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Full Version: In Vote Natio Octavarium - NO-
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Freelancer ID'd factions, except for FL-ER, are a bit nuts anyhow. FL ID'd mercs gain an objectively better ID than the BHG ID, despite BHG being a vanilla faction who are meant to be the primary merc group.
Only 4-5 habitable planets, actually and even they bad. Not unoccupied systems in omegas, only armed neutrality or zoners neutrality systems. In omegas if you not zoner, you will choose between sairs/commi-hessians, they not let to just another force be neutral.
(05-11-2018, 12:33 PM)Anton Okunev Wrote: [ -> ]Only 4-5 habitable planets, actually and even they bad. Not unoccupied systems in omegas, only armed neutrality or zoners neutrality systems. In omegas if you not zoner, you will choose between sairs/commi-hessians, they not let to just another force be neutral.

Exactly, room for diversification. Right now Omegas have great politics potential but are really bland.
When NO/VR used to be official it didn't cause the server to implode. So I don't know why people are getting upset now, even more so that the ID they're requesting this time is more limited than the last.

Whilst I do somewhat agree on the topic of more FL ID'd factions not being what the server needs, at the same time it's not like if these guys are barked at hard enough they'll pack up shop and adjust themselves to play on a different ID instead. I don't think so at least.
The biggest issue with the Omegas is that it'd kill ready access to several of our most important historical connections. We'd lose access to the MRG for all practical purposes - Gallia was the reason we were able to get pardoned to begin with. Yes, that's a hostile connection, but still an important one. We'd be too far from the Outcasts, who are important for VR history. We'd lose most access to Crayter, who helped us out of the initial mess we were in upon returning. We'd lose access to Liberty, but truth be told I'm not big on the Land of Endless Dreadnoughts so that's not as big a deal.

Moving to the Sigmas would preserve the Outcast connection, but lose Bretonia, who we've taken an interest in regarding the Gallic menace. Either would give easier access to the Bundschuh and Hessians, important recent-historical allies, and access to Rheinland, a useful historical target, The Omicrons are squid territory and I'm not about that.

I'm still against moving, but I do see merit to the idea and have concepts for ways to explain why we moved should we go that route.

And, no, there's not an existing ID that lacks an official or near-official faction that I'm actually interested in. As far as I can tell, most of the missing ones are corporate, which bore the hell out of me.
IMO you guys should have stick to a rather restricted version of CR ID and those WHO cries about "hurr durr FL ID faction" would go away in a second. Plus... I WAS SO HAPPY TO FINALLY HAVE AN UNOFFICIAL "CR FACTION" AROUND AFTER ALL THE YEARS!

Anyways. You guys do solid RP, have established goals and essentially a solid playerbase. Keep it up.
NO is probably my favorite non-vanilla, non-NPC based faction to have graced the server. Unlike innumerable other factions in disco that will RP and powergame their way to having more assets than they would logically ever have (my own history of doing the exact same included, yes I realize the irony), NO has started from next to nothing and is gradually growing in an understandable and logical manner - a far cry from the status-quo of the server.

You lot are a fun bunch to be around and I really do hope you get the officialdom; the Taus have needed something fresh for a while now.
I've yet to have my main character meet Natio Octivarium, but Bride has - I'm looking forward to RP with you guys when I get my faction off the ground, as well as wish you the best of luck with your Official faction request.
(05-11-2018, 12:05 PM)SnakThree Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't it ironic that "well established" faction which used proxy ships with corporate IDs to supply their POB in Kansas should be well respected once emerging after years and years of non-existance and SnakThree raising legit and calm feedback should be labeled a villain without a shred of proof but a casual and absolute lie.

Being opposed to crap does not make me bad. These guys are unable to bring any argument why they deserve more cargo than Freelancer ID (AFC, FL-ER and Forlorn Hope hailing from FL IDs had 3600 cargo restrictions in their requests. Auxesia had 4300 in request, although I have no idea if staff approved that crap too).

(05-11-2018, 12:08 PM)Anton Okunev Wrote: [ -> ]Em, they requested more cargo? I'm just feel honestly, factions like AFC or Forlorn Hope just no need transports anyway. Dont know about FL-ER. I mean, didn't know have they request more then 3600 and need they it or not.

That line was to carry over the ptrain allowance which is allowed on the FL id. I just wanted to point this out because apparently every official faction that stemmed from the FL ID is evil and a ""sirius-wide bounty hunting police"" (what a dumb stigma. )

Regardless, Kaz and crew have proven competent when it comes to handling lore and sticking to reasonable RP, it's really a shame trying to go with npc factions didnt work out in the end but oh well. Good RP, good people, good material, nothing more to say.
(05-11-2018, 11:11 PM)Auzari Wrote: [ -> ]That line was to carry over the ptrain allowance which is allowed on the FL id. I just wanted to point this out because apparently every official faction that stemmed from the FL ID is evil and a ""sirius-wide bounty hunting police"" (what a dumb stigma. )

In the interest of something resembling fairness, we could have stuck with only PTrains for 4.3s. Given our ZoI limitations and the RP history we have that limits where we can trade, access to general 4.3s doesn't seem remotely out of line to me. And frankly I'm at a loss for why Pirate Trains are somehow distinctive from any other 4.3s. It can't be crew concerns, because Freelancers can field Bustards, Passenger Liners, and Geishas. It can't be economy balance, because if anything a Shire is going to carry less than a Pirate Train due to turrets taking cargo space. And it can't really even be a matter of legality now that there's a path to getting legal rights to using them in any space we could legally be in to begin with.

At this point I've said all I have to say. My position has been made clear, the opposing position has been made clear, and from there we'll leave it to the admins.
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