H4-Z "Brimstone" Insurgency Gunboat Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Insurgency Gunboat Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 322.3
Shield Damage 161.15
Hull Damage/s 2095.03
Shield Damage/s 1047.52
Refire Rate 6.5
Energy usage/s 14365.57
Projectile Velocity 900
Range 869
Efficiency 0.22
FLStat Rating 130.94

H4-Z "Brimstone" Insurgency Gunboat Turret

Originally based off blueprints presumably stolen from Liberty Navy and Ageira Technologies computer data-banks, this is the second generation of the "Brimstone" turret. An evolution from its predecessor which was created out of conflicting technologies to form a better whole, it is the smallest of the H4-series turrets and designed to be utilized on Gunboat-class ships.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Fontana Freeport Freelancers California Liberty 3,500$

NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:11 UTC