Nomad Hybrid Gunboat Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Nomad Hybrid Gunboat Turret
Equipicon turret.png
Hull Damage 325.6
Shield Damage 162.8
Hull Damage/s 2116.48
Shield Damage/s 1058.24
Refire Rate 6.5
Energy usage/s 14547.58
Projectile Velocity 900
Range 869
Efficiency 0.22
FLStat Rating 115.47

Nomad Hybrid Gunboat Turret

These weapons, as unique as they are deadly, are employed by Nomads and Nomad-human hybrids to convert the mysterious energies of their vessels into potent bolts of energy. Since their operating mechanisms are unknown, scientists will pay handsomely for any samples they may secure.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Liner Samsara Wild Sigma-19 Sigma Border Worlds 4,000$
Fort Tegea Wild Tau-61 Tau Edge Worlds 4,000$
Lichtenfelde Complex Wild Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 4,000$
Shonan Base Wild Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 4,000$
Altair Research Complex Wild Omicron Iota Nomad Worlds 4,000$

NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:13 UTC