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Full Version: To: Mr Chapman
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- Message Class: Textual -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: moderate
To: Richard Chapman
From: Lieutenant Commander Ian Graham
Location: Planet Cambridge

Hello there

I hope this message finds its way, I used the adress of that communication you sent once. Anyways, I've been trying myself on poetry as well after the last times we met, maybe you're interested in the results?
If not this is the time to skip.

I see you carried on, now lets get to the point.

I know its not quite a happy one but maybe you'll be able to enjoy it nonetheless, if not have this.

Ian Graham
[Image: 0YkhaxO.png]

Good morning, Graham.

It's lovely to hear that you share my passion for poetry. It's always pleasant to see how other people express themselves on paper. I do apologize for taking soo long to get back to you, but I've been rather busy recently. I was only able to finish my latest poem yesterday.

I hope you enjoy it.

In case that wasn't to your liking, I thought I'd share one I found in an old book I have.

With Regards,
Richard Chapman

[Image: IXvgIh5.png]