Weapon Codename: ASURAS

From Discovery Wiki
Equipicon gun bomber heavy.png
Hull Damage 1296
Shield Damage 972
Hull Damage/s 1296.0
Shield Damage/s 972.0
Refire Rate 1.0
Energy usage/s 971.5
Projectile Velocity 500
Range 575
Efficiency 2.33
FLStat Rating 64.78

Weapon Codename: ASURAS


From a lab beyond anywhere sane or safe (namely, the deep Omicrons) came the ASURAS, an overcharged EMP weapon built from the principles of Inferno-type pulse cannons and bomber-grade heavy weapons technology. The weapon draws enormous amounts of power, comparable to Supernova-type weapons, and reverse engineering of known ASURAS samples suggests that the developer who built the prototypes was at least somewhat familiar with the inner workings of both cryogenic antimatter projectors and heavy pulse cannons, as the mounting hardware and power bus adapters are almost identical to those used in the Supernova and the EMP projector resesmbles that of a cruiser-grade pulse cannon, just rather dangerously (yet, in a perverse way, rather brilliantly) cut down and reshaped to fit inside a bomber heavy weapon housing.



Name System Sector
Unmarked Wreck Omicron Major F-6
Delta-3 Omicron Major C-3/4

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:57 UTC