AT-50 "Hell's Fury" Lane Hacker Gunboat Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Lane Hacker Gunboat Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 359
Shield Damage 179.5
Hull Damage/s 1436.0
Shield Damage/s 718.0
Refire Rate 4.0
Energy usage/s 9108.0
Projectile Velocity 800
Range 980
Efficiency 0.24
FLStat Rating 97.03

AT-50 "Hell's Fury" Lane Hacker Gunboat Turret

The "Hell's Fury" Gunboat Turret is a proprietary technology developed by the Lane Hackers for use on their Gunships. The weapon is designed to deliver sustained fire onto targets without overly taxing the Gunship's power plant.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Cochrane Depot Lane Hackers Ontario Liberty 3,500$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:58 UTC