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...Incoming Transmission...

From: Arturo Herrera
To: Commander Mia Bonello
Subject: Destroyer ship registration

I'm a Lane Hacker who wants to defend his home againts Liberty and Xenos, and I want to stole Liberty secrets of it researches. Of course I'm here if my allies need help.

Herrera out.

...End of Transmission...
***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Commander Mia Bonello, Corsica***
***Target ID: Arturo Hererra***
***Re: Registration***

I would like to direct you to the first message in this Communications Array, to the heading 'Obtaining an RM-1 Destroyer'. Certain requirements must be fulfilled for a foreign entity to obtain a Destroyer. Bonello out.

***End Transmission***

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Captain Lucius Angelo, Malta
Target ID: The 101st, Outcast Guard Forces Commander Mia Bonello
Topic: Registration of Capital Ship, Class: Outcast Destroyer.

Commander, i wish to hereby register my wish to pilot the Outcast Destroyer currently waiting in the Shipyards. I have fixed the crew needed for the ship, our mission? To assist our allies in their struggle against our common enemies, to enlist and recruit willing pilots to our cause. To strike at the Corsair scum and their allies, many would say that im a monster, but i assure you Commander that what i do is for Malta and the Outcasts.

The Ship name will be OCD-Serpentis.

Thank you for your time.

Captain Lucius Angelo.

User Logged of.

//OOC: Background is up. Background //
***Incoming transmission***

From: Raul Sanchez
To: Commander Mia Bonello
Subject: Capital ship registration

Another RM-1 Outcast Destroyer produced in our shipyards, and stolen before we could act. The destroyer was stolen by a mentally unstable captain and all pilots are advised to stay away or bring bomber support. Call sign -=OUT|LAW=-_Tony. If possible board the ship and return it to our shipyards, if not make sure his wreck stays as a reminder to all other thief's and spies trying to acquire our ships.

Raul Sanchez out

***End transmission***
To: Epyon The Bored, Commanding Officer, 101ST

From: [Zork], Outcast Destroyer Medusa

Subject: Capitol Ship Registration

Cpt. Zork to Lord Epyon,

since i was i little boy, born in manhatten, my grandpa often tells me from the outcasts.

then a hard day comes for me, the corsairs shot a ship... the ship of my father

than i got my first ship, it was a little starflier, and i was gone to search the outcasts...
i want to figh in the name of the outcasts again the corsairs... i will let all these dregs pay...for all

on my jurney i got many friends

one day...i cant remember clearly a friend sends me a message...he found the outcasts.
so i met him and he gave me a lot of money to realize my dreams and hunt the the corsairs.

today, i found planet malta and realized my dream.
now i will fly around and hunt.

...and hold up the outcast flag

best greetings

Cpt. Zork from Outcast Destroyer Medusa

end of transmission


i hope the story is not good in things like that

if u have any questions...write @ mail to me
~Opening Transmission~
~Beginning Holo Feed~
*A Man in a black suit, with his face staring directly into your eyes, does not move and begins to speak*

Greetings, High members of the 101st Guard.

I am here to speak to you about the registration of an Red Hessian Cruiser my name is Lucius Fernando.

I, hereby pledge the Vessel's allegience to Malta, the Orange Dream, Outcast Territory and Holdings.
The destruction of Crete and Tripoli. The defense of Malta, The Rogues, Hackers and the Hessians, Hell, every ally of the Outcasts and our interests to be blunt.

The crew, equipment, funds and the Grand Maltese Flag to be placed on the hull, the last thing the corsairs will see before they are adrift in space dying by the hundreds.

It will serve the purpose of the 101st, Blue Lotus Syndicate and the Shadow Outcast Brigade, and i will glady follow and lead {if needed} into Battle.

The vessel will be designated MNS-Resolution. Indeed it will be the Resolution to the Corsair fleet destruction.

I shall enjoy the flight of this vessel from the Maltese Shipyards if you will humbly accept my intent of registration Praise the Orange Dream, Hail Malta, Bring us victory and plenty of wrecks of Corsair ships, and may their Troops fall infront of the thousands of rifles in our hands.

*Hologram bows and fades*

*Your thoughts swirl about the impending question, you are left with the answer*

~End of Transmission feed.~
***Incoming transmission***

From: Rogelio Chavira
To: Commander Mia Bonello
Subject: Capital ship registration

I would like to register my Outcast Destroyer named:"The.WidowMaker", the main purpose of this vessel will be to protect Malta and its citizens. She will always be on standby to assist the Maltese navy in any of their operations. She is currently having her weapons fitted and hull painted at the Maltan shipyards.

Rogelio Chavira out

***End transmission***

// can i get a reply? its been three days...
' Wrote:// can i get a reply? its been three days...

//I feel you mate, ive waited a little longer. But wel just have to be patient.
***Incoming transmission***

From: Raul Sanchez
To: Capital ship captains
Subject: Capital ship registration

Patience captains, patience. You can not be a captain of such powerful and expensive ships without some patience. Commander Bonello has been informed about your registration, but there are more important things then this. Your applications have been noted, and you are allowed to test basic systems on your ships, if the purchase of said ships has been made. Until commander Bonello approves or disproves your command, stay in Alpha. There is plenty of space here where you can test new ships and their systems.

But be prepared to return these ships to our shipyards should commander Bonello order that.

Raul Sanchez out

***End transmission***
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