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Governing House Independent
Region Sigma Border Worlds
Connected Systems Okinawa
Omicron Epsilon

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Blue Giant
  • TYPE: B7
  • COLOR: Blue
  • MASS: 5.12 x 10e32 kg
  • DIAMETER: 7.31 x 10e8 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Nagaoka Uninhabited
Planet Toyohara Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Aniva Nebula
  • Kamo Belt
  • Koryu Cloud
  • Mineable Zone
  • Nagaoka Belt
  • Okha Nebula
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Nobeoka Platform Bounty Hunters Guild
Niigata Star City Gas Miners Guild
Yurasu Station Samura Industries
Nishiara Base Golden Chrysanthemums
Gas Miner Gas Miners Guild
  • Commodity Mining
    • Helium-3
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
      • Bounty Hunters Guild
      • Gas Miners Guild
      • Samura Industries
      Unlawful Factions
      • Golden Chrysanthemums

      System Map


      Areas of Interest


      Okha Nebula


      A medium-sized nebula of ionized hydrogen and helium. The GMG has announced interest in constructing miners to exploit its resources, but the plans have been halted due to considerable levels of pirate activity within.

      Koryu Cloud

      A lonely wandering wisp of the Edge Nebula. Traffic within is sporadic due to only minor electric disturbances, although there are rumors of a jump hole within.

      Aniva Nebula


      A vast nebula of carbonaceous and rock asteroids combined with a hodgepodge of hydrogen-based Crow gases and dust from the central planetary fragments. Likely of a nominally brown color, the light from the intense Blue Giant at the system's center turns the foreboding cloud purple.

      The GMG ascertained that space aboard Niigata could be granted for hydrocarbon mining or otherwise, pending more thorough exploration. Said exploration has been hampered by a minimum of scanner penetration through the chaotic mixture of dust. Oddly, rumors claim that Samura ships have been sighted within.

      Asteroid Fields

      Mineable Zone

      Nagaoka Belt

      A field of asteroids in tight orbit of the sizable Planet Nagaoka, likely attracted from the nearby Koryu Nebula. Nobeoka Platform was constructed nearby, though at a safe distance from any collision.

      Kamo Belt

      <TRA color="red"/>>>>CAUTION<<<

      A field of planetary debris dragged into close orbit of the intense blue giant at the system's heart. Scientific surveys based from Niigata determined that the rocks were once a moon of the gas giant Nagaoka that was wrenched from its orbit by the star's gravity well, and destroyed by the incredible heat.

      Intense solar radiation at a distance so near the star poses a tremendous risk to the ships of any curious sightseers, and the GMG has cautioned any tourists from Niigata from drawing too close.


      - D-2

      The remains of Gloom, pilot unknown.


      Jump Gates/Holes

      Target System Type Location
      Okinawa Jump Gate B/C-5
      Sigma-19 Jump Hole F/E-6
      Okinawa Jump Hole B-2
      Sigma-21 Jump Hole D-5/6
      Omicron Epsilon Jump Hole G-2

      NOTE: Page generated on the 15/06/2023 at 17:44:00 UTC