Blood Dragon "Naginata" Battleship Primary Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Dragon Primary Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 4687
Shield Damage 2343.5
Hull Damage/s 12186.21
Shield Damage/s 6093.11
Refire Rate 2.6
Energy usage/s 39507.04
Projectile Velocity 610
Range 3499
Efficiency 0.46
FLStat Rating 512.58

Blood Dragon "Naginata" Battleship Primary Turret

The Naginata is the heaviest turret developed and used by the Blood Dragons. Only a few vessels within their ranks are capable of mounting this huge weapon - the aging Togo class battleships. The Naginata is the most destructive turret the Blood Dragons posess, capable of inflicting heavy damage. It's slower projectiles are best suited to engage enemy capital ships.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Sendai Research Complex Blood Dragons Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 11,000$
Kyoto Base Blood Dragons Chugoku Kusari Outer Region 11,000$
Kyoto Capital Drydock Blood Dragons Chugoku Kusari Outer Region 11,000$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:59 UTC