Foyle Shipyard

From Discovery Wiki
Foyle Shipyard
C-6, Dublin

CLASS: Belmullet




CREW: 410

Foyle is an annex to Arranmore Base, and the main Molly ship production facility. It is responsible for producing everything from fighters to limited quantities of hand-built 'Freeman' gunboats and 'Scylla' destroyers.

Previously reliant on parts bartered from or laundered through the Battleship Hood, Foyle's crew now faces increasingly severe difficulties in sourcing the parts needed to maintain and reconstitute Molly forces.

The loss of the Hood, the imposition of Corsair and Bretonian blockades on the system, and the cut-throat business sense of Trafalgar's Junkers have all introduced significant complications to the shipyard's operation.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Robotics 42$
Ablative Armor Plating 54$
Hessian Tears 191$
Gin 41$
Molybdenum 202$
Rheinbier 60$
Rum 62$
Vodka 57$
Boron 57$
Beryllium 40$
Cobalt 39$
Silver 161$
Scrap Metal 5$
Hydrocarbons 37$
Niobium 167$
Oxygen 24$
Water 25$
Diamonds 179$
Food Rations 40$
Fertilizers 46$
H-Fuel 221$
MOX 32$
Basic Alloy 34$
Super Alloy 41$
High-Temperature Alloy 44$
Superconductors 65$
Pharmaceuticals 37$
Polymers 43$
Optronics 137$
Consumer Goods 34$
Iridium 229$
Neon 51$
Platinum 189$
Synth Paste 37$
Helium 80$
Industrial Materials 45$
Xenobiotic Filters 72$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Toxic Waste 11$
Crew 533$
Hull Panels 83$
Engine Components 78$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Molly Gunboat Gunboat 892,374$
Rogue Destroyer Cruiser 2,660,900$
Pilgrim Liner Liner 1,910,000$


[834 AS] Bretonian assault on Dublin imminent

LISBURN ROCK -- 834 AS -- Scouts in Cambridge have confirmed the arrival of both the Battleships Essex and Sommerset at Portsmouth Shipyard. More concerning, they were accompanied by Kishiro transports escorted by Kusari government agents. We don't know what Kusari is up to here, but it's nothing good for the Mollys or a Free Dublin. Withdrawing both Battleships at once is also unheard of -- the BAF must be making final preparations for their attack. There is a narrow window of opportunity to hit them in their drydock. Plans are being urgently drawn up; be ready to strike on short notice.

[834 AS] Oldest Molly Passes Away

ARRANMORE -- 832 AS -- Ian Carew has died peacefully in his sleep, aged 101. As a teenager, Ian famously hijacked a Bowex freighter during the Founder's Day Revolt. Helping to establish Arranmore, Ian preferred simple custodial tasks at base, keeping morale high with his musical talent and jokes. His stories of the movement's earliest days were an inspiration to many, and will be remembered fondly. Over the decades, Ian saw all his original comrades killed, captured or pass to age, but insisted he'd outlive BMM in Dublin. Though blind and bound to his wheelchair for his final years, he did indeed survive to see our great victory. With his passing, we will cherish the Founders' memories and honor their legacy as a new chapter of Molly history begins.

[834 AS] Dangerous anomaly appears in Dublin

ARRANMORE -- 834 -- Sensors across Dublin have gone haywire after a strange anomaly appeared in the wreckage of the New London Jump Gate. Molly leaders have ordered their pilots to keep clear after significantly elevated radiation and gravimetric fluctuations were detected. Some have speculated that the object may be the early formation of an abnormal type of Jump Hole, possibly caused by the damage inflicted during the Jump Gate's destruction.

[833 AS] Unexpected allies in Liberty?

ARRANMORE -- 833 -- Holding Dublin has taken a grueling toll on the movement, but we remain unbowed and unbroken. Bretonia’s blockade is not working, and they are coming under increasing pressure from the other Houses for throttling the sector’s Gold supply. Bretonia is going to make their move soon; our job is to make that push through the Achill Field as bloody as possible. Our sappers have deployed mines to give any Bretonian capital ships that make the crossing a nasty surprise. Liberty doesn't think Bretonia can win a straight fight here, and if we can bloody the BAF’s nose, they’ll be forced to negotiate on our terms. Dublin belongs to the miners. If the Crown wants our Gold, they can recognize the Dublin Republic and buy it… for a premium.

[833 AS] Gold Insecurity Invites Crisis

WATERLOO -- 833 -- Interspace analysts have published a report on the continued volatility of sector-wide Gold supplies, claiming that further instability invites disaster. The reports note the pressures placed on advanced Optronics, Bio-Neural Processor and Quantum Multiplexor manufacturing were already causing spiraling cost increases in adjacent market sectors. Market analysis also indicates that the bulk of Bretonian exports now consist of recycled and in some cases adulterated materials, likely indicating that stockpiles are running low. Interspace has called upon House authorities to collectively find the means of addressing the Dublin question before economic crisis becomes inevitable.

[832 AS] The Price of Freedom

ARRANMORE -- 832 AS -- We now control Dublin, with the wealth of its gold belonging to the miners who extract it. This also means we are responsible for protecting what is ours, and preventing invaders and usurpers from undoing our hard work. The Corsairs have long been a presence in Dublin that we have curtailed, but our expelling the Bretonians has emboldened the pirates to invade in force. We mourn for the loss of our brothers and sisters aboard the Hood, who the Corsairs murdered in cold blood. Additionally, many of the system's jump holes lost phase alignment when the New London jump gate was destroyed, meaning we are no longer able to access Omega 48 or Leeds for supplies. Both the barbaric Corsairs and cowardly Bretonians want to starve us out by blockading the New London jump hole, which is the last stable exit we are aware of. For a Free Dublin to survive, we will need supplies from the Junkers of Trafalgar or the Zoners of Freeport 1. Arranmore is requiring each Molly station to immediately dispatch a wing of their best smugglers for service in Dublin.

[832 AS] Bloodless Victory Turns Sour

KILREA -- 832 AS -- Liberation Day in Dublin allowed our forces to hit the tyrannical Bretonian Crown in the only place it would notice: the treasury.

Starved of the bloody Gold they use to subsidize their repression, Bretonia announced its withdrawal from Poole in a bloodless victory for the Mollys. All Poole's liberation required was patience - simply to wait for DSE to finish disassembling the jump gate. Sadly, these aspirations have turned sour with the destabilization of the Dublin jump hole, and signs that the Cambridge and Omega 48 jump holes will soon follow suit.

If these jump holes fail, our people will be cut off and stranded to starve. We cannot risk such a disaster in this critical stage of our fight for freedom. Colraine has issued evacuation orders to Kilrea and Garvagh. Mull Base has offered to provide transports to assist with extraction to Lisburn Rock in Cambridge.

We will monitor this space; As soon as the jump holes return, so shall we.

[831 AS] Jump Hole Upheaval Causes Chaos

HEISENBERG -- 831 AS -- Jump holes across Sirius have become increasingly volatile and chaotic over the last year, with Professor Sophia Nagel from the Heisenberg Research Station linking the unusual phenomena to the Pulse. The Pulse was an unprecedented blast of hyperspace energy that was detected immediately prior to last year's jump gate Blackout.

Professor Nagel and her team are certain the Pulse originated from outside Sirius, but are otherwise no closer to identifying its source or mitigating a future Blackout event. "Following the Blackout, we began to see immediate signs of jump hole destabilization in multiple different regions, with many ultimately falling out of phase alignment altogether", she commented. The dramatic upending of Sirius' jump hole network has already prompted many groups to abandon stations and withdraw from systems that appear to risk being cut off.

While months-long trips between the stars are possible thanks to the Liberty Engine and many centuries of innovation, few ships are designed or provisioned to make such arduous journeys. Those who were displaced by Sirius' redrawn map hope that system connections will return, while adventurers and explorers rush to discover new routes.

[831 AS] Bretonian Focus Turns on Mollys

SHEFFIELD -- 831 AS -- The Bretonia Police Authority has announced that the eradication of the Molly movement is their top priority. In light of the loss of the Dublin system and the seemingly connected 'Blackout', the dangerous terrorist movement has leaped to the top of Bretonia's most wanted board. Bounties on Molly terrorists have doubled, with Bounty Hunters flocking to the beleaguered House. Guild Master Tina Hale of Sheffield Station commented that, "this is a good deal for a job that's less dangerous than many of our Edge World boards." Despite this, prospective Hunters should be cautious, as the Mollys are notoriously cunning and brutal fighters. The bounties and Police crackdown do appear to be having some initial effects however, with reports of Molly attacks on shipping in the Cambridge and Newcastle systems falling over recent weeks.

[831 AS] A New Dawn for Dublin

ARRANMORE -- 831 AS -- Bretonia has finally been evicted from Dublin! Molly forces across Bretonia were gathered to Dublin in preparation for the greatest battle in our movement's history. Agents aboard Graves Station had already laid the groundwork for the Second Revolt among a crew that was outraged by tyranny and mistreatment. A small nudge was all that was needed for the mutiny, and we salute the martyrs aboard the mining ship Glyndwr for their necessary contribution to the cause. Seizing control of Graves served as the perfect ruse to lure in the Battleship Essex, and the station's scuttling was a fitting end for the Bretonian Marines sent to take it back. Occupying the Essex's attention took the lives of many brave fighters, but allowed a strike force led by the Destroyer Shillelagh to penetrate the jump gate's remaining defenses and cripple it. With Graves destroyed, New London cut off and the Essex fled, Dublin is liberated from Bretonian oppression for the first time in history. This fight was the single bloodiest day in the Mollys' 80 year history, but it has won us true independence and true freedom.


  • Have you heard the latest news? Some of the boys 'ere seem to be working on a couple new prototype weapons. Said they'll fire faster and more powerful than any other Molly plasma gun. Sure would like to keep that handy on me!

  • Never be caught in Molly space without a drink on-hand... At least, that's what my mum used to say. Well, until she passed away from one to many drinks.. Oh mumsy! Why'd ya have to go! WHY!?

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:46 UTC