test of our forces against the enemy came in the toxic wasteland called Leeds, where the first heavily inhabited planet lays. Enemy resistance was stiff, but our forces have managed to gain the upper hand in virtually the entire system. This puts the Gallic Expeditionary Forces in a position to strike at New London, and the heart of Bretonia. Military analysts predict that all organised Bretonian resistance will falter if New London falls, and that taking London itself would mean a quick end to to the war, avoiding needless bloodshed.

[734 AGS] The Reconquest Begins

NEW PARIS -- 734 AGS -- King Charles XI addressed the nation today to announce the beginning of the Great Reconquest, the reclamation of the rich and fertile regions of Sirius stolen from the rightful control of Gallia by the Libertonian and Bretonian traitors.

"My faithful subjects! We have stood by long enough while the ravenous remnants of the Alliance feasted upon the lands they have eyed for themselves from long before the landing! We know what they did to assure themselves domination, we know that they led Coalition forces to our sleeper launch site so that they may escape like the rats that they are, and take the best of this region for themselves. All their actions must have consequences! Starting from today, they will be running once again. They will run, or they will be included into the rightful control of House Gallia! Hail the reconquest!"

The crowd gathered at Ile du Palais cheered throughout the speech. The first Royal Navy units are expected to reach and pacify Tau-23 within days, officially marking the first step on the road to victory.

[733 AGS] The 2nd Gallic War: True Goals of the Council

BRIANCON -- 733 AGS -- The so-called Second Gallic War that was inspired by the Council two decades ago is nowhere near its ending. The Council, the powerful and wealthy group formed mainly by Royal Navy and Royal Police deserters, and financed by semi-legal businesses and criminal cartels of the Core Worlds, is sometimes described as a revolutionary movement. Yet, through the course of the war the Gallic media collected evidence that Council is nowadays more like a state within a state, having its own bureaucracy, enforcement agencies, and even newly established oligarchy that came into fortune due to the war.

The Council leaders claim that their goal is to change the government of Gallia and overthrow the monarchy, in addition to breaking the isolation of Gallia from the rest of Sirius worlds. According to our today's expert Robert Broussard, Doctor of Economy and senior consultant of Solar Engineering and Ile-de-France Shipping, the Council never had an intention to overthrow the New Paris monarchy. "Our information on the Council agenda is mainly based on their own public announcements and press releases. Yet, New Paris is so far from the Gallic Border Worlds that the Council will not be able to overtake the Core Worlds by force, even if all Border Worlds fall under their supreme rule," - Broussard says, - "On New Paris and other prominent worlds of Gallia, public support for the warlike actions of the Council is relatively low, and the Council is aware that the chances to inspire revolts in the heart of our nation are very slim."

Independent analysts estimate black market operations in Gallia rising by 150%% during the last 30 years. At the same time, frequency of pirate attacks had risen twice in the Core Worlds, and more than three times in the Border Worlds. This unprecedented wave of piracy occured mainly because of the demand for various smuggled goods that the Council generates, and because of the overall chaos caused by the war. Royal Police was caught unprepared by this new dangerous tendency, unable to defend corporate and civilian shipments. The pirate groups are expected to grow even larger now that the path to Sirius was breached by the Council in Languedoc. Being able to take advantage of this new development, pirate groups like the Unione Corse, Gallic Brigands, and Maquis now plan their expansion into Sirius, searching for new markets and recruiting more pilots.

The Council supports those pirate groups almost openly, in return for their help against the Royal Navy. Sporadic raids of Brigands and Maquis never cause significant losses, but play a crucial role in delaying Navy operations against the Council. Almost every asteroid field and nebula in Gallia is now swarmed with ships of various unlawful groups. It remains unknown for how much longer the Council resistance will continue, but it is already evident that there are forces within the Council and within the pirate groups interested in using the war as a source of income. For the Council leadership, political struggle and the well being of their own people appears to be less important than gaining personal wealth and power. This is the reason why the Council would never support any peace negotiation initiatives.

[735 AGS] Cardamine the New Scourge of Gallia?

NEW PARIS -- 819 AS -- Royal Police spokesmen dismiss media reports of widespread abuse of the new drug Cardamine within Gallic society, but arrests for drug related offenses seem to be on the rise. Cardamine, which has an unknown origin, seems to have spread throughout the upper tiers of Gallic society quietly, and has only received media attention after becoming a dominant force in street level crime. Some blame contact with Sirius as the source of the problem, pointing to a conspiracy among the Sirius Houses to afflict Gallia with degenerate addictions. One prominent politician called for investigation of the Junkers as the likely culprits who introduced Cardamine to Gallia, but so far his allegations have been seemingly ignored by the Royal Police. Inquiries to the Royal Navy about whether Cardamine has shown up in cargo interdictions on Gallia's borders have gone unanswered.

[735 AGS] Foreign Diamonds Flooding the Market?

METZ -- 735 AGS -- GMS officials are privately voicing concerns over the influx of diamonds from Sirius into Gallia's markets. Planet Metz's red and pink diamonds have been a mainstay of GMS profits for decades, but recent analysis by the company's assayers indicates that an increasing share of the market of especially industrial diamonds are arriving from Sirian sources, as far as Rheinland. So far, there has not been a large enough influx of foreign gems to destabilize prices in Gallia, but GMS is not waiting for that to happen. GMS lobbyists have been quietly talking to Royal Ministers about the problem, and legislation to combat the apparent smuggling may soon be submitted for debate.

[733 AGS] Business in Gallic Border Words: Risks and Profits

ALESIA -- 733 AGS -- The Second Gallic War made conducting business hazardous all around the Gallic Border Worlds. New threats are not directly related to the military conflict between Gallia and the Council. Instead, the war gave rise to unprecedented increase of piracy in all Border Worlds, except for Lorraine. Criminal activity is on the rise even in the well-protected Core Systems. Using the war and chaos associated with it, Gallic Brigands, Corse and other groups gained access to new ships and weaponry, and gained opportunities to increase their numbers by rallying recruits from Council-controlled worlds of Marne and Quillan.

As a result, most financial institutions refuse insurance for any shipments going to and from the Core Worlds. Even if they do, insurance is so expensive that only a few shippers are able to afford it. As of now, the only efficient way to protect cargo is hiring Gallic Navy escort. Presence of Navy fighters usually scares pirates away, however, the Navy has many other duties to perform. Government promises to increase Police presence in the area, however, increased numbers of Police does not guarantee presence of their ships in the areas where pirates are going to attack. According to the reports from Briancon and Gap installations in Languedoc, some police patrols deliberately avoid patrolling areas where commercial transports are present and where pirate attacks are most likely to occur.

Solar Engineering, the only large space corporation without a significant presence in the Border Worlds, has actually gained profits from the war rather than losses: gaining large government contracts for building up the Core World defenses, its stock value has risen more than 80%% over the last 15 years, an unprecedented rise for any large company listed on the New Paris Stock Exchange (NPSE) for the last four hundred years.


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