CNO-X Transport Engine

From Discovery Wiki
CNO-X Transport Engine
Equipicon engine.png
Price 200,000$
Max. Cruise Speed 500
Cruise Charge Time 5

CNO-X Transport Engine

The CNO-X series is an experimental hybrid engine, initially developed by the Confederacy, that uses either Gallic Promethene-Petroleum fusion or Rheinland MOX fission to generate propulsion. The CNO-X is a symbolic gesture of Gallia's intolerance of its enemies, yet also is a symbol of cooperation with Rheinland. While capable of generating adequate power, the CNO-X's short but storied history of formal complaints reveal major dissatisfaction and unreliable performance, ultimately leading to its formal decommissioning by the Gallic Union. This engine is intended for use on transports.

Top Speed (theoretical): 500

Energy Drain / sec: 0


Base Owner System Region Price
Monte Carlo Freeport Freelancers Provence Gallia 200,000$