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"Incoming message from the Resistance"

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Resistance Bulletin
News Bulletin of the Leeds Resistance Forces
March 14, 826 A.S.

Bretonia On Fire

Its no surprise to anyone near the embattled House of Bretonia that war has spread all throughout the territory. Over the last few months, the Bretonian war effort that was mostly committed to the Gallic front has now splintered to cover a multitude of new crises.

With the Admiralty's recent decision to annex the Omega-49 system and its most valuable feature, Planet Gran Canaria, a new string of hostilities opened between our House and the Zoners of that system, who had made up most of the planet's inhabitants. Many other smaller groups joined the Zoners' call for assistance, some seeming to help in the evacuation of refugees, and others declaring all out war on any Bretonian vessels or citizenry.

Suddenly, the Admiralty also announced its plans to nationalize the IMG's Aland Shipyard in the Omega-3 System, under the argument that it was to temporarily replace BMM's Southampton Shipyard. Southampton shipyard was destroyed at the end of last year when Gallia pushed its fleets up to a defensive line around planet New London. The IMG outright refused which has resulted in violent clashes.

These moves, combined with the Gallic push, has compiled many new enemies within the Omegas, which has almost equated to the opening of a second front on our southern doorstep. The BAF has been seen engaging many ships in Omega-3 that have also joined the IMG, who have decided to break ties with Bretonia, and put up an armed resistance to the takeover.

Resistance Endures in Leeds

In order to ensure we don't fall behind in Leeds, an effort is now being made to draw up a long term, regular Resistance Force, comprising mostly of remaining militia ground forces, civil defenders and privateers. The SIS have remained active in the system despite diverted resources, and are sprearheding a plan for long term resistance. Transmission Link

In conjunction with this, Agent Jonas Hudson of the SIS has begun coordination of the efforts, and has issued a general warning to surface forces to anticipate possible retaliatory measures or surprise 'decapitating' attacks. Transmission Link

Start of a wider war?

Both situations have complicated Bretonia's stance. The IMG are now outlawed in Bretonia, and may lose all of its stations within the territory. Rheinland's ALG have openly joined the IMG in their declaration of open hostilities toward's Bretonia, with others rumored to follow. With the Corsairs joining the battles there, Omega-49 and New London, our forces are now heavily embroiled along our borders.

Meanwhile, Rheinland has taken no direct action, as it is still committed to its own war with Kusari in the Sigmas, a conflict that has seemed to simmer lately, after a brutal series of opening battles that has lead to a long stand off.

Other factions now seem likely to take a side in the conflict, similar to Omega-49, as the IMG's decision to resist has incited many to suddenly shift their stance to neutral, or join with the IMG, which seems to be the case with ALG Waste Disposal. The IMG, who have long standing ties with many factions throughout Sirius, has drawn much sympathy, which could provoke more parties to lean towards Gallia.

With all of these new developments, those still resisting occupation in Leeds are watching and waiting with hope that Bretonia's fighting forces can prevail in these theatres, so we can continue to chip away at the Gallic war machine. Leeds resisters are advised to conserve ammunition and basic supplies even more than usual, and make every effort to avoid openly engaging the Gallic Royal Navy until we have re-organized our forces.

More in the coming days.

~Resistance Bulletin.



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...LRF Recuitment Center Link



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...LRF Recuitment Center Link

"Incoming message from the Resistance"

Resistance Bulletin
News Bulletin of the Leeds Resistance Forces
May 17, 826 A.S.

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Leeds Resistance Boasts NEMP Launcher and warheads

The Leeds Resistance Forces have secured an NEMP Launcher and Warheads, and have readied the weapon system to be deployed on short notice. This is in preparation to for a retaliatory strike in response to any possible surprise assaults on BAF/ Resistance bases in Leeds.

We are prepared to strike a critical target in the Gallic supply chain, such as the newly completed Leeds -> New London jumpgate, or the Leeds plantary mooring fixture. We are now seeking more NEMP bombs to increase our arsenal, and build an NEMP 'umbrella'.

A warning to civilian vessels will be attempted prior to attacks on along the lane network.

~Resistance Bulletin.

"Incoming message from the Resistance"

Resistance Bulletin
News Bulletin of the Leeds Resistance Forces
August 12, 826 A.S.

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Civil Unrest and Humanitarian Crisis engulfs Leeds RIOTING BREAKS OUT OVER FEAR OF ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT

Mass civil unrest is breaking out all over the Planet Leeds this evening, after events that occured over the weekend that suggest the final battles are occuring in the Gallic invasion of Bretonia.

In New London, Gallic Battlegroups appear to have bypassed the Kensington junction and have been seen in close orbit of New London, almost right on top of Allied positions. Several waves of enemy ships launched assaults on BAF and Liberty Navy defense forces over the weekend in close combat near Thames Outpost. This push has committed the Bretonian/Libertonian fleets to constant battle over the planet once more.

Meanwhile on Leeds, civilians learned that the Battleship Montmorency arrived in orbit accompanied by a flotilla of low orbit destroyers, that seem to have taken up position surrounding the planet in preparation for a massive bombardment. BAF intelligence has issued an urgent warning [LINK] about such a possibility, and urged citizens to flee the planet or take extreme cover. It is believed this move has been made to prepare a retaliation in the event of a failure to secure the New London system by the Gallic Royal Navy. The LRF has called upon the people of Leeds to resist in all forms available.

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As mass fear now grips the the planet, riots and civil unrest have broken out in pockets throughout major cities, and some terrorism has struck at military targets. There has been no communication from the occupation forces on the matter, and it seems this could lead to a general breakdown in civil services.

Should this occur the civilian population of Leeds would likely land in a large humanitarian crisis once again, with shortages of food and water expected. Crime is expected to be out of control for the immediate future. All citizens are advised to flee to underground protection if at all possible, or stay in their homes. Damage from rioting and protests have caused breakdowns in major transporation services and fires have broken out in several major cities.

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The LRF will be evacuating refugees until this crisis has lifted. All civilian transports willing to assist in evacuations are asked to contact the LRF.

~Resistance Bulletin.

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September 12, 826 A.S.

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Leeds Completely Destroyed

This is former LRF leader Jonas Hudson broadcasting.

I'm still alive and can report that the LRF successfullly evacuated most of its vessels and personnel from the Leeds System during the bombardment period, which began not long after our last broadcast. Once all of my people and ships were out safely I dissolved the organization as we no longer had purpose, as the planet had become lost and Gauls were about to withdraw from the system.

Sadly, we also had many people on the ground we now must consider KIA by this monstrous attack, and we lost a few good pilots, crews and some refugees in the frey. We had no choice but to leave many behind, but for months helped expedite the evacuation of refugees from Leeds just to liberate as many as we could from the scourge of the Gallic boot. Of those children of Leeds that survived, I hope they will take the cards life has thrown them and try to make a good hand for themselves. To those civilian ships who stepped up to make last minute evacuations, we thank you.

I finally returned to Leeds to do a low orbital fly by and assess the situation. I was hopeful that we may have been able to make contact with survivors of a base we were trying to establish underground. Yet we picked up no response to our hails and indeed have picked up no RF signals or energy readings of any kind from the surface. It appears the planet may be a total loss, with only those who made it off the surface weeks ago surviving. [Leeds Flyby]

The planet has now visibly become strewn with high amounts of dust and toxic gas from volcanic activity and explosions caused by the Gallic siege weapons. Planetary weather systems appear dramatically shifted. Barely any details of the once highly lit cities can be seen anymore from orbit, and the planet may no longer be hospitable to any life. Hope of finding any survivors appears to be fading.

News of the collapse of the Kingdom of Gallia has lightened the blow, yet the devastation's impact has only begun to be felt by the people of Bretonia, and all of Sirius. The implimentation of this planet killing tactic calls for the Houses of Sirius to develop some kind of defensive technology to counter what could become a very dangerous threat to our worlds in the future. Although the Gallic Royal Navy and Marine Royal Gauloise are in disarray after the blunders of King Charles, the remnants within this 'Royalist Enclave' clinging to life on the outskirts of Sirius still pose a threat to Sirians and Bretonia. This "victory", this war's "end", is bitter-sweet.

In lieu of the terrible way Leeds came to an end, there will be those of us who will continue to work against any forces still loyal to King Charles, or his former criminal dogs in hiding, and I will personally continue to work against any such entities in any way I can. We lost too many on Leeds and New London to let go that easily. Revenge is mandated in this case; avenging our lost comrades and families... and I hope there will be others that will also take up that torch. There are still many Gallic officers that need to be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity, and traitors to be exposed!

Leeds shall be avenged.

Signing off,

[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
Jonas Hudson

....signal cut....