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[Image: 2aYaEOq.png]
Name: "Bulldog"
Bank Account: BHG|Bulldog

Target: Gaians)GSS-Greengrass
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 150,000 SC

Target: Gaians)GSS-Waterfall
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 150,000 SC

Total payment owed: 300,000 SC
[Image: mnGWY6l.png]
[Image: 2aYaEOq.png]
Name: "Bulldog"
Bank Account: BHG|Bulldog

Target: Item-1745
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 250,000 SC

Total payment owed: 250,000 SC
[Image: mnGWY6l.png]


Payments complete.

The Bretonian Armed Forces Contracts Board is closed from this moment on until further notice.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!


The Contracts Board has been reopened, with rates adjusted to fit the current situation in the Bretonian Empire. Captain H. Sommerville sends his best wishes to the Bounty Hunters Guild and looks forward to fostering the same level of cooperation as seen prior to the Dublin crisis.

Recommendations may be forwarded directly to Fleet Captain Sommerville on his Neural-Net address or to the Admiralty Board Neural-Net address for review and implementation should they suit the needs of the Armed Forces.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
[Image: 2aYaEOq.png]
Name: "Bulldog"
Bank Account: BHG|Bulldog

Target: Milagros,Salarih
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 50,000 SC + 100,000 SC = 150,000 SC

Target: DTR-CC>Heraklion
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 100,000 SC + 100,000 SC = 200,000 SC

Target: DTR-CCS>Zorro.Blanco
• ID Scan: ID
• Kill Shot: Destruction
• Additional Proof: none

Payable bounty: 50,000 SC

Total payment owed: 400,000 SC
[Image: mnGWY6l.png]


Contracts against blockade runners have been added.

Bounty claims have been paid in full.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

  • User ID: Bessie Bishop
  • Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Contract Board
  • Subject: Bounty Claims

Howdy there,

Got a pair of them Mollys for you, found one loitering in the Cumbria field while I was waiting to interdict blockade runners. Bagged another one when responding to a distress call from a bounty hunter bogged down by Corsairs in Omega-5. No idea how the Mollys got out so far, must be that big damn boat of theirs.

Hunter Callsign: Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop

Claims: 2 Molly bombers: 100,000 credits
Ship Identification: X
Ship destruction: X

Ship Identification: X
Ship destruction: X

Bessie Bishop
BHG Hunter/Tracker



In response to the formation of the Anti-Terrorist Operation Area (ATA), the bonuses offered for ships found in breach of the Dublin blockade have been amended and replaced with contracts against ships found in breach of the ATA. The contract payouts have also received overhaul. Bounty Hunter Guild pilots may freely venture within the operation zone at any time to strike Molly and Corsair ships, or any vessels found in breach of the ATA.

Standing bounties paid.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

  • User ID: Bessie Bishop
  • Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Contract Board
  • Subject: Bounty Claims

Howdy there,

Found a Molly mining ship vacuuming up ore in Dublin, snuffed it out. Ore is scattered to the wind, but it won't be supplying their war chest at least.

Hunter Callsign: Bessie-"The.Bison"

Claims: 1 Molly Hegemon class mining ship (50,000 x2 Dublin bonus): 100,000 credits
Ship Identification: X
Ship destruction: X

Bessie Bishop
BHG Hunter/Tracker



Bounty claim has been paid in full.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
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