Adv. Valsalis Refraction Screen

From Discovery Wiki
Adv. Valsalis Refraction Screen
Equipicon shieldgen.png
Price 8,260$
Capacity 5,632
Regeneration Rate 176
Offline Rebuild Time 16
Rebuild Power Draw 615
Constant Power Draw 0
Offline Threshold 0.15
Technology s_graviton01

AXI-RFTR-008 Refractor

This shield is specifically designed for Technocrat Bomber vessels. Further information is unknown.


Base Owner System Region Price
Secundus Outpost The Technocracy Omicron Pi Nomad Worlds 8,260$
Valravn Citadel The Technocracy Inverness Independent 8,260$
Carrier Orion The Technocracy Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 8,260$