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Full Version: To: Republic of Liberty <|> From: 6th Liberty Navy Fleet
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From: Michael Blackburn - Admiral of 6th Liberty Navy Fleet.
To: Republic of Liberty.
Subject: Destroyed stations.
Priority: Medium.
Encryption: Medium.

Good day!

Not so long ago I had an idea, which, I believe, can help our Republic in the future. I hope you will not care.
Well. Listen to this.

Our Republic is really strong, in a sense, but we have 3 destroyed stations. Some died as a result of accidents, and some - as a result of attacks by our enemies. I propose to start projects to restore them. So, what I propose to restore:
I recommend to consider this idea. If in some countries I saw how illegal groups seized legitimate stations and kept them under their control, then I see how the stations are being destroyed and even no one is going to restore them.

If you think that damage and the required materials for recovery will be difficult to calculate ( not to mention their deliveries ), then here we can use the Ageira Technologies ( to calculate the damage and the required materials ), DSM ( for the crews to repair ) and USI ( for delivery of materials to the place of repair ).

Blackburn out. End of transmission!
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