Weapon Codename: BEOWULF

From Discovery Wiki
Equipicon gun.png
Hull Damage 196
Shield Damage 98.0
Hull Damage/s 1152.94
Shield Damage/s 576.47
Refire Rate 5.88
Energy usage/s 860.59
Projectile Velocity 750
Range 525
Efficiency 2.01
FLStat Rating 191.24

Weapon Codename: BEOWULF

A product of a small arms manufacturer in fifth century Bretonia, the Beowulf was born of a contest to develop new weaponry for the nation's Armed Forces. It is by all counts an unorthodox design, favouring raw firepower, recharge rate and short term reliability over long term endurance. The design’s tradeoffs were deemed as acceptable, however, with it being assumed that military logistics would be able to support the maintenance and replacement rate of the Beowulf in exchange for the greater offensive capability the weapon provided.

The weapon, once released to the civilian market, found a similar popularity in some circles of corporate security where similar supply and maintenance requirements could be absorbed. The design proved extremely unpopular with mercenaries and freelancers, however, many of whom preferred the greater durability of lower power weapons systems, even with the Beowulf’s advantages. Despite its success, the Armed Forces would, several decades later, list out a specification for a more durable and longer lasting replacement to cut down on logistics expenditure. As a result, the Beowulf was phased out in favour of newer replacements, with the last known example being lost by the turn of the century in 500 A.S.

This weapon, an original production from the fifth century, appears to be repairable enough with modern technology to make it operational once more. Proprietary tachyon lenses, however, are heavily worn and irreplaceable; the weapon’s accuracy is likely to have faded as a result.



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