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group piracy.... 1 BIG transport... 1 anti-fighter gunboat and a bomber.....

Go to Tau 23/29/37..... Pirate IMG/CR mining ships.... sell noibium yourself.... or stay 1 system from the selling point and blast them to bits... make sure the trader is a merc so he can land on the base (given his rep allows it)


Get Sarissa/Ranseur/group of bombers
Got to Omnicron Eta... kill sair Osirises in missions.... if your effective enough you can make 8m in 5 minutes

Or if you arent good enough you'll be shred to pieces by a wall of razors, pulses and primes.... ENJOY
' Wrote:Phate also use to pirate solo, because he had the advantage of being like 2 miles from the server majkp hosted, now since he cant uber pwnz in his ship, because he lags like everyone else to a certain degree, he relys on a taskforce, He also Over-taxes, and his rp usually moves towards outrageous demands leaning towards pvp whorism, which is why he has lost my respect. I have said it before and I will say it again.
The Lane Hackers are like the 40 yr old, virgin nerds of Discovery, more interested in being 1337 leet, and hacking then, raping and pillaging.

Either way you hash it, Phate's pirating techniques are more lolpirate/gank, then anything.

You sound hurt and vengeful. I hope you'll find peace some day.
I pirated in the beginning.. But now that char is in Alpha protecting Malta. Trading is a more suitable source of income though. Unless you are pirating in Kyosho, (spelling) then you get like 15mil in a couple hours.
you can make a decent source of income out of anything, IF YOU ARE GOOD AT IT. hell, you could make profit out of just siting on the forum and offering insurance to traders, if you know how to calculate the risks and how to sell yourself to them.

just an example.
I've made almost all the money I have through piracy, yes it's very possible.
You most certainly can make loads of money off of piracy.... but you have to be smart about it and take care to make offers that people will accept.

The silver mining craze was great... I bought and kitted a Raba for about 60 mil total, and within two hours of repping it I had make back everything I put into it and another 140 on top of that.

My trick? Don't try to get too much out of any one person. Take little bits from people, as big as you can while still small enough that they think it's either faster or better to just pay you rather than try to run. Cargo piracy setups are great for this since when someone refuses to comply you actually get an even larger profit- the one trader who decided to stake his team's 70 mil load of silver on the chance he could get to Narita before I finished him off probably kicked himself pretty hard. I only demanded 1k from a 5k transport- they still get a lot of their profits (as do I by ratio of profit to work) and when possible I offer to escort a trader I've cargo-pirated the remaining way in case there's Blood Dragons or whatever lurking around.

Out of a dozen traders, eight complied without hesitation. Yeah, I'd probably have made a little more in the short run if I had pirated them for all of their ore, but by keeping it low most of them came back. I was neither bountied nor avoided- just paid.

A little planning goes a long way. I planned on making sure the other players didn't mind my costs, and for that I actually "got rich quick". I highly suggest this philosophy to other would-be pirates.

Oh, and as a side note, pirating with at least one other person really improves your chances- even splitting the money you'll still make more (especially in cargo pirating in the event you end up killing a non-compliant). When your other person is a Phantom it gets even better. :D
someguy on page 2 Wrote:The Lane Hackers are like the 40 yr old, virgin nerds of Discovery, more interested in being 1337 leet, and hacking then, raping and pillaging.

Well I'm a Hacker and I don't pirate for credits, there is a reason I will stay away from the LH Player faction and that is the rule: "You can't transfer money to your character from a non hacker character."

me Wrote:It is the reason we have a bad reputation and it's a reason everyone runs from me when I try to RP with them, I have no idea about any individuals but I've come across a few players who made outrageous demands and when I asked why they told me they needed the credits cause they can't transfer credits...


You shouldn't rely on Pirating as a income, why because it's not roleplay to say three words. Halt, Give, Die.
It's possible, in 4.85 it's actually even easier since cargo-pirating both PCs and NPCs can make a LOT of money. I highly recommend it for the great sense of achievement.

Yes LH has this "stupid" rule about not being able to transfer cash from other chars, it's the single rule that makes playing LH exiting. Things like making enough money when pirating alone in a LF for buying a Sabre and mk8 armor.... or things like making enough money from it with some 6 members to be able to fund our own BS and cap 8 armor. All this without overcharging (we have own guidelines which dictate how much you can ask for) . Only 2 factions can fear for being "overcharged" and they are well aware of it - IC and Ageira.

' Wrote:The Lane Hackers are like the 40 yr old, virgin nerds of Discovery, more interested in being 1337 leet, and hacking then, raping and pillaging.


*loooks in mirror* hmm 25 years and happily married.... must be something wrong

Quote:group piracy.... 1 BIG transport... 1 anti-fighter gunboat and a bomber.....

Go to Tau 23/29/37..... Pirate IMG/CR mining ships.... sell noibium yourself.... or stay 1 system from the selling point and blast them to bits... make sure the trader is a merc so he can land on the base (given his rep allows it)

You, sir, are a jerk, and in my opinion close to violating 0.0. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for you.

' Wrote:*snip [lots of good ideas] snip*

That's why you got rich quick, without many of the nasty consequences. you gained a reputation for fair piracy (if that's possible) and those you pirated left enjoying the game still. Kudos to you.

I feel the Grand Cooperative Mining Experiment has caused a huge inflationary tendency in piracy across the board. It was the "it" way to make gobs of money quickly, or so it was thought. Now, when I am trading standard fair (Boron, Engines, Optical Chips, etc), I can expect to be asked to drop 5-10m credits or anywhere from 50% - 80% of my cargo.

Leaves the trader feeling pretty low about the whole affair. All so the pirate can make the quick credit. I've a couple of pirate characters myself, and even in my bloodhound I tend to get paid more than not, because I ask for small amounts. 100k to 500k. It's a pittance, but when you get 10 traders, all willing to pay you, you've got your 3-4 million for the day, and you don't have to spend the money on new ammo because you didn't have to expend any. I'd also like to think that both parties went on their way happy; I because I was paid and the "victim" because they don't feel nearly as low by being the victim.

Of course you can do it. Use a pirate freighter and make sure you roleplay significantly. Dont be worried about making a run for it and changing systems every 20 minutes or so too.

Cant actually remember the last time I took a trader anywhere. All of my money in the last year has been from pirating.

Id suggest several pirates placed around sirius. If theres nothing doing on one patch have a look on a different one.

Dont over demand. 25% of their cargo is acceptable unless you have a really good RP reason for not liking that person. I dunno maybe they ate your cookies or they support a faction your at war with. Then id suggest taxing them harder.

Good luck.
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