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Full Version: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications
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From: Nora Rees Brennan, Mull Base
To: Arranmore Base
Subject: Calling the kin

To those still out there.

I believe introduction's in order. Name's Nora Rees Brennan, and our collective of bright minds elected me to manage the daily routines here, and to represent the Mull base in external matters. I haven't called sooner as I've been informed of Crownies breaching the "Maguire", and we've had our hands tied patching up the backdoor, as well as getting accustomed to intesified lawful activity here in Newcastle. But the comms should be secure for a good few moments while we're seeking a workaround.

Following Shillelagh's departure of the system, we've scaled down our operations to regular smuggling activities and assembling generic weapon, a good portion of which was frequently shipped to Arranmore in small quantities, typically on freighters, as we had to adapt our tactics to slip past the patrols and Dublin blockade alike. Smaller quantities than usual, but definitely enough to keep the gears greased, and the spirits high.

Our smugglers bring back news that our device made quite the impact, and that some Cretan rats breached in as Crownies fled with their pants down. If anything's needed for a plan to snuff them out - we're ready to take on it, but forging such an order will require time, as we're still refilling our stockpiles: even destabilising a jump gate was a daunting task that bled our storages dry. We will do what's needed and improvise, if necessary - we are the Mollys' brightest minds, and best artisans for a good reason.

This message better find someone alive. Don't keep us in the dark.

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From: Hornviper
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: Gold to Technocrats.

That's Hornviper.

Once recieve a signal for Gold Delivery an old Shire have launched into space and managed to deliver 16.800 units of Gold to Inverness at the designated point. On the way back to Dublin our Crew had obtained 16.800 units of Black Market Pharmaceuticals from Valran Citadel and successfully delivered back to Dublin, Arranmore Station.

Jack out.

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From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Hornviper
Subject: RE: Gold to Technocrats.

Good morning, Mr. Hornviper.

Excellent work completing these deliveries in such a short time, and good thinking in acquiring those Pharmaceuticals - our injured pilots need all the help they can get.

The fee for the first shipment has already been paid, and I am transferring the rest of your bonus now.

Matthew Jamie Burns

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From: PRW Insurrection CO
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: A New Station

This is the Insurrection.

We are reporting a brief but successful incursion into New London. It mostly mounted to scanning traffic around the gates in-system, but we did manage to extort a Crown transport for some funds for our movement and swiftly withdraw.

We are now moored at Trafalgar and are going to continue monitoring the situation from here. If the Corsairs, Bounty Hunters or Crown forces launch an incursion into Dublin, we will be in position to give warning and respond.

Insurrection out.

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From: PRW Kimberly CO
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: Junker Interference

Alright, chaps? Captain Granger of the Kimberly here.

We've had a tiny bit of an incident with Junkers coming in and nabbing the shinies. Wouldn't give it a second thought normally, especially since they were buyin' from a fellow kindred miner, but we've followed them out of curiosity and found out they're taking the ore out of Dublin. Not only that, they offloaded it on Forti- Fortitu-what's-its-face... FOR-TI-TU-DI-NE base. You know, that station that basically shouts "Hey, we're working for the old Crown company!" every once in a while?

Anyway, after that stunt they still came back into Dublin, despite knowing we were out there. Things you do for greed, eh? We've interrogated them, charged them a fee and instructed them to piss off, but you know Junkers, they just can't go a week without tryin' to cross someone. They're bound to be back, so maybe we ought to step up our war efforts and get rid of the source of the problem? I'm attaching the transcripts and flight logs for you lot.

Granger out.

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From: Scott Oakwood
To: All Mollys
Subject: Status update

Is this thing working? Hello, Scott here.

Just made it back to Dublin after those fights in Leeds. Had a good chat with the lads and lasses on Foyle. Seems we've taken quite a beating lately, with many of our ships in the repair docks.

It's been floating around that there's an upcoming convoy with some tech that could make our lives a whole lot harder. We need to have our ships ready to fight for the cause.

Someone mentioned that some Gallians in Orleanais were willing to trade engine components for our gold, so I pulled together a crew to fly the old Galley out there and meet them for the exchange. These engine components would come in handy, no doubt. I really hope they're as reliable as they say, because we're going to need them.

The deal went smoothly. We've got the parts now; let's hope they perform as advertised. See the details in the attached files.

Scott out.

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From: Guy Richards Weston ( That Annoying Drunkard / Truly Unfortunate / Anotha Day Anotha Haul )
To: All Mollys
Subject: An appeal

My friends, the crown is quickly tightening the knot around our throats!

Surely you must be thinking, "but Guy, the crownies have already been on our butts since day one", but this week was a nightmare! The Anotha Day Anotha Haul was intercepted not once, not twice, but THREE separate times! Twice by the dastardly (picture displays incident 1) Captain Archibald of the HMS Naseby, and again by this one Bounty Hunter, "Bessie the Bison". It's true that our ship doesn't have a long history to draw much of a pattern from, but let me assure you, this is most unusual (our track record otherwise was clean) - they make incursions directly into Dublin for this! Unfortunately, I couldn't capture images of the last two incidents, but I do some relevant flight logs attached below...

There seems to have been a considerable increase to the Armed Forces' efforts to block off Dublin from the rest of the sector. Most alarmingly, during one of my trips, I thought I had just evaded that pants-on-head Captain in the New London system - when he and his ship appeared right in the middle of my vector right towards Foyle, in the Dublin system! They're going as far as employing advanced transversal systems such as jump drives to stop our operations! ... To stop a SINGLE Pilgrim Liner, and who knows how many more?!

My friends, this is most troublesome. I am already making inroads to curb the Armed Forces' increased brazen aggression in the Dublin system. To each action, there must be a reaction! The Gold - OUR Gold, that WE'VE earned for OURSELVES - must flow!

See you in space - warm up your neutron batteries!

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From: Chief C. O'Reilly
To: Provisional Republic Fleet Command
Subject: After Action Report

This is Banshee Actual.

At approximately 1700 hours yesterday, a Corsair raiding party was intercepted in Dublin, likely a move against the Mining Corps' operations. Fleet Command ordered all raiders destroyed before they could threaten our miners.

Corsair Raiders

Arma.Loca|Sails - Evocatus-class fighter-bomber - SHOT DOWN
Anguish|Sails - Praetorian-class bomber - SHOT DOWN
DTR-CNS>God's_Mercy - Praefect-class cruiser - DISABLED
Noche.Eterna|Sails - Tribunus-class battlecruiser - DISABLED
DTR-CC>Averof;Cornelius - Praefect-class cruiser - DISABLED

Republic Fleet

Gold.Reaper - Wolfhound-class fighter - RETURNED
[M]-Free.Dublin - Harrier-class fighter - ORDERED TO WITHDRAW
RPA|Banshee-1 - Harrier-class fighter - RETURNED
RPA|Eric:Longton - Beetle-class fighter - ORDERED TO WITHDRAW
RPA|Shane.Rafferty - Harrier-class fighter - HELD IN RESERVE / SHOT DOWN
RPA|Neil.Long - Harrier-class fighter - SHOT DOWN
RPA|PRW-Abhartach - Scylla-class destroyer - DISABLED
RPA|PRW-Noblesse.Oblige - Bustard-class carrier - DISABLED
MRS-Bradford - Scylla-class destroyer - DISABLED
RPA|PRW-Golden.Republic - Scylla-class destroyer - RETURNED
RPA|PRW-Lough.Caragh - Hel-class cruiser - RETURNED

Engagement commenced near the remains of the jump gate, where allied patrols identified a Deterrence cruiser invading our territory. It was quickly reinforced by a Black Sails bomber wing. It's my understanding that the two Corsair factions are at odds with each other, unless it comes to fighting us. Fleet Command responded by deploying a destroyer escorted by a fighter patrol. However, the destroyer was quickly disabled by the enemy cruiser without inflicting significant damage.

Unexpectedly, a Black Sails battlecruiser arrived by the use of a jump tunnel and shot down one of our reserve fighters. They were then joined by another Deterrence cruiser. Fleet Command ordered some of our fighters to withdraw and authorised the deployment of the Noblesse Oblige and two additional destroyers.

All raiders were destroyed in a prolonged, bloody engagement. Hostile forces were outnumbered, but outclassed ours in terms of skill and experience, and were able to inflict heavy damage on our fleet. Despite the casualties, the PRF left no survivors on the enemy side and was able to commence search and rescue, salvage collection, and resumed regular operations in short order.

Result: Pyrrhic Molly Victory.

Long live Free Dublin.

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Provisional Republic Fleet Command
To: All PRF Personnel
Subject: Gate Anomaly

To all soldiers of the Provisional Republic Fleet:

Due to the danger posed by the sudden activation of the New London jump gate and the unidentified anomaly forming within, all units are instructed to maintain a minimum distance of at least 5 klicks from the gate wreck at all times. All patrol paths are to be adjusted accordingly.

Any units operating in the gate wreck's vicinity will be issued additional protective equipment.

Long live Free Dublin.

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: PRS Birmingham CO, Free Dublin Shipping Company
To: Assembly Command
Subject: Gallic Affairs

Good evening.

We've been probing the Gallic market for gold shipping, and since we're not exactly welcome there, it seems we've garnered interest from local authorities. Said authorities ended up being Gallic National Intelligence assets with a proposition for the Assembly, which I am relaying now.

They want our intel on Bretonian movements. They also want to be able to station GNI assets on one of our bases, ostensibly to conduct recon on the Crownies.

In exchange, they're prepared to offer access to Gallia for our shipping, as well as access to an up-and-coming Gallic trading station in Tau-23. Of course, I did not agree to anything on the spot, seeing as working with spooks, especially Gallic spooks, might be a tad controversial for parts of out movement. But it may be worth considering - Gallia pays well for gold, indeed.

I am attaching the relevant logs for your review. They let us go without incident, but they're going to be expecting some form of answer in the future. Until then, further trips into Gallia may have to be suspended.

Long live Free Dublin.

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