Outcast Heavy Transport

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(Redirected from Aspis)

Outcast "Aspis" Heavy Transport
Dsy oc btrans.png
Basic Information
Ship Class Heavy Transport
Built By Unknown
Tech Column Outcasts Ships
Guns/Turrets 0 / 10
Max Weapon Class 1
Other Equipment
Hull Strength 212,500
Max Shield Class 7
Cargo Space 4,300 units
Batteries 400
Nanobots 400
Speed and Movement
Max Impulse Speed 90 m/s
Max Turn Speed 11.46 deg/s
Max Thrust Speed 150 m/s
Max Cruise Speed 350 m/s
Power Output 90,000 u
Power Recharge 7,500 u/s
Ship Price 1,080,000
Package Price 1,086,006

The Aspis transport represents a significant and unusually late shift for the production lines of Outcast shipyards. Though many Outcast shipwrights had long designed transports, the more influential Dons relegated Outcast production facilities to the construction and maintainance of warships in their bloody war against the Corsairs.

After relying upon third parties for vessels with which to spread the Orange Dream across Sirius over the centuries, recent developments made it clear that only a finely crafted Outcast vessel would be able to brave the Taus without relying solely on luck. Old, patchwork designs such as the Pilgrim and Pitbull were simply not up to the task of evading or combatting the Gallic invaders.

The aptly named Aspis was the solution pitched by Malta's engineers, and eventually settled upon by the Council of Dons. Sleek, stylish, and well armed, the Aspis is expected to ensure that Malta's vital trade arteries remain unrivaled throughout Sirius.


  • This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
  • Max Turn Rate: 11.46°
  • Time to Max Turn: 0.46s
  • Time to turn 180°: 15.77s
  • Maximum Strafe Speed: 16.67m/s
  • Distance Strafed in 0.5s: 2.74m


  • 1x Thruster
  • 10x Transport Turret
  • 1x Transport Shield
  • 1x Hyperspace Beacon
  • 1x Hyperspace Navigator
  • 1x Docking Bay

Purchase Includes

  • Outcast Large Tr Engine Mk I ($1)
  • Ageira Mark IIc Fusion Reactor ($0)
  • Light Transport Graviton Shield ($6,000)
  • Scanner ($5)


Base Owner System Region
Corsica Shipyard Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:41 UTC