Liberty Rogues

From Discovery Wiki
Liberty Rogues
Fc lr grp.png
Alignment Unlawful


Outcasts, Unioners


Xenos, House Authorities, House Corporations, Corsairs

Rogues are a motley assortment of petty criminals who operate mainly in Liberty, attacking targets of opportunity and fencing illegal goods. By far their largest working arrangement is with the Outcasts, smuggling their Cardamine deep into the core of Liberty. Competition over the drug has swallowed up entire gangs, and shortages following the Maltese slave revolt all but collapsed the long-standing alliance between the Lane Hackers and Liberty Rogues.

Ships used

Ship Class
Bloodhound Very Heavy Fighter
Mule Freighter
Pirate Transport Transport
Wolfhound Bomber
Barghest Bomber
Rogue Gunboat Gunboat
Rogue Destroyer Cruiser
Jackal Light Fighter
Pirate Train Train

Bases owned




Kamchatka Station
  • The Lane Hackers appreciate the good things in life -- the Cardamine -- just like us; difference is, they got things all figured out. Me, I'm just having fun. After my last trip through the Huntsville I didn't really care what happened to me, I only knew I'd be damned if I was gonna play by the rules anymore.

  • We don't like dealing with the Hogosha, and they don't like dealing with us. But we get along with the Lane Hackers alright, and they cut us into the Artifact trade.

  • We ship Artifacts to Rochester from Leiden. They are highly illegal, and the LSF will smoke you if you get scanned with 'em. But the demand is high on Manhattan's black market, all the Manhattanites love 'em.

  • The Lane Hackers' Leiden base provides us with all of our supplies. Their base is located in the Komatsu Cloud due north of the Reppu Cloud that hides this base.

  • Rochester has plenty of Side Arms to sell, so we pick them up and run them here. The Side Arms we bring in usually head on over to Leiden, where we trade the Lane Hackers for cash or info on ship cargoes headed through the system.

  • One of our guys was gonna rat the Hackers out to a Hunter that had credits to burn. He didn't make it to the rendezvous. The Hackers are too valuable to us to scrape for some temporary cash. Too bad I was the one who had to smoke one of our own.

  • There are two Jump Holes in the Komatsu Cloud, which hides the Lane Hackers' Leiden base. The northern Jump Hole leads to Shikoku, the other to Kepler.

  • We make a run to Leiden every third week to pick up the essentials that keep this base going: Food, Consumer Goods, Oxygen, and Water.

  • Watch the black matter in the system. If you fly into some, you aren't gonna fly back out. Black matter is what led to all the Trade Lane trouble with Ageira and the corporate venture that blew up in its face. To pin it on somebody, Ageira canned a few of its top-level execs and a development team; those guys now operate the Hacker base in Leiden.

Planet Manhattan, Landing Site
  • Before you ask, I ain't seen nothing, I ain't heard nothing, and I ain't, uh, smelt nothing.

  • You interested in making a quick bag of creds? I got some hints for you. The Liberty Navy is pretty distracted right now and you can get away with murder in Colorado, the Kusari transports like to pick up drugs from Denver.

  • Always be sure to have a big ol' bag of creds on your person around here. Y'never know when you might need to pay someone off... or, y'know, smack someone over the head with it.

Dawson Base
  • The Xenos and Unioners have been killing eachother in both Hudson and Bering. The Xeno base is in the Wrangell Field just north of this one, and the Unioners come here to trade Hessian Tears with us. I personally don't care about fried Rheinies, but the Xenos running off with our Diamonds is annoying. Our boys will tear those Xenos apart if we come upon them attacking the Unioners.

  • The Unioners are forced to operate on the edges of Rheinland space, not only because of the Rheinland authorities, but also because of another criminal group within Rheinland: the Red Hessians. The Hessians control a lot of ground in the south of Rheinland and out in the Omega borderworlds, and they don't like the Unioners intruding on their turf. The two groups ain't hostile, but a skirmish here or there ain't unheard of.

  • Some of the Xenos we run into have dropped hints about trying to get in on the Diamond trade, but it ain't gonna happen. Diamonds come from Rheinland, and nobody from Rheinland is going to do business with the Xenos. They've pretty much got themselves to thank for that. Bunch of hotheads...

  • Every Rogue likes his gun collection. Most Rogues have several pieces of Detroit death machinery, so we need to supplement our Side Arm shipments from Beaumont with extra shipments from Buffalo. They usually come from shipments we nabbed on the lane in New York.

  • I hear Liberty had plans for making this system the main trade route from Rheinland into Texas because of all the drifting asteroid problems in Bering. Guess those plans are shelved now. They're short one functional Jump Gate, heh. I guess the only reason that Navy Battleship is here, is to make sure the Xenos don't mess up whatever they got planned for Atka.

  • The Liberty Navy patrols the Trade Lanes from Atka to Texas that run through this system. They've tried to clear us out many times, but there are too many places to hide. That's why Hudson will always belong to the outlaws. We had it rough for a while with the war going on - when there's a ton of military forces stomping around it's hard to smuggle or raid the lanes, but now that the Jump Gate to Hamburg is gone, that's bound to change.

  • The Hessian Tears that the Unioners bring to this base eventually arrive in Manhattan for sale. That's what the Bounty Hunters are really after, that little "extra pay" by nabbing their cargo as salvage. Kinda like the Xenos do. The Unioners also drop Artifacts here. Bit risky if you ask me, dealing with both the Corsairs and Hessians, but I guess credits are a universal pacifier. Heh, they work on me.

  • There must have been plans for making use of the planet Atka here in this system. A Planetform ship came in here to scope out the planet. Then the Xenos swooped in on 'em and blew the ship up. Those Xenos are a crazy bunch, but they crack me up. Heh heh, eh. Now Planetform is back with the Alma in tow. Guess they mean business this time.

  • If you want to get into Rheinland space without attracting much attention, just pop through the Jump Hole in the field east of this base. It will take you right into Hamburg. The Unioners have a base there, in the asteroid field east of Alster. Usually best if you stick to the asteroid fields as much as possible. While the Federal Police is a joke, the Rheinland Military means business.

  • Since this base is pretty remote we have to get almost everything shipped to us from Beaumont. Aside from our basic supplies of Food, Water, and Oxygen, we receive Consumer Goods, and Side Arms. We could get the basics from Freeport 2, but that means crossing the Xenos who are out for blood out there.

  • The Hessian Tears we get here from the Unioners are shipped to Denver or Manhattan. Usually the Junkers take care of the last leg, it's an easy run for them. Hessian Tears aren't illegal in Liberty, see? Liberty did that to spite the Rheinies. That makes us a lot of money.

Montezuma Base
  • This base requires that all of its supplies come in from the IMGers at Freeport 4. We bring Water, Oxygen, Food, and Consumer Goods from there.

  • Some of the Light Arms we get from the Junkers is shipped to Gibraltar in Newcastle. We pick up Cardamine for the return trip.

  • There's a Jump Hole into California in the Paloma Ice Clouds just south of the Jump Gate. If you're trying to move some illegals and wanna stay clean of the scans, then that's the way to get into California.

  • A lot of money flows into this system from Liberty and Bretonia. All the Manhattanites come to Curacao to drink and snob it up. Sometimes their luxury transports don't always make it. And we are happy to lift the Commodities between the two Houses that cross our paths.

  • Our base is fairly well hidden here in the Corcovado. It's useful to know that there is a Jump Hole into Magellan in this ice cloud, too. From Magellan there's a Jump Hole to Manchester, so you can cross into Bretonia space unscanned if you need to.

  • We juice up on much of the Cardamine that the Outcasts bring here. They take the rest with them as they go into Liberty. The Hackers ship from Mactan to Buffalo, Alcatraz, and Rochester.

  • A few days ago, the Outcast ship Balboa was damaged by an LPI patrol that surprised it in the Tahoe Ice Cloud. It escaped its pursuers, but the failing control systems eventually caused it to hit an ice crystal and explode -- at least that's what they've been able to piece together from radar and the pilot's last words. The wreckage was scattered and drifted over a large area. The Cardamine cargo remains missing, probably still in the hold of the ship.

  • Things got a little frosty around here last week. An Outcast killed one of ours for accidentally alerting some Bounty Hunters to his location. When the Outcast landed, the kid's best friend stood up to the masker. The Outcast, without saying a word, pulled a Detroit Pocket Canon and blew him in half.

  • When we head to Alcatraz to deliver Gold, we pick up Side Arms to bring back here. That way our esteemed guests can haul weaponry to the far edges of Sirius.

  • I love seeing the Outcast ship landing on this base. Some folks get so excited when he drops the inbound call that they fly out to meet him. Once one our greeters blew the Outcast's cover and put a couple of Bounty Hunters on him. When the mask breather was done smoking the two Hunters, he vaped the poor kid, too. Things got worse when he landed.

Padua Base
  • The Lane Hackers appreciate the good things in life -- the Cardamine -- just like us; difference is, they got things all figured out. Me, I'm just having fun. After my last trip through the Huntsville I didn't really care what happened to me, I only knew I'd be damned if I was gonna play by the rules anymore.

  • We don't like dealing with the Hogosha, and they don't like dealing with us. But we get along with the Lane Hackers alright, and they cut us into the Artifact trade.

  • We ship Artifacts to Rochester from Leiden. They are highly illegal, and the LSF will smoke you if you get scanned with 'em. But the demand is high on Manhattan's black market, all the Manhattanites love 'em.

  • The Lane Hackers' Leiden base provides us with all of our supplies. Their base is located in the Komatsu Cloud due north of the Reppu Cloud that hides this base.

  • Rochester has plenty of Side Arms to sell, so we pick them up and run them here. The Side Arms we bring in usually head on over to Leiden, where we trade the Lane Hackers for cash or info on ship cargoes headed through the system.

  • One of our guys was gonna rat the Hackers out to a Hunter that had credits to burn. He didn't make it to the rendezvous. The Hackers are too valuable to us to scrape for some temporary cash. Too bad I was the one who had to smoke one of our own.

  • There are two Jump Holes in the Komatsu Cloud, which hides the Lane Hackers' Leiden base. The northern Jump Hole leads to Shikoku, the other to Kepler.

  • We make a run to Leiden every third week to pick up the essentials that keep this base going: Food, Consumer Goods, Oxygen, and Water.

  • Watch the black matter in the system. If you fly into some, you aren't gonna fly back out. Black matter is what led to all the Trade Lane trouble with Ageira and the corporate venture that blew up in its face. To pin it on somebody, Ageira canned a few of its top-level execs and a development team; those guys now operate the Hacker base in Leiden.

Buffalo Base
  • The H-Fuel run to Rochester is kind of like your Rogue graduation test. If you make it, you're ready to take on the Independent Worlds. Navy's waiting by West Point for smugglers -- so is the LPI in the north. Of course, the Xenos are also a wildcard.

  • There's always traffic headed to and from Trenton and Newark station, plus Manhattan and Pittsburgh. You'll encounter attack squadrons all over New York space, and they all come back here. This base is a place for us to refit our ships, lay low between sorties, and enjoy Cardamine when we're not popping freighters.

  • We get most of our supplies from Beaumont because it's actually safer to hit the Jump Hole into Texas. The Junker base is right on the other side of the Jump Hole in a debris field, plus we don't have to leave the cover of the Badlands on our side. It's all about the cover; we try and expose ourselves as little as possible.

  • Last week a buddy of mine got his ship cracked open by a Liberty military patrol. He hung around a pirated ship too long trying to get all the salvage he could. Sometimes it's the greed that kills you. When you hit a shipment, grab what you can, then bury the throttle and get out of there.

  • We smuggle stolen H-Fuel to Fort McMurray from here. It's a tough run that we usually only give to our most senior smugglers with the best ships.

  • I just got out of Sugarland; they had me making toys in that hellhole. It's messed up, we get locked away for a stretch and they force us to earn them money making crap for families and kids. If I ever see another one of them Space Jumper Happy Bears I'm gonna blow a hole in its forehead.

  • The Flint didn't make it from Buffalo to Rochester on a routine Cardamine smuggling run several weeks ago. There was no distress call, no reports of LPI or Navy interdiction heard on comms. It probably hit an asteroid somewhere in the western quadrant of the Badlands, off of the regular patrol routes.

  • We take incoming shipments of Slaves from Pittsburgh and make the suicide run across the California system to Cortez. Many a shipment's been lost en route. Those Outcasts just don't get how hard it is to dodge all those Bounty Hunters and the LPI.

  • This is the home base of the Liberty Rogues. Sure, we got a base in California, but this is the big leagues. Everyone comes to New York, and we're here to make sure they leave something behind before they go. Being a pirate is better than working the industrial plants in Texas. So what if we take more risk? Prison isn't an unfamiliar thing to a Rogue.

  • We're Side Arm central. We ship them to Beaumont, Alcatraz, Montezuma, Fort McMurray and Dawson from here -- pretty much the entire Rogue world of bases.

  • Cardamine shipments are done to half of what they used to be, it's causing us tons of trouble with the Junkers. Everytime I make the burn to Rochester now, I get my ears full about how dead customers won't pay, and that we won't make any new ones by not ensuring steady supply. What do they think I am? Some kind of miracle worker? It's not up to me how much of this stuff makes it here.

Rochester Base
  • Just making a supply run back out to Buffalo. Why do people like me always get the lousy jobs? I have to run the gauntlet of the LPI and navy through the Detroit Field and across the Trade Lanes with little profit in it for me.

  • Running Cardamine from Cortez is one of the toughest jobs you can do in Sirius. I don't know why the Outcasts can't do it themselves. They always make us do all the dirty work. One day we'll be in charge.

  • Operating from here or our base in the Badlands, you'll find Liberty Rogues pirating the Trade Lanes and hitting the storage depots near the various commercial stations in this system.

  • That Artifact run from Leiden can be rough. There's a long stretch across Colorado where you're pretty exposed -- Bounty Hunters always out there, circling like vultures. Once you get to the Silverton Field, you got the Xenos.

  • The Junkers want us to take on the Xenos since they have been staging more attacks on them lately. We'll oblige, as we're not sure what the Xenos are really up to. Some of the bosses think they want to take over the Cardamine business from us. Fat chance of that.

  • We've been running H-Fuel up from Buffalo. It's a pretty wild ride across New York. Anytime you cross patrolled trade lanes, a navy shipyard, and a battleship patrolled sector, you gotta expect trouble. All our H-Fuel is smuggled into Liberty after getting stolen in the Independent Worlds -- kind of like recycled property. That's the way I see it.

  • This is a good base if you want to hang out and attack the local Trade Lanes. Gotta watch out for those Xenos in the eastern part of Jersey, though.

Alcatraz Depot
  • Alcatraz ships Cardamine to Buffalo and Beaumont. I'd like to make that run myself one day, but I'm not good enough yet. The Outcasts tend to get angry when you blow one of their Cardamine loads.

  • Those annoying Xenos seem to think that they will be able to defeat the Junkers and force us to use them as our intermediaries. They are sorely mistaken in that assumption.

  • I'm running a Cardamine load in from the Lane Hacker base in Magellan. Just taking a Cardamine break before I head on to Buffalo in the Badlands. It's a very long journey to Liberty from where I come from.

  • A few of our brethren are prisoners at Sugarland. The supply of Cardamine in the prison is adequate to keep them alive. Those that have been sent to Huntsville with the Xenos don't last long.

  • We ship Gold stolen by the Outcasts and Lane Hackers in the Barrier on to Buffalo. It eventually gets sold by the Junkers planetside -- a nice, clean operation.

  • Our boys here in Alcatraz like to "tax" all the goods moving through the Trade Lanes between Bretonia and Liberty. Los Angeles is filled with those snobby successful types who buy loads of Luxury Goods from Manhattan. It ain't right that they get all the good things in life just 'cuz they were born with money, so we take some of it off their hands.

  • We do quick hops across these systems. I'm on a convoy headed for Beaumont in the Texas Debris Fields. We started in Cortez yesterday at the Rogue base. Normally the Rogues do these runs, but they were losing too many shipments. Sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

  • California is a good home to the Rogues. First off, there's ice asteroid fields all over the system, which makes for good cover when traveling through the system hauling illegal goodies. Our base is hidden in the same asteroid field that hides the Jump Hole to Texas, and from Texas you can jump into New York space, no problem.

  • We supply Side Arms to the Rogue base out in the Barrier. The Outcasts also buy from us. Nothing cheaper than Detroit Side Arms.

  • You can reach Padua in Cortez by running to the Tahoe Ice Cloud on the western edge of the system, where the Jump Hole to Cortez is hidden. The Trade Lane to Magellan travels by the same field, so you might be able to hit a shipment or two on the way.

  • If you want to really make some money with us, come to Cali in Tau-23. Its exact location is up to you to discover.

  • Rogues live life for the day, not for the future. We don't dwell on the past neither. If I got money in my pocket and some Cardamine stashed, then what do I gotta worry about tomorrow or yesterday for? Besides, I can't always remember what happened yesterday and I might be dead tomorrow.

  • The Outcasts know we need their Cardamine, and they look down on us for it. I can see it in their eyes, even if they don't say anything. I don't like them holding the Cardamine over us, but I need it.

  • There's been talk of a Liberty Rogue who is uniting all of us together. I dunno if it's true or not, but I've heard people say he's got over 100 kills and more and more Rogue pilots are joining under his command. If I get a chance I'll join with him. I think he's in New York.

  • California is one of the richest systems in Sirius. On our way back home we'll hit shipments cruising through the Trade Lanes here; we have plenty of cover in the ice fields that populate the system. They cover us as we smuggle our way in and steal our way back out again. I love California.

  • The Liberty battleship Yukon might scare a lot of thieves and petty criminals, but it doesn't bother the Outcasts. We can lose her patrols in the ice fields as we cross the system.

Beaumont Base
  • This system is my home, and this base is one of my favorite hangouts. You can get whatever you want at this base or on the Lanes picking ships for cargo. One day I'm going to retire with a mountain of Cardamine and Gold.

  • I kind of like the Xenos. Truth is I almost joined up with them on a tour of "the Walls," but I decided to join up with the Rogues instead. But the Junkers will pay me good money or Cardamine to kill Xenos, so if I see one flying solo, then I'll kill him. If there's more than one, I don't pay them much mind.

  • The Rogues can get to New York through the Jump Hole hidden in the same debris field this base is in. Also, there is a Jump Hole to California in the West Dallas Debris Field, though you have to be careful. Parts of that area are radioactive. There's another Jump Hole to the Hudson system in the South Dallas Debris Field. That about covers it.

  • The Rogue fighter Prudhoe was making a Diamond run from Hudson to Beaumont when it was ambushed by a Xeno assault patrol. It fled into the Pequena Negra Cloud, with the Xenos in hot pursuit. No one has seen them since. People here figure they all died in there from the radiation.

  • I've served three sentences on the Huntsville. If you've served time there, you know the real name given to her by the inmates. We call the Huntsville "the Walls."

  • This system is home to a lot of Liberty Rogues. Most of us have spent about half our lives on either the Huntsville or Sugarland. I just got off "the Walls" myself a few months ago; I wouldn't be surprised if I were heading back some time or other. Going back isn't so bad -- it gets to be kinda like home. A lot of my buddies are in there pulling time.

Allentown Base
  • There's a killer smuggling run that starts right here. Or finishes here. Whatever. Anyway, you pick up Sla... Err, "Indentured Servants" here on Allentown, then move em to Malta. The Outcasts know what to do with those. Then you load up on Cardamine and head right back. Of course, every lawkeeper from here to the Taus will be on your tail, so use the jumpholes.

  • Nice little forgotten corner of space this is. Liberty is all about protecting big money, and there's not much of that here. So there's not much protection here. Which means we're practically free to do as we please. Well, except around that damned Dreadnought near Erie.

  • The boys at Niverton make off with some cargo every now and then. When there's enough, I haul it over to Allentown for a quick buck. Doesn't earn much, but it's a safe way to earn a bit of scratch. You can pick up some "Indentured Servants", as they like to call Slaves here, on the way back.

Niverton Base
  • Back for more, are you? Looking for trouble? This ain't a Zoner bar. We don't like brawls here, especially from outsiders. And we don't ban firearms. Keep that in mind, bub. Now shove off.

  • I wasn't always a Rogue, you know. I started out a Boron miner on Pittsburgh. But I lucked out one day and punched a LPI Captain in the nose in a bar brawl, and ended up on Sugarland with the best crew of real men I've ever met. Yep, they was Rogues through and through, and I've been one ever since. Sure, I get called criminal, fiend, murderer and so forth by the so-called polite society in Liberty. But the one thing they don't call a Rogue is sissy. Not to his face and live they don't. Oh, and that cop got what was coming once I got out.

  • LPI has really committed with Erie, which in turn means that Liberty is looking to lock down on the Colony and add it to the collection. Commercial traffic is on a steady uptick, but of course the Hackers are cherry-picking the best loot for themselves rather than sharing. The Zoners are easy pickings though, so I'll stick around a little while longer before I go try my odds with Eska's pack in Cortez.

  • Some people think of Pennsylvania is in the core of Libery. Out here on Niverton, we know it's just the Southern end of a North bound donkey. Almost all the transports going through this system are carrying industrial products, so there's not much opportunity to loot the finer things in life. To get Luxury Consumer Goods, we actually have to smuggle them in from Newark just like the rich fatcats on Curacao. We'll pay you handsomely for them, though.

  • And let me tell you somethin' else. We ain't crazies like them Xenos. No sir. We're whatchya call respectable and stuff. That's right. We don't take no account o' where you're from when we rob ya, like them Xenos do. Nope, we don't care if you're from Liberty, Kusari, or Timbuktookee, wherever that is. Them Xenos are a bunch o' wild hateful rats and they ain't got no place in Liberty at all. And that's why we hates 'em, it is.

  • Medical care on a Rogue base has never been the best as I'm sure you know. Fortunately, Rochester's Junkers have a nice racket going on Denver, and they are able to ship us cut rate Pharmaceuticals. The trip getting here is pretty ugly, but there's no substitute for good drugs. The legal kind, I mean. For the illegal kind, there's all sorts of options.

  • This system used to be a place to lay low, now the resistance has gone and ruffled the damn Navy's feathers of all things. Patrols launched from the Alma make it possible to really hang around the lanes for too long. Smuggling things in and out is also starting to prove more of a hassle than it's worth, Junkers are going to start asking for hefty premiums.

  • Now a Junker, that's a high class o' yokel, fer certain. Them Junkers been all over Sirius, rootin' 'round in junk piles and snoopin' out secrets and such. That's why they're called Junkers, ya know, cause they's always in the junk fields. And that ain't all, either. Them Junkers is whatchya call industriouslyness. Yep, they're plenty industri...uh, whatever. They got a whole smelter operation down in Porto Rico where they smelt the junk into really first rate, high class, uh, junk. Then they sell it to the shipyards. Now that's what I call business sense, it is.

  • I can always tell when they're comin' off a Cardi high. A guy will believe anything then. Heh, I convinced one of those poor sods he was an Outcast freighter captain and his ship was about to leave. 'fcourse, the -real- Outcast freighter captain wasn't amused. No, that Cardihuffer is floating around outside somewhere now.

  • his system used to be a place to lay low, now the resistance has gone and ruffled the damn Navy's feathers of all things. Patrols launched from the Alma make it possible to really hang around the lanes for too long. Smuggling things in and out is also starting to prove more of a hassle than it's worth, Junkers are going to start asking for hefty premiums.

  • Slaves? Cardamine? Yea, we got a lot of both, but you'll get none of it unless you got the dough to pay for it. We're not running a charity here, and fools that think we do tend to find themselves on the wrong side of an airlock if you catch my meaning.

  • If you need to hop over to Allentown, the Junkers are always eager to buy some H-Fuel off of us. That's basically the way the relationship goes between our factions. We steal it, they buy it, then they sell it back to the fool we stole it from. Everybody profits. Well, everybody important, I mean.

  • Niverton has been struggling financially for a while. In their efforts to make this base too remote to be located by the navy, its founders forgot to make it close enough to profitable supply centers. We do manage to secure a small supply of labor to ship off to Malta's Cardamine fields, though. We can't compete with Buffalo's profits, but we manage to survive.

  • All these polite society types are always talkin' down about us, but you know they're the biggest crooks of all. We may rob with guns, but they rob with words on paper and backroom deals to benefit their brother-in-laws. They're ain't no more honest than we are. In fact, we're more honest. That's right. When a Rogue comes at ya, ya know just what ya gonna get. Ya gonna get voluntarily poorer or a close encounter with the wrong side of a view port. Now that's honest, it is.

  • We get our own H-Fuel hauled up from Buffalo Base, for the most part. The pickings are pretty slim in Pennsylvania. The navy guards their H-Fuel shipments like it's solid Gold. Wait just a minute... Maybe it is Gold and they just want us to think it's H-Fuel... Genius. No, not the navy. I'm the genius for figuring out their plot!

  • We also get H-Fuel from Beaumont in Texas. See, first we Rogues steal the H-Fuel. Then we sell it to the Junkers in Texas. Then they sell it to us here. Then we sell it to the Junkers at Allentown. Then they sell it back to the fools we stole it from to begin with. That way, everybody important makes a fat profit. You know, if all of Sirius ever wised up to the Rogue way of doing business, we'd never have an economical recession ever again!

  • It's a Rogue's life for me all the way! There's no other life for a real man, let me tell you. Sure, I'm sure a life on a cargo hauler ain't bad, if you don't mind all the boot-lickin', hiney-kissin', fake-smilin' foofooness you have to put up with from The Boss Man. No siree, I'll take a Bloodhound any day over that. A man needs to earn his keep in the galaxy the old fashioned way: with his guts on the line and leading the way.

  • LPI has really committed with Erie, which in turn means that Liberty is looking to lock down on the Colony and add it to the collection. Commercial traffic is on a steady uptick, but of course the Hackers are cherry-picking the best loot for themselves rather than sharing. The Zoners are easy pickings though, so I'll stick around a little while longer before I go try my odds with Eska's pack in Cortez.

  • Those Rogues on Sugarland, why they put some real brass in my spine, they did. I growed a pair o' stones there the likes o' which you ain't never se... EGAD! Blue-eyed Bill just walked into the bar! I owe that dude 15 credits and I'm late on the vig. Where's the back door, I gotta hightail it outta here 'fore he eyes me!

Thunder Bay Depot
  • Just making a supply run back out to Buffalo. Why do people like me always get the lousy jobs? I have to run the gauntlet of the LPI and navy through the Detroit Field and across the Trade Lanes with little profit in it for me.

  • Running Cardamine from Cortez is one of the toughest jobs you can do in Sirius. I don't know why the Outcasts can't do it themselves. They always make us do all the dirty work. One day we'll be in charge.

  • Operating from here or our base in the Badlands, you'll find Liberty Rogues pirating the Trade Lanes and hitting the storage depots near the various commercial stations in this system.

  • That Artifact run from Leiden can be rough. There's a long stretch across Colorado where you're pretty exposed -- Bounty Hunters always out there, circling like vultures. Once you get to the Silverton Field, you got the Xenos.

  • The Junkers want us to take on the Xenos since they have been staging more attacks on them lately. We'll oblige, as we're not sure what the Xenos are really up to. Some of the bosses think they want to take over the Cardamine business from us. Fat chance of that.

  • We've been running H-Fuel up from Buffalo. It's a pretty wild ride across New York. Anytime you cross patrolled trade lanes, a navy shipyard, and a battleship patrolled sector, you gotta expect trouble. All our H-Fuel is smuggled into Liberty after getting stolen in the Independent Worlds -- kind of like recycled property. That's the way I see it.

  • This is a good base if you want to hang out and attack the local Trade Lanes. Gotta watch out for those Xenos in the eastern part of Jersey, though.

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