Cloak Disruptor Type-2

From Discovery Wiki
Cloak Disruptor Type-2
Equipicon powerplant.png
Price 1$
Flare Price 1$
Max. Flares 20
Effectiveness 70.0%
Range 1100m
Lifetime 3.0s

Average-Radius Pulse Cloak Disruptor

This disruptor module works on a similar technology to the Cloaking Devices it has been designed to nullify. It emits a broad-spectrum EM pulse which, while harmless to shielded vessels, overloads and collapses the masking field of a cloaked ship. The pulse is omni-directional, and so should be used when the operator suspects a cloaked vessel is in close proximity. This medium-sized model fits on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
