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Governing House Independent
Region Omega Border Worlds
Connected Systems Omega-3

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Planetary Objects
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Ebersfelde Cloud
  • Explosive Gas Zone
  • Furstenfelde Cloud
  • Gubenfelde Cloud
  • Omega-7 Walker Cloud
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Freistadt Base Independent Miners Guild
Briesen Mining Facility Daumann Heavy Construction
Cruiser Greifswald Farmers Alliance
Elbe Border Fortress Rheinland Police
Elbich Mining Facility Kruger Minerals
Ithaca Base Independent Pirates
Asteroid Miner Independent Miners Guild
  • Commodity Mining
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • Rheinland Police
    Corporations & Guilds
    • Daumann Heavy Construction
    • Independent Miners Guild
    • Kruger Minerals
    Unlawful Factions
    • Farmers Alliance
    • Independent Pirates

    System Map

    Bw03 map.png

    Areas of Interest


    Omega-7 Walker Cloud


    The Omega-7 region of the Walker Nebula is rich in mineral resources. Explosive gas pockets are scattered through the cloud, making any travel away from Trade Lanes and known mining areas hazardous. Only recently settled, its rich deposits of Cobalt, Silver, and Copper are being exploited by the IMG, Daumann, and Kruger.

    Asteroid Fields

    Gubenfelde Cloud

    A medium-sized pocket within the nebula.

    Ebersfelde Cloud

    A large pocket within the nebula containing Silver-bearing asteroids and substantial quantities of fuel-rich gas. Kruger Minerals mines large quantities of Silver and processes it at their nearby Elbich Mining Facility. Red Hessian attacks are a constant danger, though, and transports must be well-protected.

    Furstenfelde Cloud

    A large pocket within the nebula containing Copper, Cobalt, and Silver-bearing asteroids. Daumann Heavy Construction operates the Briesen Mining Facility within the cloud, despite the threat of Corsair attacks.

    Explosive Gas Zone


    Monschau - E-4/3

    The wreck of the Monschau, a Kruger Silver freighter that was attacked by Hessians.


    Corsair Fighter - C-5

    Remnants of an early Corsair raiding party, in the Omega-7 system, that blundered into this gas pocket.


    Corsair Fighter - C-5

    Remnants of an early Corsair raiding party, in the Omega-7 system, that blundered into this gas pocket.


    Corsair Fighter - C-5

    Remnants of an early Corsair raiding party, in the Omega-7 system, that blundered into this gas pocket.


    Jump Gates/Holes

    Target System Type Location
    Omega-3 Jump Gate A/B-4/5
    Stuttgart Jump Gate G-4/5
    Omega-5 Jump Hole C-6/5
    Omega-48 Jump Hole D-7
    Omega-11 Jump Hole F-7

    NOTE: Page generated on the 10/07/2023 at 13:34:08 UTC