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Hey boys, Zoe is here!

Today I was flying in Omega-3 as I am used to, but a BAF officer didn't like my presence. He should've kept his opinion unsaid. There is the Evidence of his destruction. Seems Crete gotta pay 3,000,000

Hey, you thought it was everything I had? No! I met a bootlenose, belonged to the guild on my back way. Guess what happened with him, huh? Boom! I calculated the payment instead of you, here:3,000,000*1.5=4,500,000
And now don't be greedy and sent cash to CNS-"Red_Devil", ladies like money.

Bye bye, boys!
[Image: amhDrNs.png]

Good day to you.

My name is Xalo Nunes. I'd like to request permission for our group, Freelancing Escorts and Repairs [FL-ER], to be able to hunt certain individuals for Crete. I'm asking this because some of us wouldn't mind hunting some of your enemies for a small reward.

I hope you acept my request and this can become beneficial for both the Cretan Empire and ourselves. I will start uploading some general information regarding our status with some companies, criminals and Houses.


[Image: h3HOjdf.png]
[Image: av-328661.png]

Buens dias Hermann, the payment has been sent to the designated account, keep up the good work.


Buenos dias Custodi, as a Corsair, you don't need to register to hunt on our bounty board.


Buenos dias Zoe, the payment has been sent to the designated account, keep up the good work.


Buenos dias Xalo, your papers check out and your group has been registered on our bounty board. Happy hunting!

VIVA el imperio!

Username removed

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]

From: Ivan Norovich

To: The Corsair Empire bounty board

Subject: Dead scum

Encryption: Default

[Image: ejECf2e.png]

There has been this big fight in Delta, and I managed to take a bite of this big Core ship.

I didn't scan it for any armor upgrades so I'm going to settle for the x1.5 bonus.


[12.12.2016 18:36:07] Death: WV-Echelon was put out of action by [FL-ER]Col.Ivan (Gun).

Credits owned: 4.500000

Payment to: [FL-ER]Col.Ivan

Ivan Norovich out.

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]

BAF|Havoc.IV - 3 000 000
Core|Binary.101 - 3 000 000
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Sid.Fire - 3 000 000
[RM]Fw.Robert.Kerr - 3 000 000

Total: 12 000 000

Account: C::Icarus.Augustopolos
[Image: av-328661.png]

Buens dias, the payments have been sent to the designated accounts, keep up the good work.

VIVA el imperio!
[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]
----Recipient: FL-ER Reporting Centre; Corsair Bounty Board----
----Sender: Lead Engineer Alex Martin----

So this here Molly thought she could stop us digging up some Gold, but we showed her otherwise. Bounty should come to 3.000.000 without any modifiers, you can send that to [FL-ER]Alex.Martin if everything works out.

Till next time,
Stay safe out there
[Image: h3HOjdf.png]
[Image: av-328661.png]

Buens dias, the payments have been sent to the designated account, keep up the good work.

VIVA el imperio!
[Image: RadFNBk.gif]

>>Incoming Transmission.....
Visual Link - Leon Rodriquez
Comm ID: Leon Rodriquez
Subject: Claiming money
Encryption: Casual
Priority: Casual

Hola amigo's,

I hear I am able to get a pay check for doing my dirty deeds, protecting our people, if this is right, then amigo, I will be rico.

Target: Wilde.RNC-Nestor - Rheinland "Oder" Gunboat
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 5,000,000 x 1.5 = 7,500,000

Target: Vagrant.Ningal ~ Light Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 5,000,000

Target: (C~Gabriel.Thorne ~ Outcast "Scimitar" Light Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 3,000,000

Target: Vagrant.Libye ~ Light Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 5,000,000

Target: (C~Jack.Light ~ Outcast "Scimitar" Light Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 3,000,000

Target: Heylel - Light Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 5,000,000

Target: Vagrant.Ningal - Light Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 5,000,000

Target: (C~Bassam.Hussaini - Outcast "Raven's Talon" Very Heavy Fighter
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Gamma
Payment Owed: 3,000,000

Target: Nammu - Gunboat
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Xi
Payment Owed: 5,000,000 x 1.5 = 7,500,000

Target: RNC-Gotha- Rheinland "Tirpitz" Battlecruiser - Visual Evidence
Destruction: Boom
System: Omicron Xi
Payment Owed: 5,000,000 x 1.5 = 7,500,000

Final Payment: 51,500,000
Cash Goes To: Leon.Rodriquez[TBH]

Big pay check si amigo, drinks are on me.

.....Transmission Terminated<<

[Image: mjdhQMo.gif]
[Image: JYA0MYG.gif]

Hola, hermanos y hermanas,

the death of a police officer of the BPA:

Target: BPA)Yctor
System: New London
ID: Aqui
Proof of the kill: Boom

Payment goes to La.Cazadora[TBH]

Viva el imperio!

[Image: GQZTyLH.gif]