09-25-2023, 01:59 AM
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From: John Connasby, Executive Officer of the Dolaucothi
To: RPA Command & Minister J. Burns
Subject: Logistics & Maltese Visitors.
Evening Commanders, & Minister Burns.
Connasby here, reporting in, Dolaucothi just got done running the fields for a bit. Three solid trips, totalling 8,235 units of Hegemon purified Gold Ore.
Asides that, we had a couple of Outcasts show up at Cinnacht, both in strike craft. They chatted a bit, brought up some trade things... I don't know, i'm just a miner, we chatted for a bit and went our seperate ways.
I've attached the logs below, along with the Connacht gold level.
Right, uh, thats me. This net stuff isn't my docket normally.
Connasby signing off.
[24.09.2023 23:24:22] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: CO: Uh, Got something on scans... Looks like a... Outcast...?
[24.09.2023 23:24:29] Cimitarra: I will make a wild guess and assume you're from this so-called "Republican Provisional Assembly".
[24.09.2023 23:25:07] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: CO: [Some background chatter, briefly.] Affirmative, Outcast. May i inquire as to your presence here?
[24.09.2023 23:25:31] Cimitarra: Some tourism, checking our far neighbours here and there.
[24.09.2023 23:25:47] Cimitarra: I can see you're doing pretty good for yourselves, albeit the corsairs sure seem a pest.
[24.09.2023 23:26:33] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: CO: The Assembly is doing well at getting the movement back organised... As for the Corsairs, bah. They're a nuisance.
[24.09.2023 23:26:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Though a quiet one as of late.
[24.09.2023 23:27:07] Cimitarra: Well I'd say they're still a common sight around here.
[24.09.2023 23:27:24] Cimitarra: Not only that, but I even saw a squid some days ago.
[24.09.2023 23:27:58] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Common enough, thats true. Though the larger raids have petered out to a rare occurance... Couldn't say about the uh... Squids.
[24.09.2023 23:28:25] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Don't seem to show up in Bretonia, and we don't venture the Tau's too much.
[24.09.2023 23:28:25] Cimitarra: It didn't seem to cause some trouble though, likely it was heading towards the Omegas.
[24.09.2023 23:28:29] Cimitarra: Still a concerning sight.
[24.09.2023 23:28:59] Cimitarra: Anyhow, would the RPA be interested in making some deals with a few folks from Malta?
[24.09.2023 23:29:17] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Can't say its been high on the list...
[24.09.2023 23:29:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: But i'm sure the Assembly's leadership wouldn't be against talking it over.
[24.09.2023 23:29:41] Cimitarra: Well consider it an unplanned offer.
[24.09.2023 23:29:56] Cimitarra: I saw one of your suppliers earlier.
[24.09.2023 23:30:13] Cimitarra: I asked him to check out that base, Goldgeist, by the mining field.
[24.09.2023 23:30:30] Cimitarra: It seems they're looking to sell gold at 2,500 bucks per unit.
[24.09.2023 23:30:41] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: That bloody cursed base. We'll deal with them eventually.
[24.09.2023 23:30:44] Cimitarra: Or wait, nah, it was 2,200.
[24.09.2023 23:30:58] Cimitarra: I expected as much, but hear me out.
[24.09.2023 23:31:07] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Guess they're trying to undercut us. Not surprirsing.
[24.09.2023 23:31:16] Cimitarra: You should get some folks docking by and grabbing the gold.
[24.09.2023 23:31:33] Cimitarra: Then stock Connacht which sells at 2,500.
[24.09.2023 23:31:48] Cimitarra: Just an idea.
[24.09.2023 23:32:14] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Heh, bloody underhanded one at that. But you're right. Maybe some of our unaffiliated friends might be willing to indulge.
[24.09.2023 23:32:27] Cimitarra: !
[24.09.2023 23:32:49] Cimitarra: See how long they take until they find out why their stock gets dry so often.
[24.09.2023 23:33:21] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Most of their miners already seem to have abandoned the system out of concern of the increased presence of our ships.
[24.09.2023 23:33:51] Cimitarra: I caught two freelancer miners just today by the way.
[24.09.2023 23:33:59] Cimitarra: One of them got killed for testing my patience.
[24.09.2023 23:34:33] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Eh. Can't say it's the first time i've heard that happening.
[24.09.2023 23:34:41] Cimitarra: Sure won't be the last,
[24.09.2023 23:34:51] Cimitarra: Name's DanielBoone, by the way.
[24.09.2023 23:34:56] Cimitarra: Serenity transport.
[24.09.2023 23:35:04] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Some bloody Bowex recently got caught by one of our ships.
[24.09.2023 23:35:08] Cimitarra: If your folks see it, don't expect any sort of reason out of him.
[24.09.2023 23:35:12] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: The man flew into the bloody sun!
[24.09.2023 23:35:20] Cimitarra: That's a new one.
[24.09.2023 23:35:27] Cimitarra: He did it on purpose?
[24.09.2023 23:35:47] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Seemed like it. Don't know what the corporate types are doing to their bloody workers these days to elicit that response.
[24.09.2023 23:36:32] Cimitarra: They're basically slaves at this point.
[24.09.2023 23:36:40] Cimitarra: So it's unsurprising they'd choose to kill themselves.
[24.09.2023 23:37:14] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well... more people rise up out of places like Spargue every week. We'll push them back eventually... Sooner than they think.
[24.09.2023 23:37:15] Cimitarra: Looks like the Starfleet decided to come by and pay a visit as well.
[24.09.2023 23:37:26] HS>Resurreccion: Saludos.
[24.09.2023 23:37:32] Cimitarra: Hail.
[24.09.2023 23:37:34] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Evenin' Outcast.
[24.09.2023 23:38:35] Cimitarra: If we get some deals going on, we may even send some of our ships to keep unwanted attention out, who knows.
[24.09.2023 23:38:41] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Guess word of our work really must be spreading, getting multiple outcasts wandering on down here.
[24.09.2023 23:39:05] HS>Resurreccion: Other Outcasts have wandered down as well?
[24.09.2023 23:39:11] Cimitarra: He's referring to me.
[24.09.2023 23:39:49] Cimitarra: I've been checking the place for a while now.
[24.09.2023 23:40:01] HS>Resurreccion: Mmm... I see.
[24.09.2023 23:40:13] HS>Resurreccion: Unfortunate, but. Not unsurprising.
[24.09.2023 23:40:32] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well. I don't know what talk the bosses might feel like having. Be honest i don't think they'll be too interested in the, uh...
[24.09.2023 23:40:40] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: *Typical* Outcast trade.
[24.09.2023 23:40:49] Cimitarra: That's no problem from me.
[24.09.2023 23:41:04] Cimitarra: I very much assumed cardamine wasn't your thing.
[24.09.2023 23:41:44] Cimitarra: Still, we can get stuff moving and I've been looking for more incomes other than cardamine as of late.
[24.09.2023 23:43:11] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: But as it stands we've got no fight with the people of Malta, so won't be any issues if any of you want to stop around.
[24.09.2023 23:43:27] Cimitarra: Sure thing.
[24.09.2023 23:43:45] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: And if some Corsairs end up dusted as a result, well, more power to you.
[24.09.2023 23:44:03] HS>Resurreccion: The last group we ran into didn't want us to stick around.
[24.09.2023 23:44:14] HS>Resurreccion: How much weight do you have around here.
[24.09.2023 23:44:24] Cimitarra: Who was that?
[24.09.2023 23:44:56] HS>Resurreccion: Not sure. Some other subcell of the Molly's.
[24.09.2023 23:44:57] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Assembly doesn't run the whole movement. But we can pull some weight with the independent Mollys. But they're always able to-
[24.09.2023 23:45:04] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: -ignore us and do their own thing.
[24.09.2023 23:45:25] Cimitarra: Well I'm sure they won't see it much of a problem if we bring something on the table.
[24.09.2023 23:45:27] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Theres at least one other active group, a minor group of... Ah... *Particularly enthusiastic*? Mollys?
[24.09.2023 23:45:32] Cimitarra: So in that regard, it's understandable.
[24.09.2023 23:45:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Wrangling the Rager's has been a bit of a task...
[24.09.2023 23:46:19] HS>Resurreccion: If you ever need a hand up to get ahead, talk to us.
[24.09.2023 23:46:33] HS>Resurreccion: As I'm sure Cimitarra already mentioned
[24.09.2023 23:46:57] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: They're a pretty minor band though. So long as you're not bringing Cardamine down into our territory we shouldn't have issues.
[24.09.2023 23:47:01] Cimitarra: Yup, if there's some deal out of it, I could tell my boys to come by and offer assistance keeping the place clean.
[24.09.2023 23:47:19] Cimitarra: I hear ya, no cardamine.
[24.09.2023 23:47:20] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well, i'll pass that up to the Chancellor, and i imagine he'll get in touch when he can.
[24.09.2023 23:47:46] Cimitarra: Good, he can contact Ivan Gutierrez for any inquiries.
[24.09.2023 23:48:52] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: I'll pass that along. I'm sure we could work something out.
[24.09.2023 23:49:26] Cimitarra: Cool.
[24.09.2023 23:49:32] Cimitarra: Anyhow, I won't bother you any further.
[24.09.2023 23:49:33] HS>Resurreccion: Do you ever deal in anything besides Gold?
[24.09.2023 23:50:10] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: We don't export much else personally. But we've got access to a few extra markets, like the Sirius Coalition.
[24.09.2023 23:50:27] HS>Resurreccion: Mmm...
[24.09.2023 23:50:30] HS>Resurreccion: Anyone else?
[24.09.2023 23:50:40] Cimitarra: The Hessians I can gues.
[24.09.2023 23:50:43] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: So we sometimes act as middle distributors of goods originating from the Coalition, Hessians.
[24.09.2023 23:50:53] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: It's not come up, but we do have clean access to Gallia and Kusari markets as well.
[24.09.2023 23:51:08] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Liberty and Rheinland don't like us, but Kusari and Gallia don't bother our transports.
[24.09.2023 23:51:39] HS>Resurreccion: Intriguing.
[24.09.2023 23:51:41] Cimitarra: Also the large portion of Bretonian black market is under Mollys control.
[24.09.2023 23:52:11] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Lot of goods do pass through the Hood as well, which is IMG territory, but we use it as a mid point as wel.
[24.09.2023 23:52:30] Cimitarra: Those miners have been a nuisance on the Taus for the last decades.
[24.09.2023 23:52:45] Cimitarra: Doubt we're welcomed there, anyways.
[24.09.2023 23:52:59] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: So, aye. While we personally only really deal in Gold, we can get access to plenty other markets if it interests.
[24.09.2023 23:53:03] Cimitarra: But if your folks act as middle-man, then that's all we need.
[24.09.2023 23:54:21] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Asides that, Outcast ships are free to take avantage of our civil depot here regardless of anything else.
[24.09.2023 23:54:50] HS>Resurreccion: How well has the Blessing been recieved among southern Sirius?
[24.09.2023 23:55:00] HS>Resurreccion: I rarely hear of them.
[24.09.2023 23:55:55] HS>Resurreccion: Mm?
[24.09.2023 23:56:12] Cimitarra: Cardamine's not very popular on the Omegas.
[24.09.2023 23:56:23] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Couldn't tell you how wel it goes in most of central Bretonia myself.
[24.09.2023 23:56:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: I'm sure plenty of aristocratic prats have nothing better to do with their money though.
[24.09.2023 23:56:51] HS>Resurreccion: Shame.
[24.09.2023 23:57:01] Cimitarra: They spend it with Gallic souvenirs.
[24.09.2023 23:57:05] HS>Resurreccion: At least one day they will all grow to love it.
[24.09.2023 23:57:19] Cimitarra: Kind of ambitious.
[24.09.2023 23:58:15] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Ah, well, thats your business.
[24.09.2023 23:58:21] HS>Resurreccion: Regardless.
[24.09.2023 23:58:34] HS>Resurreccion: Do any other commodities go well here?
[24.09.2023 23:59:34] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well, any form of armaments and munitions are always welcome. Preferably off-grid ones.
[25.09.2023 00:00:37] Cimitarra: Fetching guns and ammo from Detroit wouldn't be much of a problem.
[25.09.2023 00:01:32] HS>Resurreccion: Alternatively, we could probably scrounge up some more...
[25.09.2023 00:01:37] HS>Resurreccion: exotic weaponry
[25.09.2023 00:02:16] HS>Resurreccion: Perhaps some unregulated edge worlds black market arms might sell well, then?
[25.09.2023 00:02:31] Cimitarra: Oh yeah, that's also good stuff.
[25.09.2023 00:02:32] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: We've had a couple of dealings for some of that Omicron type stuff, or other more high grade arms. Rare though.
[25.09.2023 00:02:41] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Can be hard for most people to get ahold of it.
[25.09.2023 00:03:30] HS>Resurreccion: Interesting.
[25.09.2023 00:04:40] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Either way, we can always find the credits to front for weapons. And if things keep at their current rate, Connacht should-
[25.09.2023 00:04:58] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: -always be stocked with gold to be taken back up north-sirius way.
[25.09.2023 00:05:23] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: If its not, well. Send us a message and we'll get that fixed.
[25.09.2023 00:07:57] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Anyway, aye, apologies, but we've gotta get moving. Somebodies got to keep this place supplied.
[25.09.2023 00:08:18] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well. Till Bretonia decides to try and blow it up at least. Heh.
[25.09.2023 00:08:23] Cimitarra: Sure mate, no worries.
[25.09.2023 00:08:31] HS>Resurreccion: Good day.
[25.09.2023 00:08:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Safe flights, Outcasts.
> End of Transmission <