Attica Ultramax

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Attica Ultramax
Liberty Rogues
G-4, Colorado

CLASS: Tantalus

GRAVITY: Complete

DOCKING: Restricted


CREW: 610


Formerly the Attica Supermax, now dubiously rechristened as the Ultramax by its new pack of animals, this former prison ship has seen a dizzying array of ill-advised structural revisions to serve the needs of pirates and smugglers looking to plague Colorado in the absence of any major Liberty Navy deterrence.

A long-term Lane Hacker infiltration of the key prison officials was commenced some time over the past few years, carefully cultivated to secure the ultimate end of springing some key collaborators free of their confinement. This would ultimately come to a head in 829 A.S. Where a total breakdown of all security protocols resulted in the deaths of any and all legitimate authorities onboard. A key problem remained in the fact that the Hackers' getaway crew was also slaughtered under the impression that they were members of the LPI. Desperate for alternatives, the Hacker in charge of the operation appears to have successfully manipulated the Xenos into believing that the breakout was one of their own design, spurred on by an obscure cell dedicated to freeing long imprisoned compatriots.

The reality is that the dissidents had been played for fools, a fact that is now touted and will likely continue to be for the next several generations. This says nothing of Attica's own great escape however, as the prison ship was sent adrift by what seems like the detonation of its own minefield in close proximity, and capital class point defense fire. It was eventually rediscovered by the Rogues once it had collided with a rock and been brought to a halt in the Cheyenne field.

Feeling that styling a former prison into a den of plundered goods and cutthroats was a "helluva" great idea, the station's new management also accordingly rebranded the base, if only slightly, to reflect its questionably elevated status.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Liberty Ale 36$
Medical Equipment 16$
Sake 47$
Light Arms 43$
Black Market Pharmaceuticals 14$
Counterfeit Computerware 35$
Oxygen 9$
Water 9$
Food Rations 54$
H-Fuel 155$
MOX 54$
Pharmaceuticals 17$
Consumer Goods 25$
Cardamine 213$
Consumer Goods 213$
Black Market Munitions 64$
Black Market Augments 39$
Synth Paste 23$
Munitions 48$
Xenobiotic Filters 40$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price


[833 AS] Rogue Negotiations Cost an Arm and Leg

BUFFALO -- 833 AS -- The recent disappearance of the Outcasts from Liberty and crash in Cardamine supply hit the Rogues the hardest. This is made worse by the Xenos, who've been eating into our market for years now and are viciously fighting for what's left to distribute. Hard times makes folk do desperate things - a gang out of Montezuma kidnapped an Outcast contact and threatened to kill them unless their cartel turned the taps back on and got the Cardi flowing again. The response was fast and brutal. All six of the Rogues were found dead and dismembered a few days later, with no Outcast hostage in sight. We don't know exactly what happened, but the message was clear enough: Mess with an Outcast, and the reprisals will be merciless.

[831 AS] Lack of Cardamine, Liberty's Underworld Burns

When the convoys heading from Cali to Mactan and Buffalo thinned out - and even stopped for a brief moment - the underworld in Liberty literally imploded. Previously close alliances quickly fell apart to the displeasure of the Outcasts, and every part of the underworld in Liberty was desperately trying to get as much Cardamine for themselves as possible.

The Outcasts and their most loyal agents stepped in almost immediately in anticipation of something like this happening, and set new rules for distribution according to set keys. A small group of Liberty Rogues defied them and followed their own rules of distribution, but they didn't fare too well - the Dons, despite the ongoing crisis in Malta, do not tolerate insubordination.

For this reason, several powerful Junkers and Rogues immediately decided to dilute Cardamine instead of redistributing ostentatiously against the wishes of the Outcasts at the expense of their clients, thereby raising their own shares. Fortunately for these savvy businessmen, word did not reach the Outcasts until some time later, and thanks to an improved network of cooperation, most of the organizers were able evade Malta's assassins.

However, all these measures had only limited effectiveness. Many end-clients and casual Cardamine users have been forced to seek medical attention due to their deteriorating health due to potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms. It is not known how many Cardamine users eventually died because of the shortage, but it appears to be in the order of single-digit percentages - much to the very verbal displeasure of the Outcasts themselves.

[831 AS] Jump Hole Upheaval Causes Chaos

HEISENBERG -- 831 AS -- Jump holes across Sirius have become increasingly volatile and chaotic over the last year, with Professor Sophia Nagel from the Heisenberg Research Station linking the unusual phenomena to the Pulse. The Pulse was an unprecedented blast of hyperspace energy that was detected immediately prior to last year's jump gate Blackout.

Professor Nagel and her team are certain the Pulse originated from outside Sirius, but are otherwise no closer to identifying its source or mitigating a future Blackout event. "Following the Blackout, we began to see immediate signs of jump hole destabilization in multiple different regions, with many ultimately falling out of phase alignment altogether", she commented. The dramatic upending of Sirius' jump hole network has already prompted many groups to abandon stations and withdraw from systems that appear to risk being cut off.

While months-long trips between the stars are possible thanks to the Liberty Engine and many centuries of innovation, few ships are designed or provisioned to make such arduous journeys. Those who were displaced by Sirius' redrawn map hope that system connections will return, while adventurers and explorers rush to discover new routes.

[830 AS] Rampant Human Trafficking Cases on Erie

ERIE -- 830 AS -- A scandal rocked Planet Erie's administration when a video recording of Insurgency prisoners, escorted by LPI officers, were being loaded aboard a transport bound for the Edge Worlds, surfaced on the Neural Net. As the Republic's forces maintain law and order on the pacified planet, this leak has undermined their authority, causing waves of public outcry and calls for police reform by both local Zoners and Liberty citizens alike.

In the video, a number of restrained people that have been identified as former residents of Planet Vespucci, board a Dromedary-class vessel registered to a freelance trader Vincent Ruthen. They are under supervision from several LPI officers, who exchange words with the ship's crew. Private investigators have trailed the ship, determining that it did not land at its purported destination of Gas Miner Naha in the Sigma-13, instead electing to travel away from civilized space into the Edge Worlds. The people aboard it have effectively vanished from the colonies.

This is the latest case in a streak of such disappearances, with investigators estimating as high as ten percent of all inmates thought to be awaiting their trial in LPI internment camps have been covertly shipped off-world for unknown reasons. The fate of these people is yet unclear, but theories range from secret trials to unethical experiments aboard Atka. Outraged by what is apparently an LPI-sanctioned human trafficking operation, protesters flooded the streets and had to be dispersed by police riot control squads.

A Liberty Police official has denounced allegations of corruption, stating that "All interned personnel are secured and all prisoner transfers have been done within the framework of the legal code". He refused to comment on the evidence presented, dismissing it as "slanderous fabrication against the good, hard-working officers of Liberty law". Meanwhile, political opposition already promises increased oversight over the law enforcement corporation for the next election cycle.

[830 AS] Troubles in Erie's Paradise

ERIE -- 830 AS -- It was the early hours of the morning when a missile was launched from Erie's surface; A missile that struck its target of an LSF satellite in orbit of Erie. The attack was claimed to have originated by militant Zoners seeking to separate themselves from Libertonian governance, and proved to be the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.

For some time, it had been alleged that Insurgent and Xeno-backed cells had been stirring trouble on Erie, inciting violence in the population and seeking to turn the planet into a second Veracruz. Never, however, had such open acts of terror been visited upon the governing Libertonian forces.

The response was quick and decisive. In coordination with the LSF, Vice Admiral Hamish aboard the Battleship Alma lead a Liberty Navy task force directly into the system in Operation Pesticide, escorted primarily by Siege Cruisers, Gunboats and fightercraft, with many of the Navy's capital warships tied in the Vespucci campaign or ever watchful at Liberty's borders. They were met by Zoner Q-ships based from Bethlehem, with many coming from as far as Galileo or even the Sigmas, accompanied by a motley assortment of freelancers and other anarchist elements. Leading the Zoner line was a Aquilon-class carrier, the Pinnacle.

While the Pinnacle came under heavy bombardment from the Alma and her task force, supplies quickly gathered onto Zoner transports from Erie attempted to run the Navy blockade. While some transports were lost to Navy bombers, others yet escaped to parts as of yet unknown. This 'victory', however, came at a heavy price. The Pinnacle was lost with most of her hands still on board and the rest captured, while the Liberty Marines landed virtually unopposed, quickly securing population centers for both the safety of Libertonian assets and the civilians on Erie itself. The Alma is settled now into the low orbit of Erie, a constant reminder to those below that they are under the protection of the Liberty Navy. A comfort to some, a dire warning to many more.

[829 AS] Prison rumble

FONTANA FREEPORT -- 829 AS -- Liberty's underworld is abuzz with the shocking news that a prison, only ever heard of in rumors, was not only found but stolen. Attica Supermax, once home to various high security criminals was spotted far out in the Colorado system. It's still unclear what exactly happened there and with Rogues and Xenos still fighting at the original location of the prison, an investigation is difficult. What is clear though is, the Attica Supermax prison is no longer there and the LPI is locking down that side of the system. They state training exercises as the cause and reroute anyone getting too close. Definitely not a good time for anyone on the wrong side of the law to be snooping around there.


NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:46 UTC