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[font=Comic Sans Ms]Nature's Last Hope-[NLH]
[Image: NLHFactionStatusFinal.jpg]
Tag: Gaian
ID: Gaian Guard
Faction Tag: [NLH]
Home System: Lewis, Bretonia (Restricted Area)

Gaian History:

Soon after tourists began to arrive in Edinburgh in 690 AS, Cambridge scientists voiced their concern over the enormous ecological damage that even the most regulated visits could inflict on the planet. Almost from birth, Cambridgers had drilled into them the stories of how New London and Leeds were blighted, so they tended to be very environmentally sensitive. A few of the younger and more militant scientists studying on Gaia accually went so far as to begin a campaign of sabotage against planet bound tourist transports in effort to discourage visits, but ultimately to little effect.

Once cobalt was discovered on Gaia in 740, the BMM began to make noises in New London about the need to establish a mining base there, and what had begun as a quiet, bloodless campaign of active resistance blossomed into full-fledged conflict. Graffiti with slogans such as "GAIA WILL NOT BLEED" was spotted soon after, and the eco-terrorist movement sparked to life.

Eventually, any plans to mine the surface of Gaia were dropped -- mostly out of fear that it might cut into the burgeoning tourist industry -- but the Gaians had already broadened their horizons by an influx of radical elements from Cambridge who sought a ban on terraforming technologies. Planetform, Inc. was the natural target. What emerged was a militant terrorist group philosophically opposed to the exploitation of planets, and terraforming in particular. The group enjoyed considerable popular support on Cambridge, funded by the efforts of the legitimate arm of the Gaians called the Green Front.

While the Gaians and the eco-terrorist movement as a whole have made little progress outside of Bretonian space, Green Front propaganda is a common sight in Bretonia. Green Front commentators are often present on the news, and unlike the Mollys, a certain amount of tolerance exists for them in the government from those disinclined to antagonize their Cambridge connections. Over the years, the movement has spread throughout Bretonia to incorporate environmentally conscious sympathizers from many areas around the sector.

NLH Background:

[Image: GGFS.png]
(Insignia of the NLH Gaian Guard)

Many of the modern Gaians are ordinary criminals & pirates who consider an alliance with the Corsairs to be the best way to ensure their survival, but that attitude is unacceptable to us.

Regardless of our unlawful status, we are not mere criminals or pirates. We are a grass roots organization of like minds who strive to return Honor to the Gaian movement. We fight for the natural environment that surrounds us all and we bleed for Gaia. We are a force of Nature within Bretonia, and we are its Last Hope.

Our goals are simple:

To crush Planetform Inc.

Nothing is more against the grain of nature than terraforming, & they absolutely must be stopped at all cost.

To destroy the Edinburgh tourism industry, & expel Orbital Spa and Cruise from Bretonian space

The impact of tourists on the ecosystem of planet Gaia is sickening. The Orbital Spa and Cruise tourist ship, the Shetland, hangs in high orbit above the planet, spewing waste into the atmosphere. Not only is the presence of this ship a foul eyesore, but its shadow is cast onto Gaia's surface, damaging natural evolution and the health of plant and wildlife as a whole.

To bring the BMM to their knees

Bretonian Mining & Minerals is guilty of blighting Leeds and New London from years of ruthless mining, showing blatant disregard for any environmental considerations, caring only for the profitability of their organization & nothing for the billions of lives they affect.

[Image: NNHighjack.jpg]
Gaia will not bleed.

-->NLH Recruitment Thread<--

-->NLH Faction Feedback Thread<--

-->[NLH] Message Dump<--

- Must put priority on understanding roleplay & server rules
- Must be willing & able to serve as a good example for other players
- Operate primarily in Bretonia and nearby systems. (Travel into Kusari space is allowed, but only on a as-needed basis)

- 20 million credit signing bonus for setup
- An opportunity to RP with experienced players
- Membership in a fascinating faction during its most interesting time

NLH Diplomatic Standings:
(Currently Under Re-Evaluation- 08/02/818)


[AFA] - Artisan Farmer's Alliance
[|] - Black Dragon Society
Corsair-?????_Benitez - The Benitez Family
=CR= - Colonial Remnant
Sails - Black Sails
[TBH] - The Brotherhood


[AU] - Alster Union
.:j:. - Junker Congress
[KNF] - Kusari Naval Forces
LWB - Landwirtrechtbewegung
Samura| - Samura
Zoners (All Zoner factions)
VF) - Volksfront


]bd[ - Blood Dragons
BAF - Bretonian Armed Forces
Bowex) - Borderworld Exports
BMM - Bretonian Mining & Manufacturing
BPA) - Bretonian Police Authority
Wilde. - Das Wilde
Gateway) - Gateway Interstellar
GMG| - Gas Miners Guild
[GC] - Golden Chrysanthemums
[HF] - Hellfire Leigon
IMG| - Independent Miners Guild
[IND] - Interspace Neural-net Department
Keepers - The Keepers
[KoF] - King of Freight
Kishiro| - Kishiro Technologies
[LH]- Lane Hackers
[LN] - Liberty Navy
LPI - Liberty Police Incorporated
LR - Liberty Rogues
=LSF= - Liberty Security Force
MM~ - Mandalorian Mercenaries
[MR] - Molly Republic (Currently under a signed non-agression pact)
[101st] - Outcast Guard: Ghosts of the Razgriz
Pangal - Orbital Spa & Cruise
Phantom - Phantom Empire
[RoS] - Reapers of Sirius
[RHA] - Red Hessian Army
RepEx - Republican Express Inc
(RFP) - Rhineland Federal Police
[RM] - Rhineland Military
{SOB} - Shadow Outcast Brigade
SCRA - Sirius Coalition Revolution Army
Synth.Foods - Synth Foods Inc
XA - Xeno Alliance

Black.Sun - For flagrant violation of Lewis space & non-surrender of the crafts transponder databank
Ronin - For the same reasons as the other

Allowed Ships:

Gaian/[NLH] Ship List (4.85)

Allowed Weapons:

Gaian Weapons
Farmer's Alliance Weapons
Hogosha Weapons
Civilian Weapons
Codnames (limited for their energy consumption)

Ranking Information:

Chief - Leader of the NLH. Has access to fighters, bombers, & *(gunboats)

Highlander/Sergeant At Arms - Second in command. Has same access as Commander.

Guardsman - Full Member who has reached 'Gaian Guard' status. Has same access as Commander & Highlander.

Watchman - Member who is within the process of completing the Guard trials. Has access to fighters & bombers.

Seedling/Prospect - Raw, probationary member. Has access to fighters only.

*(Ship use regulated)

Active Members Roster:

Ktayn (Chief) - [NLH]-Ktayn, [NLH]-Midwinter.Gale

Death's Overture (Highlander/Sergeant At Arms) - [NLH]-Shadowcat, [NLH]-Tempest

Col_Lodden (Guardsman) - [NLH]Red.Sunset, [NLH]Pheonix, [NLH]Spirit

ProwlerPC (Guardsman) - [NLH]-Lurue

Argonaut (Guardsman) - [NLH]Ted.Shawn, [NLH]Mother.Gaia

Laowai (Guardsman) - [NLH]Ocean

Nauticus (Guardsman) - [NLH]Nauticus

aerelm (Guardsman) - [NLH]

Ironfoot (Guardsman) - [NLH]Hunter

Shagohad (Guardsman) - [NLH]-Le.Disko, [NLH]-Season.Of.Poison

Neyc (Guardsman) - [NLH]Robert.Shaw

TehNoizeBox (Guardsman) - [NLH]-Leaf.Lover

Inactive Member Roster:

Sassafras (Guardsman) - [NLH]Curandera (The Witch Doctor)

Pieguy (Guardsman) - [NLH]Charlie.St.George

Marburg (Guardsman) - [NLH]Banger.Grim[
I really love you guys, you should be there more often!

One tiny thought; you might want to move the Mandalorians to hostile, regarding their loyalty to the Queen and their hostility towards the Corsairs.
hm a small weaponslist would be nice:)

And about the ships, do you also fly bombers like the havok mk2 since its basically "for the alternative market" but sold on a house-bs or do you restric your selfs the the classic civilian shipline? :O

And please be more active. pleeeaze?
A list of guns used? That should be quite obvious... Nevermind, will edit it.

About the Havoc MkII... Come to think about it, why get that plane when there's the Roc MkII in the next mod version? 'Till then I think the Taiidan Bomber is a good substitute (It's sold on a Zoner base, so IMO it should be available to all, and I'll only allow it 'till 4.85 comes out). NLH fly Civilian all the way, but with a small bit of good old RP from their side I allow ships from the Corsair alliance (FA, Hogosha, Corsairs) and in an extremely limited way Kusari ships.

EDIT: Faction Status updated with slightly cosmetic changes.
As to ships, what about the Viper and/or the Viper Mk II?
The Vipers? I never thought about IMG ships, actually... Our stance is neutral, since they are hostile to BMM (They are, right?) but still do the same business.
I always figured that using IMG ships are perfectly kosher:mellow:

::edit- the way I see it is, even though IMG are a mining company, they get points w/ the Gaians for being enemys with BMM & the Outcasts...not to mention that those two butting heads in the Taus (IMG & BMM) is arguably the biggest reason that Bretonia & Kusari are warring:yahoo:

Not to mention that IMG's only real allies is ALG Waste Disposal...even though ALG has nothing to do with us, a few brownie points should be thrown to them for being Sirius's garbage men, & back over to IMG by I think the neutarlity is justified:cool:


But I lack time...

If I got the time, I may join you
the keepers

Keep the good work but try to organize some events please!!!!!!

I have the best bomber for the NLH!!!!! The big and fat polluting Warran!
I was thinking that the Gaians and IMG share several common enemies and operate in nearby areas. And being, well, independent miners, they're distinct from the corporate culture that fuels Planetform, etc.

Plus they make a great stopover on the route to the Gaians' Kusari allies (Java Station).
Schweet. Honorable Independant! However...It's Gaians-Gaia's.Avenger
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