"Xyston" Plasma Accelerator

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Claymore Plasma Accelerator
Equipicon gun.png
Hull Damage 3291
Shield Damage 1645.5
Hull Damage/s 6582.0
Shield Damage/s 3291.0
Refire Rate 2.0
Energy usage/s 5488.8
Projectile Velocity 750
Range 550
Efficiency 1.8
FLStat Rating 1529.24

"Xyston" Plasma Accelerator

The Xyston Plasma Accelerator marks a new development in heavy fightercraft weaponry. Effectively a crossbreed between standard Plasma-based fighter weapons and the magnetic slingshot technology applied in defense turrets for Transports, the Xyston is capable of firing high-powered, relatively fast-moving Plasma balls at its target.

The Xyston was exclusively designed for the HFX-F8B Claymore as a variant of its integrated forward cannon.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Bornholm Depot Junkers Omega-55 Omega Border Worlds 7,742$
Freeport 14 Zoners Inverness Independent 7,742$
Battlecruiser Bastia Outcasts Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 7,742$
Fontana Freeport Freelancers California Liberty 7,742$
Planet Gran Canaria Zoners Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 7,742$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:56:04 UTC