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Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Small.Fish

Kills: Emerald.Dragon, a Gaian Raba

Circumstances: Gaian frigate spotted and terminated in New London.


Payment owed: 100,000 SC
Your name: Semtex

Where the money is going: Semtex

Kills: DTR-Mors_Tenaci

Circumstances: Corsair transport with a minor escort spotted and attacked. Made the best of it.


Payment owed: 10.000 SC
Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Small.Fish

Kills: RPA|PRW-Nodens, a Molly Gunboat

Circumstances: Molly gunboat spotted and terminated in Dublin.


Payment owed: 100,000*2 + 50,000 = 250,000 SC
[Image: hqfqJV6.png]
[Image: BhgLogo.png]

Nova Blackwood
Bounty Hunter

》》》Location: Planet Curacao, Cortez
》》》To: Bretonian Armed Forces Contracts Board
》》》Subject: Bounty Claim

》》》July 29th, 830 A.S.

Good eve,

Nova Blackwood here, the bounty hunter who's got somethin' you might be mighty interested in.

Lookin' forward to hearin' back from ya real soon!

Ciao for now.

》》》Steaming Data
Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Small.Fish

RPA|PRW-Saoradh, a Molly Gunboat
MV-Limerick, a Molly Cruiser
0xSurveyor, a Smuggler

Circumstances: Hostile fleet eliminated in New London. Later, intercepted and destroyed a smuggler.


Payment owed: 100,000 + 50,000 (RPA|PRW-Saoradh) + 100,000 + 150,000 (MV-Limerick) + 150,000 (support bonus for the two Mollys) + 100,000 (0xSurveyor) = 650,000 SC
Proof of outstanding payments (adjusted for 5.0 deflation) must be posted or the bounty board will be closed and your faction's right to create or sponsor Bounty Boards will be suspended.


Payments complete.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
[Image: hqfqJV6.png]
[Image: BhgLogo.png]

Nova Blackwood
Bounty Hunter

》》》Location: Quantum Outpost, Kansas
》》》To: Bretonian Armed Forces Contracts Board
》》》Subject: Bounty Claim

》》》November 15th, 833 A.S.

Good eve,

Nova Blackwood here, the bounty hunter who's got somethin' you might be mighty interested in.

Lookin' forward to hearin' back from ya real soon!

Ciao for now.

》》》Steaming Data
[Image: 2aYaEOq.png]
Name: "Bulldog"
Bank Account: BHG|Bulldog

Target: =NWI=CPS-965-Hulunhu
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 100,000 SC

Target: CNS-Gasparilla
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 150,000 SC

Total payment owed: 250,000 SC
[Image: mnGWY6l.png]
[Image: 2aYaEOq.png]
Name: "Bulldog"
Bank Account: BHG|Bulldog

Target: Barco.Antiguo[TBH]
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 100,000 SC

Total payment owed: 100,000 SC
[Image: mnGWY6l.png]
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