Battleship Fenrir

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Battleship Fenrir
F-6/7, Thuringia

CLASS: Bismarck



The Battleship Fenrir was constructed in 797 AS and formed the cornerstone of Rheinland’s Northern Fleet. Infamously, the ship would lead Rheinland’s invasion of Kusari alongside the Battleship Jormungand during the Colony Wars, culminating in the destruction of the KNF in New Tokyo. The Northern Fleet would abruptly withdraw following the disappearance of Chancellor Neimann, and vanish into the Sigmas. The entire fleet is officially recorded as having deserted after refusing to acknowledge the orders of the emergency Rheinland Provisional Government.

When The Order activated the Hypergate in Omicron-Major, it drained the Daam-K’vosh energy field that sustained the Nomads. The Nomad Mindshare immediately collapsed, plunging the surviving entities into disarray. The Thralls of the Northern Fleet withdrew to Thuringia to regroup, but in 802 AS, found themselves under attack by The Order and newly formed MND. The Fenrir was used to evacuate a recently retrieved Daam K’Vosh Power Cell from Planet Weimar to Bottrop Depot in Omega-58. Its infected crew were then placed in hibernation to ration energy for fighter combat forces in Thuringia.

In 818 AS, the Fenrir would receive deadly hybrid weaponry at Kaarst Drydock ahead of the planned activation of the Alien Jump Gate. When the Jump Gate prematurely activated, it created a runaway singularity that collapsed the system’s star. While the Fenrir was preserved due to its proximity to the Kaarst Object, the majority of the Northern Fleet was obliterated as it mustered for an anticipated invasion of Rheinland. When Omega-58’s Jump Holes realigned in 834 AS, the Fenrir deployed back to Thuringia. It quickly overwhelmed Meningen Research Station and has since taken up position in the depths of the treacherous Suhl Anomaly.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Hessian Tears 119$
Uranium 53$
Oxygen 33$
Water 33$
Diamonds 127$
Food Rations 59$
H-Fuel 128$
MOX 37$
Xeno Relics 209$
Synth Paste 32$
Aluminium 120$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Spectre Light Fighter 14,902$
Banshee Heavy Fighter 16,188$
Valkyrie Very Heavy Fighter 23,979$


[830 AS] Bessemer Struck by Corsair Raiders!

MAINZ -- 830 AS -- An Ageira Technologies research vessel, the ATS Bessemer, has come under a Corsair attack during its final venture through the Munich Jump Gate. The Bessemer, dispatched on a joint expedition by Ageira and the University of Berlin, was en route from the Raubling junction to the Frankfurt gate when it was waylaid by Corsair raiders on the edge of the Schwarzwald cloud. The RPU Dohna, a police gunboat tasked with overseeing the gate during the expedition, was quick to respond, but not before the raiders dealt significant damage to the unprepared civilian vessel. Anonymous sources report that as many as five Ageira employees lost their lives in the attack.

The incident came as a shock to the public and the law enforcement alike, as pirate activity was believed to have completely died out in the desolate Munich system. The frequency of strikes, from both Corsairs and domestic pirates, have steadily declined ever since the antimatter storm first ravaged the system. While the chaotic evacuation efforts from Nuremberg had initially caused a spike, as the system's population decayed to just skeleton crews and Junker scavengers, the criminal element became nearly absent. Some theorize that the Corsairs were there for the Bessemer specifically, intending for one last taunt at Rheinland's people. Thankfully, the Dohna and her crew were there to thwart their efforts.

The ATS Bessemer was dispatched into the Munich system in order to deploy a network of specially reinforced satellites, meant to monitor the advent of the antimatter storm's core. According to the University of Berlin, the core will wash over Munich around the end of this month, stripping away planetary atmospheres and most likely collapsing all remaining jumphole anomalies. The probes deployed by the Bessemer will provide the scientific community with first-hand data of the storm and its effects, transmitting it back to Berlin through a central relay nested within the safety of Raubling's hulk.

With the task complete, the Bessemer was meant to be the final ship to make the jump from Munich, with the Jump Gate being shut down later the same day. However, due to the damage sustained in the attack, the RPU Dohna did the honours instead, covering the Bessemer's departure to ensure its safe return.

Jacobi Hopeful about Meeting

The President was candid today when asked about her upcoming meeting with Admiral Schultzky. She said that despite recently strained diplomatic ties, this is a positive gesture from Chancellor Niemann. Jacobi and Schultzky have met on several occasions before his formal diplomatic appointment, and she has previously described him as "a man of reason, committed to peace."

Niemann Blames Liberty for Death

Chancellor Niemann of Rheinland spoke out bitterly today, citing lax security and blaming Liberty for the recent death of Admiral Schultzky during his visit. Niemann went on to say that he would personally punish those responsible, regardless of where they hide.

Kusari - Rheinland Anxiety Grows

Despite repeated attempts by the President to smooth relations, Chancellor Niemann of Rheinland continues to insist that Kusari is guilty of theft, espionage, and now even conspiracy with The Order. Kusari has flatly denied these allegations, calling the Chancellor's actions "slanderous," and accusing Rheinland of taking armed action against Kusari ships in the Border Worlds.

Rheinland Station Attacked

More trouble in Rheinland -- this time in the Hamburg system. Sources there report that a scientific research station was looted by marauders and left severely damaged. Investigators deny speculation that The Order might be involved, saying that evidence points instead to a small group of pirates allegedly backed by Kusari interests.

Rheinland Foreign Minister Dead

Karl Ettinger, Foreign Minister of Rheinland, was reportedly killed in a bomb blast earlier today. Ettinger was en route to inspect the remains of the Hamburg Station when a fusion bomb, apparently hidden in one of his attending ships, detonated, killing everyone. Rheinland authorities say they are investigating the site of the incident, but since the destruction was so utterly complete, they have little to go on at this time.

Rheinland Allegations

Chancellor Niemann is said to have spoken directly with both President Jacobi and Queen Carina of Bretonia about the allegations he has raised against Kusari. Niemann has accused Kusari of backing The Order in its attacks against Rheinland and Liberty, and has now added the assassination of Karl Ettinger to his list of charges.

Rheinland Fortifies KU Border

There is what can only be described as a Rheinland Military buildup on their side of the shared border with Kusari. Chancellor Niemann says he will defend Rheinland against any more Kusari-based incursions even if it means taking matters into his own hands. Kusari, denying any wrongdoing, has deployed ships as well and adopted a defensive stance of its own in response to this action.

Boorman Treaty Violated?

Shogun Edo now insists that Rheinland's continued military actions show them to be in complete violation of the Boorman Treaty. Edo's tone was almost accusatory in itself, as he asked why Liberty refused to help the Kusari people. The President, in fact, did speak to both powers today, asking them to reduce the buildup at their borders and to present their respective issues at the proposed summit meeting.

Rheinland Blockade in Omega

In an unprovoked move, Rheinland has imposed blockades on Jump Gates in Omega-7. Officials have called this "an outrageous breach of trust and protocol that we cannot stand for." Queen Carina and her cabinet have called for the Chancellor to immediately withdraw his forces, now impinging on Bretonian interests in that area. "Though we have been tolerant thus far," the Queen said, "this hostile act casts a dark shadow on our relationship and will be met with equal force if need be."

Shots Fired on Bretonian Soil

Conflict broke out in Omega today as Rheinland ships, becoming ever bolder, opened fire on a nearby Bretonian patrol in the area. The Chancellor has said that the Rheinland blockade is only looking after Rheinland's interests in the area and claimed that they were provoked by Bretonian fighters. As tempers flair and peace hangs in the balance, Queen Carina contemplates her next move with her advisors.

Are There Changes in Rheinland?

News from the Foreign Office indicates that things may be heating up in Rheinland. Reports from the inside say that Rheinland citizens are being stirred up against Kusari by what are being described as "agitator groups." Meanwhile, the Chancellor has just announced that the military is now activating its reserve fighters to bolster homeland defense. Royal analysts have reported this information to the Queen and have advised her that Rheinland may be preparing for war.

Rheinland Defectors?

Reportedly, two individuals claiming to have information about the radical and sudden changes inside the Rheinland political machine have approached Bretonian authorities here at home. Requesting asylum and political protection, these people, whose names have been withheld, claim to have barely escaped a Rheinland death squad. As farfetched as it may sound, it seems our government has taken these individuals very seriously. They are currently being held in a secure location and have been granted an audience with the Home Secretary.

Summit Ends in Conflict

Chancellor Niemann spoke today, insisting on the immediate departure of Gunther Obst from the Curacao summit and dispatching several wings of fighters to escort him home. The Chancellor repeated earlier accusations against Kusari and all but accused Liberty of participating in a conspiracy to weaken Rheinland. He then declared Rheinland borders closed to all Kusari citizens traveling in or out.

Kusari Citizens Arrested

Reports indicate that soon after the Chancellor's recent address, many Kusari citizens in Rheinland were placed under arrest "for their own safety." Shogun Edo of Kusari was reportedly outraged at this news and demanded their immediate release. There has been no response yet from the Chancellor on this matter, but Queen Carina is also appealing for their release.

Kusari Convoy Attacked

A Kusari convoy near the Kusari/Rheinland border fell to a Rheinland attack wing earlier, eliciting a blistering rebuke from Shogun Edo. The ships, which were on the Kusari side of the border, are said to have been carrying Food and medical supplies to one of Kusari's outposts when the attack occurred.

Niemann Defends Actions

Chancellor Niemann finally addressed the issue of Rheinland's recent attack of a Kusari medical convoy. In his statement he said that the Kusari convoy was operating under direct orders from the Kusari government to implant a "weapon of mass destruction" near an unspecified target in Rheinland space. Therefore, he said, this defensive attack was deemed necessary to preserve Rheinland lives.

Device found in Convoy Wreck

Rheinland officials have presented evidence in support of their claims that the Kusari medical convoy, recently destroyed by Rheinland ships, was actually on a covert "seek and destroy mission." In their analysis they discovered that a device, based on a fusion-bomb design, had been cleverly modified using Kusari components to be even more thorough in its destructive power. Meanwhile, Kusari officials demanded to inspect this so-called evidence, denouncing it as a feeble attempt by Rheinland to justify its war-like actions.

Jacobi Warns Rheinland

In response to the arrival of more heavy-class Rheinland ships at Liberty's border, President Jacobi has called for the Chancellor to immediately pull his forces back. Jacobi has also deployed her own defensive units and has warned the Chancellor not to enter Liberty space.

Niemann Requests Tekagi

Governor Tekagi's mission in Liberty has reportedly gone well, yielding a series of directives for Rheinland. Interestingly though, once these directives were transmitted, word came back that the Chancellor would not accept them unless they were personally hand delivered by the Governor. Despite being advised otherwise, Governor Tekagi has agreed to go.

Special Guard Escorts Tekagi

Governor Tekagi is meeting with Chancellor Niemann under the protection of the Shogun's own Imperial Guard, who accompanied him through the blockade and to the Rheinland capitol of New Berlin. The Governor was greeted with unusual warmth by the Rheinland Chancellor, who was himself surrounded by his own well-armed bodyguards. The two reportedly are going to meet privately to discuss the peace settlement and the safe release of the Kusari hostages. Today, all eyes are on Rheinland.

Chancellor wants Peace

Advance word from the Shogun and Governor Tekagi is that Chancellor Niemann is willing to follow all of the directives outlined by Kusari, Liberty, and Bretonia if he is allowed more rights to territories in the Border Worlds. This is being considered by the Shogun, who has called a meeting with several of his top generals to review security concerns.


Even as Shogun Edo considered Chancellor Niemann's peace proposal and tensions along the Rheinland border appeared to ease, several Rheinland heavy cruisers and ships suddenly attacked Kusari forces, destroying at least one ship and killing over 100 soldiers. As a result of this unprovoked act, Shogun Edo has declared an open state of hostility with Rheinland -- a precursor to war.

Kusari Border Fortified

With the escape of the attacking Rheinland ships back over the border, the Shogun has ordered immediate reinforcements to prevent any further assaults as offensive forces begin to mass. The Shogunate cautions that all ships passing through Kusari space are now subject to search and seizure. Travel outside of Kusari-controlled zones is not advised at this time for citizens.

Liberty's Bonnerille Dead?

Word has surfaced here that Aemon Bonnerille, Director of the LSF, is missing and feared dead. There is no further information available at this time.


In what has been described as an "intolerable act of open aggression," warships from Rheinland attacked targets deep within the New York system today. Shortly thereafter, President Jacobi announced that she now had no choice but to declare war on Rheinland. Though she declined to answer specific questions, she did confirm that some Liberty military interests may have been affected by the attacks.


The Kusari people are in mourning today for one of the few great men of our time: Governor Yoshinobu Tekagi. Upon hearing of his murder by armed assassins, Shogun Edo was enraged and shouted for vengeance. An Imperial taskforce has been called in to investigate what is left of the Governor's retreat.

Kusari Prepares for Invasion!

Before being destroyed, probes from the Ministry of Strategic Information revealed that the Kusari government has been assembling a massive attack force behind the Honshu Jump Gate, a clear precursor to invasion. The Chancellor himself urged his people to remain united, and he pledged to seek out our enemies wherever they may be hiding. So let us support the Chancellor to assure a peaceful and united Rheinland.

Heroic Chancellor Stands Firm

In the latest threat from Liberty, President Jacobi has issued an ultimatum to our beloved Chancellor stating that we will be invaded unless we immediately disarm. The Chancellor defiantly declared that he will never let Kusari sap our vitality nor capitulate to Liberty's bullying and self-serving tactics.


With our destiny before us, we march on. The Chancellor has struck the first blow for the Rheinland state by crossing into Honshu and engaging the Kusari enemy. With our loyal support, our Chancellor will guide us to victory.


IT'S WAR! Rheinland ships penetrated the Honshu defensive perimeter and are now in Kusari space. Our military forces have rallied, led by the Shogun and his Generals, and are successfully defending our cities. Soldiers, police, civilians, and even the unlawful have gathered together to fight the Rheinland invaders.

Rheinland Rebels Take Out Base

In a brief statement to Kusari news agencies, the Bundschuh rebels in Rheinland claim that they have assaulted and destroyed a high-security installation that housed illegal secret weapons built by the Chancellery. Naturally this cannot be verified as of yet. However, a long-range scan does show a sizeable amount of irregular debris and radiation in that area.

Kusari Fleet Destroyed

In what has been described as the largest battle ever fought in the colonies, a massive Rheinland attack force completely destroyed the Kusari Fleet stationed in the Honshu system. Led by a group of over 40 Rheinland battleships, the Chancellor's onslaught on Kusari seems unstoppable. The Shogun has mobilized all reserves, and the Kusari Naval Forces are now desperately attempting to establish a defensive ring around New Tokyo.

Rheinland Takes New Tokyo

The decisive battle in the war between Rheinland and Kusari ended in the total destruction of the Kusari Naval Forces near New Tokyo. Rheinland has erected a blockade around the planet and has made clear that only an unconditional surrender from the Shogun can prevent a devastating planetary bombardment.


NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:42 UTC